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what music are you guys listening to?

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Hans, boubie, I'm your white knight

holy shit, I can't stop listening to Run The Jewels 2

Bob Dylan.

I somehow just heard about this, even though it's been up for like a year... Just Blaze aka arguably the best hip hop producer ever posted (to Soundcloud) a 3 hour dj mix he did with a new mixer he had just bought and apparently he has an epic catalog/knowledge of house and techno too because this shit is too hott. Fast forward to ~1hr 21 min and listen to the next 20 minutes if you don't feel like hearing all of it. No clue how he's doing what he's doing with just a mixer but dude is killin it, unsurprisingly. the track he's using there is pepe bradock's deep burnt and he does some awesome stuff with it.edit: and then trackheadz's "our music"http://soundcloud.com/just-blaze/igotanewmixer

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On January 9, 2012 Goldenvoice revealed that Jeff Mangum would appear on the Saturday bill for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival alongside such acts as Radiohead, Bon Iver, and Feist.
um.. what the ****! This is the first time I've considered going to Coachella.
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and we can add youth lagoon to the list of totally rad stuff I've found via end of year lists/freeleech. woooord.

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I'm rocking out to the new Chairlift album, which even Pitchfork liked:http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16183-something/Recommended listening:- Sidewalk Safari- Amanaemonesiahttp://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/12646-sidewalk-safari/

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I'm listening to and enjoying Mikal Cronin.
I enjoyed this and will be exploring it further.oh yeah, is the new sleigh bells out yet? I suppose in the time it took me to type this I could have just gone to what or just googled it or whatever, but regardless, I'm pretty excited for it. kinda wish they would have waited until spring though; they're kind of spring/summer music. which reminds me, I'm really looking forward to summer if not just so I can stop listening to such sad sack hipster music since all the happy stuff I like just doesn't fit with cold weather. maybe that's weird I don't know.
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megaupload shut down.if they shut down what or waffles I will fucking join anonymous somehow.
It's some serious bullshit. From what I can tell, the owners/creators were arrested in New Zealand, and are being extradited to the US. I find it unbelievable that it's extradition-worthy. I guess rapidshare and all the rest should be going down next? And then fucking google? I mean really, it's ludicrous. I don't know how they can expect the people who run MU to comb every single file for copyright infringement - it would be almost literally impossible. When they're asked by movie or music companies to take down a file they do, and therefore are following the law. I'm curious how the case will play out. The NY Times ran two articles on it a couple days ago, and I'm trying but failing to link them, for reasons explained below. When I'm home in a few hours I will. I always treat what like it could go down tomorrow, i.e. downloading so much shit that I've yet to listen to but is probably cool or worthwhile or even amazing. Lately been getting really into David S. Ware (free jazz saxophone, truly incredible, fairly contemporary (meaning he's still playing - he got (relatively) big in the 90s))). I'd link to a killer track on youtube, but I'm currently on a train and the wifi is super-limited.
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my understanding is that oink was nailed due to rumors that it was collecting money for membership. the powers that be infiltrated the big two a long time ago and have probably had chances to nail them, but haven't for whatever reason. it's sad to think that it'll probably happen someday, because these sites are the most complete collection of music ever assembled. and even though there are probably fewer than 200k users with both sites, it'll be a huge loss for everyone when they go down, because SO much of what gets traded around originates with the big two.I've heard that the guy running MU was extremely shady.

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Well the thing is, they killed Oink, and in its place what and waffles emerged. Kill what and waffles and I bet that 2-4 other amazing sites will quickly show up. There's no way they could kill gazelle - it's just a program or programming language or some shit like that (me no understand computers good) - so a what-like site could easily re-emerge, and I bet that within 6 months max it would probably have 95% of the content that was lost from what/waffles. So I guess I shouldn't be so worried about what going away, but that fear is why I keep a relatively small buffer, and just keep on snatchin'.

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this album's really good. i love that you know her. this way i can lie to people and say i sort of know her too!
She's uber talentd. Rocking out to "I Belong In Your Arms," the itunes free giveaway of the day. Get it, own it.
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