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tricked ya. actually the opposite, i am not as good as i think and could use some advice. Well, while re-reading SS1+2, I started feeling like a moron. I forgot so many of the topics/situations they brought up. I asked the other day about tricky plays, and I guess I was thinking some of the standard isolation raises and play on scary boards specifically brought up were tricky in some way. I probably have close to 100k hands in now, so i am not exactly a total fish, but i want to kind of re-learn the game to drop some of my bad habits aka leaks. I plan on rereading both limit sections of SS1+2 a couple times as well as SSHE, TOP, and HEAP. I have been a winning player from 1/2 through 5/10, but i now feel that i have been running hot at the higher limits. The majority of my play was at 2/4, and even there my win rate has severly dropped over the last few months, <2bb/100 from over 3. My biggest problem is when i flop a big hand and simply will not believe that it is second best. I like to justify it by saying that 'nobody could have gotten away from that'. After reviewing the play, i can specifically see exactly where i should have dropped it. I think I am becoming too attached to pots that i have multiple bets in. That is just a mental problem I have to get away from on my own.After re-reading those 5 books again, I plan on dropping back to two tables at a time, from my normal 4-6 until i once again feel comfortable in my almost robot mode. Besides posting a lot more hand histories, what else should i do to work out the other problems in my game. One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?

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After re-reading those 5 books again, I plan on dropping back to two tables at a time, from my normal 4-6 until i once again feel comfortable in my almost robot mode. Besides posting a lot more hand histories, what else should i do to work out the other problems in my game.
Solid enough plan.
One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?
Very easy with good table selection, although you should know the adjustments to make from a softer game
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One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?
Yes, yes, yes, yes. My regular game is 15/30 on party and I find that playing ABC poker beats that game. I'm assuming it applies to even higher limits like 20/40 and 30/60 as well. Your bb/100 may not be as high, but you'll beat the games.
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One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?
Of course.But it's not as easy as beating 2/4 playing ABC.I think you can be [One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?I think you can beat pretty much any limit on party if you play SSHE type poker - as long as you have good table selection.The thing is, playing by SSHE guidelines won't maximize your winrate. As you move up, your oppponents get better/trickeier. LP's turn to LAGs and TP's turn to rocks. You can still win playing by SSHE, but you have to know how to play against different opponents. Also, since you rarely play multiway-large pots as the limits increase, most of what SSHE has to say about poker, doesn't apply. I think you can still beat 30/60 on party if you play by SSHE guidelines and practice good game selection, but your winrate might only look like 0.5BB/100.
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what does tp/mm mean?
Top pair/ Mason Malmuth
I just did a mini spit-take on my computer. I'm not sure why.
I claim zero credit. DrZebra didn't know what it meant, and guessed "Top Pair/ Mason Malmuth?" and I had the same reaction, and decided that's is now the acronym's primary meaning
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One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?
Of course.But it's not as easy as beating 2/4 playing ABC.I think you can be [One more side question. is beating the 5/10 doable playing SSHE, SS ABC poker doable?I think you can beat pretty much any limit on party if you play SSHE type poker - as long as you have good table selection.The thing is, playing by SSHE guidelines won't maximize your winrate. As you move up, your oppponents get better/trickeier. LP's turn to LAGs and TP's turn to rocks. You can still win playing by SSHE, but you have to know how to play against different opponents. Also, since you rarely play multiway-large pots as the limits increase, most of what SSHE has to say about poker, doesn't apply. I think you can still beat 30/60 on party if you play by SSHE guidelines and practice good game selection, but your winrate might only look like 0.5BB/100.
screech, what do you think the maximum shorthanded limit you could beat playing textbook SSHE is? i doubt its higher than 2-4.
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sorry if i started an argument. i suck, that is the better argument. jeez, when was the last time somebody piped up in this forum that they think they can actually only beat the higher limits by luck. I appreciate all of you guys help a lot. Just want to learn the game the right way.

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what does tp/mm mean?
Top pair/ Mason Malmuth
I just did a mini spit-take on my computer. I'm not sure why.
I claim zero credit. DrZebra didn't know what it meant, and guessed "Top Pair/ Mason Malmuth?" and I had the same reaction, and decided that's is now the acronym's primary meaning
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