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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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oh no I'll just reschedule, it's cool!


and speedz, boy do I ever hope so. just to make sure though I'm gonna put two dozen roses and some of my hair on her front porch tonight.

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Shake, you dummy! You have to put *her* hair with the roses. Duh!



And are you kidding me? Of course, I'll be there for the nuptials. I just cleared my schedule for the next three years just in case.

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I could just see us all showing up last minute just as vows are being read. We all stand/sit in the last two rows. After the ceremony we are all standing around, not really talking to each other, because that would be odd. But since we don't know anyone else we all just sort of stand in a clustered group together. In a very awkward unsettling manner. Then the bride and groom go around to greet the tables of people and Shake subtly tries to steer clear of us, but his bride is to intrigued and drags him over, this is the conversation:


Wife: So, honey, who are your friends?

Shake: (mumbling) oh those are just some poker buddies of mine

Wife: Oh, I didn't know you played poker

Shake: Well I don't really play poker

Wife: Oh, well then where did you meet

Shake: Online

Wife: Like facebook or something?

Shake: No, it's...nm I just know them from online

Wife: (now curious) Honey....where do you know these guys from? (getting annoyed and worried)

(US: Squirming, Ron about to talk but speedz low kicks him to shut up)

Shake: from this poker site we post on

Wife: I thought you said you don't play poker

Shake: I don't

Wife: Do they?

Shake: Not really

Wife: So why are you posting on a poker website?

Shake: Well at one time, there was this cancdian guy who played...never mind it doesn't matter..that just where I know them from

Wife: Well if it's a poker site, and you don't play poker, what do you talk about

SA21: :cough: RAPE! :cough:

Wife: What did you say?

Shake: Nothing, don't mind him, he's an idiot

Ron smacks SA in the back of the head

Wife: Well can you introduce me to your friends please. I would love to know more about them

Shake: Ok, honey this is JJ..Du...DJ...Hob....well this is the guy who does all our spread sheets.

Wife: Oh you work together, I've never seen him at the office.

Shake: Ya, lets just go with that.

Shake: That is Ron, he works at a bank and lives in a real city.

Ron: Nice to meet the lovely Mrs. Zume

Wife: ...

Wfie: Well Ron, it's nice to meet your, do you prefer Ron or Ronald?

Ron: You can just call me Mexico

Shake: under his breath (****)

Shake: That is spee..Matt, he's a vet

Wife: Nice to meet you. We have a few house guest that we may need you to tend to in the future. Do you work on spiders?

Shake: goddamit

Shake: that's Guapo coming out of the bathroom, don't shake his hand

Shake: Over here is essay, he's a Lawyer, well, he has a law degree at least

Shake: This is Napa, but you can call him Clint.

Wife: Why do they call you Clint if you name is Napa?

Napa: My Name is actually Andrew, but you can call me the herminator

Shake: he's been drinking

Wife: Oh...ok? Who is that guy that was praying through the entire ceremony wrapped in the cloak with the giant earring?

Shake: Thats just brv, I think he's related to that guy on AMC that has the 19 kids

Wife: Oh, that makes sense

Wife: And the one that hasn't left the Bar

Shake: Who? (Turning his head) ****!

Ron: That's just beans maam

Wife: How come we can only see his eyes?

JJJ: That just beans

Wife: (turning around) and you are?

JLL: Ouch

Wife: Oh, I'm sorry did I step on your foot?

Ouch: No.

Wife: And who are all those people behind you?

Ouch: Oh, that just Bob and the other Lurkers. They won't actually say much, they just came to watch.

Wife: The ceremony

Ouch: No, us. They pretty much just watch us.

Shake: Well OK guys (getting more nervous) we gotta say hi to everyone else

Wife: It was nice meeting you all

Shake: (Turning his head back and snapping while walking away) I thought you guys were busy today?!?

Me2: Hey, he didn't introduce us!

Me3: Ya, what gives?

RTM: How would that have gone

Ranthemover: I'll let you know

Beans: I can get my cano to go over these these 32oz bottles

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Oh god, beans's tweet of the wreck...




That bastard. Just as I'm beginning to think everything he says is bullshit, he pulls me back in. Damn you, Beans. You're just the best.

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Yeah, yesterday I spent most of the day working on the boys CRV project. Finished bondoing the hood and shot some primer on it before shooting the "murdered out" flat black paint on it. Looks pretty good. Ill twit a pic in a minute. Anyway, somehow I ended up drinking a little to much and loaded up everyone in the shop for a little go cart racing




Tony was reluctant but soon followed to cooler into the car and off we went. He was behind me in the accident and claimed a wall of sparks flew from the metal bumpers during impact. It was a hard ****ing hit, Ill say that. Unfortunately it didnt knock any sense into us since we took a break at the cooler and went back again




Excellent work, ouchola.... the whole story I caught myself pondering who would be the best man and bridesmaid...




About half of our group here could qualify as both




In other news....




Back in Vegas a couple weeks ago a few of us were seated around a cable reel playing cards when the following conversation took place




"Beans....you been down to fremont lately?"



"Yeah...played at main street a couple nights ago...why?"



"You seen how many street bums there are now?"



(meaning kooks that dress up for tips)



"Yeah...I cant believe the city hasnt figured out how to tax those guys yet"



"Dont they have to buy a permit or something?"




"Yeah...like they could enforce that.... cop walks up to batman and asks to see his permit.... all the caped crusader has to do is tell him that he always dresses like that. He cant help it if folks want to give him a buck for a pic or two"




"Youve thought alot about that, huh?"




"Not really"




(three hands go by)




"So anyway.... I figure with the right getup....(calls bet)....a guy could make a few hundred bucks a day down there"








"Well....just think....its free and tax free cash... and it beats the shit outta your mobile cocktail lounge idea"




"That could work"




"Yeah....a bunch of drunks on top of my motorhome cruising the strip....what could go wrong with that?"




(Beans mixes another drink)




"Theres no ****ing way youre standing down there for hours on end inside a costume begging for dollars"




"**** no.... nothing like that.... Im saying a guy could have a shit ton of fun with drunk tourists and piss off those kooks at the same time...plus make good bank at the same time"




"....we're listening"




(twenty minutes of discussion during which time all gambling grinds to a halt)




"Holy hell... that would work.... betsha the media would get involved"




"Of course... nationwide"




"...so it would be totally remote controlled?"




"Yep... I figure that one of us could get a room facing fremont at the four queens or golden gate to work it from.... keep someone on the ground to follow it around"




"To take the cash"




"Oh no... it will have a built in bill acceptor"








"My God"









Stay tuned... the fabrication has already begun

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Shake: Over here is essay, he's a Lawyer, well, he has a law degree at least


Beans: I can get my cano to go over these these 32oz bottles


my favorite parts


That was awesome sir Guapo/Ocho!

And HI everyone


heeey buddy


Stay tuned... the fabrication has already begun


I'm not sure I know what's going on here but I think I'll like it.

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Quick life update for those that care but its mostly for those that don't care. Rememeber that girl? You guys were probably right about that, that was a bad idea. We're going through a divorce now, however I have an awesome 2 year old son to show for it that I guess somehow makes all the pain worth it. I think that sentence needs another comma or maybe a period break.


Personal hell lead to professional weeeee! though. I got my dream job on my hometown fire department that I started 2 months ago.


Women suck and I'm trying to get back out there but I got Shake/Sal/Suited/Yon/Napa/Clint issues of confidence with approaching women. Partly because thats the way I've always been and partly due to the tearing down I took from the ex. I've been thinking a lot though and decided I should just forget about all that and be more confident so I think that will take care of itself.


Having a little one and working a lot of hours the last few years has made my immaculate CHEST into more of a chest. Sorry about disappointing you guys I will not refer to said body part til its the fantastic specimen it once was.

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