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what do you all really think? who's signing up?

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whats the deal, us members with just a few posts arent good enough to play with the members with 1000's of posts
Who told you to speak?Drop & give me ten!Just kidding - you guys just make it so d.amned easy. I can't help myself sometimes...
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I am not a 1000+ poster, but I probably have some interesting insight nonetheless.I opened a Pokerroom account last week. I absolutely hated the site at first. I couldn't figure out all sorts of things, but once I figured out how to do everything, I like the site quite a bit. It really just takes some time to figure things out. The other issue is the "high rake". It's a little weird. The low end of the rake is high; that is, the small pots have a good chunk taken out of them. The good news, however, is that the maximum rake per hand is relatively low. This is a better fit for tight-aggressive players than loose aggressive players.I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.

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I am not a 1000+ poster, but I probably have some interesting insight nonetheless.I opened a Pokerroom account last week. I absolutely hated the site at first. I couldn't figure out all sorts of things, but once I figured out how to do everything, I like the site quite a bit. It really just takes some time to figure things out. The other issue is the "high rake". It's a little weird. The low end of the rake is high; that is, the small pots have a good chunk taken out of them. The good news, however, is that the maximum rake per hand is relatively low. This is a better fit for tight-aggressive players than loose aggressive players.I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.

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i signed up...and i have enough posts to matter (kinda)i might even deposit some money soon...since i usually play on pokerroom anyways, i don't see how it will affect me muchby the way, the play money sng's are rigged...how else do you explain my 7-2 first hand pre-flop all-in losing to the likes of QJ?

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I'm not asking those who have 15 posts...you all know who I'm talking to.
Uh oh. Somebody left the gate open and those terrible "under 2000 post" poeple got in.....Somebody must pay for not guarding the community!!There are a lot of us who have been around for a long time that just haven't posted a lot or only decided to start posting recently. I really wish people would be more welcoming around here.
Read the whole thread before you start getting all pissy on me.I said later on that this is because I am signing up to play some private tables with friends...I'll continue to play with my real bankroll on Party. So I wanted to know if longtime posters that I would have fun with will be signing up...frankly I don't give a crap if you sign up, because I don't know you. Not trying to be offensive, just stating the obvious. I don't care if someone with 5 posts signs up, because I don't know them. But I do care if the guys I "talk" to all the time sign up.EDIT: Of course all new posters are welcome, and I try not to flame without good reason. But I hope you understand why I felt the need to preface the thread by saying that I don't want the entire world answering a question that's really meant for the "regulars" around here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Fair enough. Well explained.
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Personally, I hate PokerRoom.com but I'm going to deposit a couple hundos just for all the great DN tournaments and promos.

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I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.
How did you find those tables to be compared to Party?
speedz..stfu..you know party is +ev..DONT LEAVE PARTY.....**** poke rroom, yes,im drunk , but why leave a cash cow like [arty
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whats the deal, us members with just a few posts arent good enough to play with the members with 1000's of posts
It's more that I couldn't care less if "gamby20" signs up...because I don't know you. But if people I do know are signing up it will matter to me and affect my decision.No offense...I'm sure you catch my drift.
Speedz, I put some cash on last night and it's not to bad- It's sort of visually offensive but my first 250 man plus tourney I busted 10th and the one I am in now I am holding my own. I am used to the look of BODOG and UB, and I think this bonus is just ridiculous as far as clearing it, but I really didnt put that much onto the site anyway- just enough to play some tournies and sngs. Overall, not too bad.
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I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.
How did you find those tables to be compared to Party?
I sat at the 5/10 last night. It was soft. On a par with Party, but only played for an hour on one table, so hard to say for sure.The interface took a little getting used to, but nothing daunting.60 hands & 1 STT earnt me $6 in bonus => not too hard to clear the lot? ($400)Edit: Also sat with a player name JWeb777 - do you think....?
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I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.
How did you find those tables to be compared to Party?
I sat at the 5/10 last night. It was soft. On a par with Party, but only played for an hour on one table, so hard to say for sure.The interface took a little getting used to, but nothing daunting.60 hands & 1 STT earnt me $6 in bonus => not too hard to clear the lot? ($400)Edit: Also sat with a player name JWeb777 - do you think....?
if you play shorthanded the 5 max tables are cake.
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I have not sampled all of the games at the site, but I found the low limit tables ($1/$2 and $2/$4) very beatable.
How did you find those tables to be compared to Party?
I sat at the 5/10 last night. It was soft. On a par with Party, but only played for an hour on one table, so hard to say for sure.The interface took a little getting used to, but nothing daunting.60 hands & 1 STT earnt me $6 in bonus => not too hard to clear the lot? ($400)Edit: Also sat with a player name JWeb777 - do you think....?
if you play shorthanded the 5 max tables are cake.
Gotta be happy with that.Was single tabling full whilst getting used to it and getting everything set up; PT, HUD, Account etcIntended on multing the SH for a few hours this weekend. That will give a real feel for how good/bad the games are
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I signed up for an account the other day when this site went through its overhaul (have never had a PokerRoom account before). Even though I am still a big fan of Party and Full Tilt, I will probably deposit some money at FCP and play while this Protege contest is going on. If I'm going to dump money, I'd rather give it to fellow FCPers.

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