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Traveling Abroad

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Check the Japanese embassy website. They used to offer a program for you to teach english to students that have been studying english for years. So, you don't need to speak Japanese, or even be that adept in the rules of English grammar. You basically teach them colloquial English, idiom, and some slang. The upside of doing this is you get airfare paid for and they rent you an apartment for the duration of you visit. Plus, you get a small paycheck and time to take a class or two if I remember correctly.

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Ah, Firenze. Greatest city I've ever visited.
Fantastic place. I love the less known places in Italy. Rome disappointed me greatly, while the best days of my trip were the ones spent in Assisi(sp?).
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Check the Japanese embassy website. They used to offer a program for you to teach english to students that have been studying english for years. So, you don't need to speak Japanese, or even be that adept in the rules of English grammar. You basically teach them colloquial English, idiom, and some slang. The upside of doing this is you get airfare paid for and they rent you an apartment for the duration of you visit. Plus, you get a small paycheck and time to take a class or two if I remember correctly.
there's still programs like that. http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JETProgram/homepage.htmlbefore you do though, you need to read this set of editorials from a guy who just got done with that program this year (even if you don't contemplate it, read these anyway...they're funny as crap):http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/teacher.html
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So i'm thinking about studying abroad. To do this, I basically need to make a decision within the next month. I already have some ideas where I want to go, but would like some input from you guys.If you had the opportunity to study abroad somwhere, where would it be and why? It could be anywhere...but keep in mind that the purpose of the trip is to experience another culture along with taking academic classes in another country.
austrailia is the bomb, come to my place and we will have a bbq and drink extra dry
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Ah, Firenze. Greatest city I've ever visited.
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Firenze. Seriously though, I'm surprised that so many of us have been there.Having traveled around western Europe on a number of occasions, I've got a decent feel for most of the countries. Since you've studied Spanish, I would highly recommend checking out Spain. I studied in Salamanca for about a month, but took trips around the country on the weekends. Barcelona and Madrid are both cool cities...though the former is certainly prettier. If you have some friends with you, check into a little excursion over to the Balearic Islands. I really enjoyed spending a weekend on Mallorca. It's a tourist destination (but more for Europeans than Americans).Like the others have said, Spain is a decent jumping point for the rest of Europe. Italy isn't bad either though.
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I scream. You scream. We all scream for Firenze. Seriously though, I'm surprised that so many of us have been there.
That city is so unbelievable. Honestly, the combination of the physical beauty of the land and the architechture, the richness of the history, the amazing works of art, and the food make it the greatest 'small' city in the world, imo.
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My neice just won a scholarship to the United World College in Singapore. Only Canadian student this year to get in. Myself, I've traveled quite a bit through Vietnam the last few years. Probably not the best place to study but it is nothing like here.

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Spain is awesome. So is Australia. I would go with one of those two.Although Chile is supposed to be great as well if you like nature and crap like that.
Burgundy has been in Chile. He's about to come home. He partied a lot and saw some gorgeous nature. I love France but I've never studied there, I've just been a couple of times. I traveled in Scotland a few years ago for a couple of weeks. Spent that time roaming the highlands. The people are friendly and the country is full of beautiful scenery and historic sites.
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