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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Just got back from the course with Voldy. We should have brought some sunscreen.
Thanks for the lube Nik.
My pleasure! Was the lube packet intact?
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In California, women can get medical marijuana for PMS. In Indiana, we can't buy beer on Sunday!!
Yep. Messed up. I want marijuana AND booze on Sunday.
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Just got back from the course with Voldy. We should have brought some sunscreen.
^^^^^ I got alot of sun!Merry Christmas all!Nik,Got the card and the lube (opened and leaking but it's the thought that matters!), thanks as usual!!
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Yes you do.
Yes, yes I really do.
^^^^^ I got alot of sun!Merry Christmas all!Nik,Got the card and the lube (opened and leaking but it's the thought that matters!), thanks as usual!!
What's up with the lube packets leaking? Has this happened in years past? I wonder if the mail sorters are new and squish the cards more? Maybe the packets are losing their structural integrity? hmmm... You didn't need the lube for your card at all really because you're of the Catholic persuasion. As a matter of fact, you're probably at mass right now. Anyway, I may have to rethink the lube packets. Merry Christmas to all!
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Yes, yes I really do. What's up with the lube packets leaking? Has this happened in years past? I wonder if the mail sorters are new and squish the cards more? Maybe the packets are losing their structural integrity? hmmm... You didn't need the lube for your card at all really because you're of the Catholic persuasion. As a matter of fact, you're probably at mass right now. Anyway, I may have to rethink the lube packets. Merry Christmas to all!
Never leaked before!And yes....just got in from Midnight Mass!Merry Christmas all!
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I wonder if it's on netflix.I suppose I need to check this out.So, give me your reasons why it's not. I need to beef up my counter argument and refute it.Good tips? Did they serve turkey in the break room?Awww! LOVE!
Animals kills other animals all the time...we're animals killing animals, I don't see a different...
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I made it through work, after-work tutoring and Market Day today. It was an 11 hour day. I'm not all the way well, but I survived. Now I need to go to bed. Tomorrow is a regular day and I'm going to do everything I can to get out of there by 2:30.
Yay!!! i was getting worried
I love you new signature!
me too!!
Nice sig henry.Good evening folks, caught up. Went to the racino today. I put my $5 dollar free play into a Magic Money slot, hit the first spin for 5 free spins which turned into $71. Took the money and ran, went and watched college ball up in the horse room. Now we are home relaxing before heading to Turning Stone tomorrow for some gambling. Toni has a free room and a couple $100 free slot coupons, one for Sunday one for Monday.
sigh...once againtoni > cliffe
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Had a little freak out at work today. Not in front of the kids. I've been really busy and not getting anything done due to some bs at work with new programs we're implementing that is causing me to have to cover a lot of classes for the teacher so she can get a lot of other, non library stuff done. The library is a mess and I'm working full days, all the while raising the money to pay myself for all but three of the 15 hours a week that I actually get paid to be there for. So I'm teaching, many days, more than half of the classes and getting paid less than 35 dollars a week that I don't have to raise myself. I'm a chump and I guess I'm tired of being a chump. I'm not going to abandon my boss or the school, but I think some changes are going to have to come if I hope to keep my sanity. Plus two of my classes today were horribly behaved, which did not help my mood. I shouldn't have to deal with the toughest classes when I make nothing.I know I'm ranting and that I'm in control of my own destiny. I can quit any time I want. I don't want to quit. I guess that means I'm going to be a chump for the foreseeable future.I'm feeling sorry for myself is all. I'll get over it.
i hope it all works out
I don't blame you at all for being a little pissed. It seems like they are taking advantage of the situation.
It was a fun birthday weekend. Lunch at Canal Bistro was awesome. I learned that I like their baba ganoush, despite the fact that I normally hate eggplant. I also learned about Oberon beer. YUM! There was a great crowd at the restaurant to celebrate with me that included Mr. Scott Miller. Then there was cake and Agricola at our friends, the Souths', house. To wrap it up, Raist, Conner and I hit the Starfleet convention that was happening on the east side to see Five Year Mission premier their Year Two CD. Good times.Today, my inlaws came all the way to Indy to take Raist back so I didn't have to drive. Dave's mom brought me a double chocolate cake and a lovely card with money in it. The boys and I played some Magic.Dave and I played more Agricola late in the evening and I procrastinated on my last essay for my translation class which is not due yet. Tomorrow are my last classes of the semester-THANK DOG.All in all, I call my birthday weekend a success. I expect my actual birthday tomorrow will be a let down, really.Now it's time for bed.
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I get Bonefish today for lunch. I haven't been there in a long time, should be good.
i've never been there either
LONG DAY! It was productive, though. Now I must do the Christmas cards.
i got your card, thanks :)lube didn't leak but it expired in 07...i'm gonna refrain from using it....just to be on the safe side
I smiled. It's so corny! I'm going to tell my school kids that one.Boo!I've got my cards done and all but a couple of presents wrapped. The tree is up and I have one more week of work before break. Then I'm off until 1/9. WEEEE!
i hate u
I knew the thread had been missing something for almost a year.Congrats.
i laughedMerry Christmas everyone!!
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Good evening folks, caught up.Had a fine Christmas, got new Nike's and my Packers Danbury Mint ornament. Wendy has gotten me one every year since '03. And the $50 gift certificate to Delmonico's means I'll have a good dinner in the near future.

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And yes....just got in from Midnight Mass!
I read that as "Midget Mass" at first. My version sounds like a lot more fun.
lube didn't leak but it expired in 07...i'm gonna refrain from using it....just to be on the safe side
I'm wondering if people have used this lube in the past?
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