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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I really can't think of anything to say this morning. Its been busy at work but nothing exciting is going on. I only get one day off this week, tomorrow, and I expect I'll be working around the house the entire time. I did play poker last night and got quad kings against 2 full houses so got paid pretty good at least for that hand.

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

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So I was right. I was busy around the house all weekend. I painted the upstairs landing and stairway and cleared a bunch of salmon berry and pushki bushes from in front of the house where I am going to be building a fence for the dogs yard. Do they have pushki down south? Its a wide leaf plant with an acidic sap that will blister your skin. I cleared a ass ton of it today and only got one small burn on my arm.

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I don't know if I mentioned it or not but through some weird forces of nature, my gf and I currently have 3 German Shepherds. Believe me, that is a lot of dogs. So tonight as I was getting ready for work the smallest one, Berlin, got her foot caught in between two cinder block steps at the house and nearly degloved one of her rear feet. She was a super trooper about the whole thing and she ended up with five stitches at the clinic.That is another issue with living out in the middle of no where. The vet only travels out here every 6 weeks or so. There was no vet in town but luckily one of the clinic personnel helped out.In other news, we have been trying to sell a piano that we inherited with the house. Its a beautiful piano but its just too big and takes up too much space. Well, tonight I sold it! This is a wonderful thing.Lastly, I am teaching an 8 hour firearms class tonight for 3 of our new officers. This should be fun. 4 hours of classroom and 4 hours of range. The weather has been awesome and I hope it stays that way. (did I just jinx that?)
Ouch, poor doggie! It's like you live out on the range and shit. How big is your town?
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So I was right. I was busy around the house all weekend. I painted the upstairs landing and stairway and cleared a bunch of salmon berry and pushki bushes from in front of the house where I am going to be building a fence for the dogs yard.Do they have pushki down south? Its a wide leaf plant with an acidic sap that will blister your skin. I cleared a ass ton of it today and only got one small burn on my arm.
Ouch! No. We have a shit ton of poison ivy in Indiana. CA has poison oak. I've only caught the ivy and it was horrible.
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viewfromhouse.jpgThis is the view from the living room.
Damn that's beautiful!
threedogsfromhouse.jpgHere are the dogs. They are above the house. We have a 1 acre lot. From the left we have Kaliko, Napa, Berlin.
If those dogs get pissed at you, you are screwed. They look gorgeous and deadly.
Good so far, it seems like he'll be much easier to get along with than the last one.I'm mostly done with school, I'm working on my CPA right now. Once I'm done with that I will probably have to take between 1 and 4 more classes just to satisfy some state requirements. Hopefully I'll only have to take 1 because it will just be a waste of money, I only need hours in business classes, they serve no other purpose.Based on the resume of the guy we just hired I won't ever be the controller here. I think the best I can hope for here is that we grow enough that a new position has to be created that would be a promotion. Our accounting manager has been here since the company started so I doubt she will be leaving anytime soon. I may have to look around once I pass the CPA.
Maybe look somewhere in Asheville?
Good looking dogs. I'd like to get one but probably won't as long as I am in a condo. It would also have to be under 30 lbs if I got one now.Not a bad view either, I miss the mountains.
Buddy just texted me and said they posted the new shifts at work.Looks like I may have to cut out some of my late nights. Ended up with 8:15a-6:15p, off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.Not really sure how I feel about it. Hate the early starts and hate that I'm still working Sundays, but 3 days off is nice. Who knows, maybe I'll actually become a more productive person by waking up in the morning?All I know is it's going to be a big change. I woke up today at 1:45p.
You waking up in the morning? I think we're now living in the twilight zone.
I really can't think of anything to say this morning. Its been busy at work but nothing exciting is going on. I only get one day off this week, tomorrow, and I expect I'll be working around the house the entire time. I did play poker last night and got quad kings against 2 full houses so got paid pretty good at least for that hand.
Hahahaha! Quads is especially great when you screw over two people.
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Ouch, poor doggie! It's like you live out on the range and shit. How big is your town?
Town is 4800 people full year with another 5000 transient who pretty much keep to the processing plants or the fishing boats. Lots of open space and absolutely isolated from the rest of the world.
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Damn that's beautiful!If those dogs get pissed at you, you are screwed. They look gorgeous and deadly.Maybe look somewhere in Asheville?Yep.Damn.You waking up in the morning? I think we're now living in the twilight zone.Hahahaha! Quads is especially great when you screw over two people.
Thanks, I'm liking the view as well. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm nuts, but every evening when I wake up I sit out in front of the house drinking a cup of coffee watching from my perch.The doggies are a bunch of goofs. I suppose they could rip your face off if they had a mind to but they just want to be petted.Yes, Quads helped heal the pain of betting into that straight flush last week.
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Dustin, you are with the same company, right? Why did you have no boss and now you have one?
Yeah, same company. My old boss left in Jan and we didn't re-hire the position until now. Probably mostly to save money.
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Maybe look somewhere in Asheville?
I like Asheville, but I don't think I'd want to live there full time. It would be a great place to be during the summer though, I just need to find a way to get rich first.
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I like Asheville, but I don't think I'd want to live there full time. It would be a great place to be during the summer though, I just need to find a way to get rich first.
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Turns out my pit manager screwed up the rebid. When I looked at it, I noticed he gave one of my top choices to someone behind me in seniority.So he fixed it and my new schedule that starts next week is 10:45a-8:45a Wed-Thurs, 10:15a-8:15a Fri-Sat, off Sun, Mon, Tues.Still have to get up in the morning but not too bad. Tips should be a little better working Fri-Sat. Plus I'm pretty happy with Sun-Mon off for football season.

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Turns out my pit manager screwed up the rebid. When I looked at it, I noticed he gave one of my top choices to someone behind me in seniority.So he fixed it and my new schedule that starts next week is 10:45a-8:45a Wed-Thurs, 10:15a-8:15a Fri-Sat, off Sun, Mon, Tues.Still have to get up in the morning but not too bad. Tips should be a little better working Fri-Sat. Plus I'm pretty happy with Sun-Mon off for football season.
I'm thinking this can't be correct. 10:45 am to 8:45 am is a long ass day.Good on you for getting to sleep in a little bit anyway.
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Not much going on. I'm working an ass ton of hours this week. 7 days in a row ending in a 12 hour day. The next few months are going to suck bad as we get our rookies trained. I'm kind of depressed. A very good friend of mine, Brandon, left the island today. He has been an officer here for 6 years. He is moving to Anchorage so I'll probably get to hang out with him on occasion but I will miss him. Anyone who reads my fb updates may recognize him from his Top Chef contributions. Its pretty amazing how certain people can touch your life in a positive manner. Brandon and his wife Megan are two of those people who have had a positive influence on me. After 19 years I've had the oppurtunity to see a lot of people come and go. Hopefully one of these days it will be me getting on the plane to somewhere better.

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I'm thinking this can't be correct. 10:45 am to 8:45 am is a long ass day.Good on you for getting to sleep in a little bit anyway.
Oops. Yeah, obv I meant 10:45a-8:45p and 10:15a-8:15p.No 22hr shifts for me thank you.
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Well my roof leaks. I knew that it did but I didn't realize it leaked as bad as it actually does. I foresee some acrobatics in my future as I try and not kill myself on top of the roof fixing stuff. Luckily I have a bunch of climibing gear that I can break out of storage and put to use. The roof is exceptionally steep so it should be fun. I figure I'll tie off on the uphill side and rappel down to where I suspect the leaks are coming from.

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Well my roof leaks. I knew that it did but I didn't realize it leaked as bad as it actually does. I foresee some acrobatics in my future as I try and not kill myself on top of the roof fixing stuff. Luckily I have a bunch of climibing gear that I can break out of storage and put to use. The roof is exceptionally steep so it should be fun. I figure I'll tie off on the uphill side and rappel down to where I suspect the leaks are coming from.
I just found out after our last tropical storm that mine does too. Luckily I have a condo so I don't have to fix it, but we were having so much rain for about a month that is still isn't fixed yet. It only leaked the day we had something like half a foot of rain in one day.
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Well, my thyroid is slow and in addition to making too much TSH, I have an auto-immune thyroid disorder called...wait for it...it's a weird funny name...

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It's treated with levothyroxin just like any other slow thyroid thing, but it's auto-immune component means that my body is attacking my thyroid. The allergist thinks my hives and anaphylaxis symptoms are related to the auto-immune thing.

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Roger, I'm sorry your roof leaks. Scott Goldie runs a roofing company with his dad in BC. Maybe he can send a crew your way :club: Then he can send them down to take care of Dustin's roof.Henry, I'm glad you don't have to get up quite so early. I hate morning. I'm really missing summer right about now.

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