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I Called In Sick Today

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In anyone familar, and can offer some advice on playing Big 2?Its evidently a form of Chinese Poker, and its the 'in' game at the poker club nearby. I started playing it a few nights back and got trounced, whichis something i want to avoid for next time.I'm sure Wang knows it...He is a poker dealer after all
I've never heard of it. Then again, I don't even know how to play Chinese poker.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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well, the way she's been talking lately, it appears that she snorted her driveway clean.
You know I was gone for a while and I can't be on here often enough anymore to keep up with you crazy kids, but it's nice to see the blow jokes are still sprinkled in every now and then.
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8 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)5 Members: Habs Fan, zimmer4141, Randy Reed, Bizzle, Ouch-8sSee this is what i'm talking about. Old School. I'm all for the new gays, but it's nice to see an O.G lineup every now and then.

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8 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)5 Members: Habs Fan, zimmer4141, Randy Reed, Bizzle, Ouch-8sSee this is what i'm talking about. Old School. I'm all for the new gays, but it's nice to see an O.G lineup every now and then.
Yeah, now only if the originals would say something we might have a thread again.
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8 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)5 Members: Habs Fan, zimmer4141, Randy Reed, Bizzle, Ouch-8sSee this is what i'm talking about. Old School. I'm all for the new gays, but it's nice to see an O.G lineup every now and then.
You're my boy, Blue! You're my boy.
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I'd like to put a chick on all fours and tongue her from behind. I'm really getting the itch. Hopefully, I don't pass it along to anyone. I may actually go out and make an attempt to get laid next weekend. We'll see. I'm scared if I break my diet, it will all unravel.Hey Commodore, Outshined came on the radio, and I sang Outchinked. Thanks. Although, it didn't flow like I'd hoped, so I dropped it from the repitoire.Anyone ever consider jerking a dog off when he was all horned up just to watch him splooge?Anyone ever play with a neutered cat or dogs empty nutsack and laugh when they start huffing and puffing? Yeah, me neither.Anyone ever eat too much fiber and bran and salad and just have liquid ass for 3 or 4 days?Anyone wish for a sick thread weekend just to see how hard we'd all try to make each other laugh, but probably end up blowing a guy just to prove you can't be beat at gay chicken?Anyone ever have a one night stand, sober up before you were done, start thinking of an exit strategy, come, use the restroom, formulate your speech, then come out of the bathroom, and say screw it, one more nut ain't gonna kill anyone? Also, worry about giving a wrong phone number in case she tried it right while you were there?Anyone think I spend too much time on the internet while at work?

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Anyone wish for a sick thread weekend just to see how hard we'd all try to make each other laugh, but probably end up blowing a guy just to prove you can't be beat at gay chicken?
No, I'm pretty sure I could be beaten off in gay chicken.
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Well Ron did make me think of a drunken sex story. Many years ago I picked up some skank late at night in a dive bar. We went back to her place and I'm pretty sure I sexed her and passed out. I woke up in the morning to a blow job. I looked at her and realized she was pretty f.cking ugly but who am I to stop a girl in action? Anyway as I was laying back fantasizing I heard her make a weird clunking sound, a gasp and she had stopped with the blowjob. I looked down and her teeth were laying on my c.ock. She grabbed them and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed clothes and ran out the door. Weird drive home.

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Im having a most excellent day!The weather is beautiful, so I took my daughter to Dairy Queen for a Dilly Bar. We sat outside and ate our ice cream as the sun was beating down on us. It was a kodak moment.Then, I had to take my daughter to her kindergarten screening so I can enroll her for kindergarten this fall, and, of course, she passed with flying colors. She must get her smahts from me.Also of note: NC cannot play in the razzament tonight, since he hosts his home games on Thursday nights. And, since Im his Razz protege, you all might as well just send me your money now.Lolli74 on stars.

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Make up sex?
get on all fours
I'm pretty sure this isn't even possible.
I edited it. empty nutsack. I've done it seen it done on a couple of pets.
No, I'm pretty sure I could be beaten off in gay chicken.
I'm pretty sure you'll notice my hands are considerably rougher than last time. I've been lifting weights, in case you haven't heard.
Well Ron did make me think of a drunken sex story. Many years ago I picked up some skank late at night in a dive bar. We went back to her place and I'm pretty sure I sexed her and passed out. I woke up in the morning to a blow job. I looked at her and realized she was pretty f.cking ugly but who am I to stop a girl in action? Anyway as I was laying back fantasizing I heard her make a weird clunking sound, a gasp and she had stopped with the blowjob. I looked down and her teeth were laying on my c.ock. She grabbed them and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed clothes and ran out the door. Weird drive home.
Good god I love you.
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Anyone ever eat too much fiber and bran and salad and just have liquid ass for 3 or 4 days?
I've had quasi-liquid ass for 10995 days. I didn't work out the leap years, but you get the idea.My yearly toilet paper budget is 4 grand.
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I've had quasi-liquid ass for 10995 days. I didn't work out the leap years, but you get the idea.My yearly toilet paper budget is 4 grand.
When I used to work for the American Red Cross, I traveled the 5 state area and stayed in hotels 5 nights a week. One of my co-workers, Quinton, (unbelievably gorgeous, also unbelievably gay, go figure) used to bring a spare duffle bag with him, and steal all the toilet paper from the rooms so he never had to buy it for his house.Did I mention he was gorgeous?
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did anybody else find this to be the funniest part of this whole thing?
Thank you. The entire point was just a set-up for the "I communicate good" joke. That's the first thing I thought of when I started typing, and knew the delivery had to be deadpan to work. I gave up on anyone commenting immediately, because I actually was serious about the rest of the post. Thanks Shake Shizzle
Wang, let your brother know that he is making a terrible life decision by going to Michigan State.That is all.
Yeah, I think he wants to go somewhere different than his older brother, doesn't want to leave the state for tuition reasons, and can't handle the idea of going to Central Michigan, which is where our parents graduated from, and where my old man still has ties to the Business School. Considering he's going into Business, he's worried about nepotism issues or something.Plus his GF is going to MSU, which is the only real reason.
In anyone familar, and can offer some advice on playing Big 2?Its evidently a form of Chinese Poker, and its the 'in' game at the poker club nearby. I started playing it a few nights back and got trounced, whichis something i want to avoid for next time.I'm sure Wang knows it...He is a poker dealer after all
I don't know, but I'll ask around today. I play Chinese poker for about an hour everytime I'm working with players waiting for a table. They usually make some pretty awful mistakes, and I'm a favorite even though I have no idea what I'm doing
Hey Commodore, Outshined came on the radio, and I sang Outchinked. Thanks. Although, it didn't flow like I'd hoped, so I dropped it from the repitoire.
Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. Plus it seems almost sacreligious considering how much I loved Soundgarden back in the day. I still sing "Outchinked," though, because it makes me laugh.Wang
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Yeah, I think he wants to go somewhere different than his older brother, doesn't want to leave the state for tuition reasons, and can't handle the idea of going to Central Michigan, which is where our parents graduated from, and where my old man still has ties to the Business School. Considering he's going into Business, he's worried about nepotism issues or something.
He could always apply to the frozen tundra of Michigan Tech...
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i just woke up a few minutes ago and thought id check in here before doing my chores.i cant get a good nights passed out cause i have to take the fucking dogs out every few hours.i tried sleeping in the garage but the fuckin fumes were killin me.im glad the topic is still drinking and fucking.i got a good one on me about the two. i went to this dive bar a long time ago and hooked up with this indian bitch and went home with her.indian like wa wa wa wa not a bullet hole in the forehead. anyway i woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs frying.my eyes were still closed and when i opened them there were a half dozen little indian kids standing at the edge of the bed just fucking staring at me.i said good morning to them but they just stood there looking like those starving handout kids on those commercials for ethepoia.i couldnt handle that shit so i shooed them away and crawled out of the window and walked to a quickstop to call beans.not as good as the teeth falling out.

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i just woke up a few minutes ago and thought id check in here before doing my chores.i cant get a good nights passed out cause i have to take the fucking dogs out every few hours.i tried sleeping in the garage but the fuckin fumes were killin me.im glad the topic is still drinking and fucking.i got a good one on me about the two. i went to this dive bar a long time ago and hooked up with this indian bitch and went home with her.indian like wa wa wa wa not a bullet hole in the forehead. anyway i woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs frying.my eyes were still closed and when i opened them there were a half dozen little indian kids standing at the edge of the bed just fucking staring at me.i said good morning to them but they just stood there looking like those starving handout kids on those commercials for ethepoia.i couldnt handle that shit so i shooed them away and crawled out of the window and walked to a quickstop to call beans.not as good as the teeth falling out.
good lord thats funny
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Also of note: NC cannot play in the razzament tonight, since he hosts his home games on Thursday nights. And, since Im his Razz protege, you all might as well just send me your money now.Lolli74 on stars.
i'm naked cowboy, and i did not approve this message
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i got nothing against the indians.i think that beans great great grandmother was an indian or something.ill tell you this he is a quiet fucker.not talking but just moving around.he never slams anything and shuts doors so ****ing quiet its spooky.you gotta watch him our hell be behind you without you knowing about it.i dont think he does it on purpose cause he even stealthy when noones around.its best to just listen for the fuckin smile thats always on his face.

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i'm naked cowboy, and i did not approve this message
hahaha, I knew youd be in lightning fast when I posted that.(Its ok, I wont tell them that youre really playing under my account tonight, it'll be our secret.)
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Has anyone else noticed that noone has called Shane out about the use of the space bar (or lack thereof), yet if it were anyone else other than Beans' friend, yall woulda ripped into him by now?

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