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I know a Donk's opinion on low pocket pairs, but I was curious as to how more experienced players feel about them. Since I play at lower limits and smaller buyin tourneys I deal with a lot of Donk's making moves with low PP's. The latest one was a 30 person SNG MTT where the guy raised the size of the pot from the SB with pocket 4's. I had K-J suited and was getting about 2.8-1 on my money with the BB at 1/6 of my stack, so when everyone folded to me I figured that the guy was probably holding either A-low off or a sm pp so I re-raised all in as I was on the short stack with 16 left and I was only able to re-raise half of the original raise. I inevitably blanked all the entire board and was out, but I can't get over this move made by what I feel is an obvious donkey. There were four others in the hand who had all limped, so was raising the size of the pot out of position with 44 as bad of a play as I thought or not? He won the hand but as they say play decisions not results so who's play was worse, mine for moving in or his for making the original raise.

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If you're getting 2.8 to 1 on your money and can actually put him on Aces little or a small pair then its a good play. It sounds like you were closing the action, but I am not completely sure. If you are closing then there isn't much you can do.Good play, bad luck.

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Ok quick addition, is it a bad play to make a significant raise from the SB with a low pp and four limpers in the hand?
Almost certainly. You will probably get called, and have to play the rest of the hand out of position with a hand that plays very poorly post flop if you don't hit your set.
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Ok quick addition, is it a bad play to make a significant raise from the SB with a low pp and four limpers in the hand?
Obviously this depends on your opponents but in general, I prefer to see a cheap flop with low pp and hope to spike trips on the flop when I'm out of position. Late position with 4 limpers a pot sized raise will often win the pot right thereor, at worst, get you down to three players or heads up reducing the chance of suited connectors, two gappers etc... catching up on the flop. Just my two cents. ~ Tilt
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I know a Donk's opinion on low pocket pairs, but I was curious as to how more experienced players feel about them. Since I play at lower limits and smaller buyin tourneys I deal with a lot of Donk's making moves with low PP's. The latest one was a 30 person SNG MTT where the guy raised the size of the pot from the SB with pocket 4's. I had K-J suited and was getting about 2.8-1 on my money with the BB at 1/6 of my stack, so when everyone folded to me I figured that the guy was probably holding either A-low off or a sm pp so I re-raised all in as I was on the short stack with 16 left and I was only able to re-raise half of the original raise. I inevitably blanked all the entire board and was out, but I can't get over this move made by what I feel is an obvious donkey. There were four others in the hand who had all limped, so was raising the size of the pot out of position with 44 as bad of a play as I thought or not? He won the hand but as they say play decisions not results so who's play was worse, mine for moving in or his for making the original raise.
You might consider using a stop and go play in this situation - call preflop and then push on any flop. Some players will lay down a hand even if they are committed to the pot, not realizing that they are. The problem is that you had no fold equity preflop with your small raise at that point. Even a small pocket pair would be getting such a good price that they would have to call.His play was not actually that bad if your table was one that commonly has a lot of people that limp with weak hands trying to see a cheap flop. Attacking limpers is a fairly common tournament strategy and an okay way to pad your stack a bit. If you use it too often, you'll get looked up, but it works well on occasion. It does take some heart, knowing that you could be walking into a trap (don't use this play if you see someone at your table slowplay a big pair), and it takes a good read on the table, since if you are at a table full of people that won't fold after they limp in, you are going to have to play out of position with a very weak hand.I have played in a lot of tournaments and seen a lot of terrible plays with little pocket pairs (I've seen limp-allin reraise with pocket 4s-6s at least 3 times in the past week) and I've also seen a lot of very, very questionable calls with them. Just try to get in to see a cheap flop with them unless you get to the ante-stealing level of a tournament. Then, depending on your stack, make a standard raise, but fold to a reraise by a tight player or move in if you have <= 10 BB.
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yep with small PP's limping is the best plus you usually want action. keep the lmpers in so if you get your set you may be able to rack up a huge (like my d.i.ck) pot

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yep with small PP's limping is the best plus you usually want action. keep the lmpers in so if you get your set you may be able to rack up a huge (like my d.i.ck) pot
i generally try to limp and hit a set, then slow play it or check raise it if you think you'll get chased down by weaker hands. get ur money in with the best of it, or fold if you dont hit your set
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I hate the small blind. I would hardly ever raise with a small pocket pair in that position. There's a couple situations where I would. Say there's a buncha limping going on. If I think I can take the pot down there, I'll make the "Barry" play and raise enough to hopefully get everyone to fold(probably 3*BB+number of limpers*BB)... or I'll pull out the Gus Hansen Strategy. Raise and if I get a couple of callers that's fine. Gus says he likes to act first after the flop because he has the first opportunity to bluff. So I bluff bet postflop and hopefully take it down there. Even so, most of the time I'm just looking for the set.PS Tiltinagain.. Nice A$$!!

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