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caught cheatin. (long)

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I needed to share this with people cause it got me so angry. This past weekend, my friend decided to host a game and invited three people from the floor of his apt. Very Uber-rich sons of investment banker types with tons of money to burn. I just wanted to have fun but my friend decided he wanted to make a killing on these guys (who had NO clue what they were doing) and convinced me to play 1/2nl (instead of our regular friendly 20 buy in game) against these guys. Table is those 3 guys, me, 2 of my friends, and 2 guys that I had played with while I was in college (They’re good players, but completely assholes) call them A&B. About 2 hours in I was up to 1,000. I avoided my friends and the other guys mostly. This is the better part of the story. A says the action’s moving to slow and asks to introduce a third deck. I agree (alcohol and poker = -EV).After that: Hand 1: B raises from UTG. One of the donators goes all in. B calls. B:KK Donator: AA. Board k x x x x Hand 2: about 30 mins later: B raises from UTG, Host raises. B calls. FLOP: A, Q 10 B leads, host raises, B Reraises, Host all in, B callsB: JK Host: AA No help on the turn or river. (nothing really out of hand here, but these were huge hands)At this point, (I’m sobering up) I notice that A has been the button/dealer for these two monster hands. I wait for one orbit and ask if we can switch back to 2 decks because I’m getting confused. I didn’t want to flat out accuse them because these things can happen. I’m shot down by everyone surprisingly. I watch A for a little when he’s got the deck in his hand, don’t notice anything and kinda forget about it after awhile. 1 hour later: At this point I’m @1500 and ready to call it a night soon. Hand 3: Dealt 77 UtG+1. B raises, I call. Everyone folds.Flop: 7 7 A. UTG checks, I bet, UTG raises. I contemplate smooth calling, but this guy reacts to aggression by trying to be even more aggressive and I was confident that he would reraise with AK and I could push all in letting him know I had atleast a 7. I reraise. UTG goes all in. (huge overbet). Now I have the events of the night in my head and am wondering if I’ve had the deck stacked against me. I offer to run the hand twice. B declines. I tell him I’m way ahead and he only has one out.(Not sure if he has AA). B declines and A gets on me that running twice is retarded. At this point the way they’re ganged up on me, I’m fairly sure how the hands going to play. An Ace is going to spike to beat my four of a kind. At this point, I outright accuse them because this is for a lot of money. They deny it like two little kids and the other people at the table get the sense that I might be right and start getting on them (not everyone two guys were completely plastered by then). With the support of the table, “I say I call, but you have no outs. If that Ace hits, both of you are leaving your money here.” Host finishes dealing out…Turn blank, River Ace.We let them take their 400 worth of buy ins back, but the rest of the money got split between the rest of us. Nice take but still made me angry that these guys even considered doing this. Found out yesterday that they had been kicked out of a game 2 weeks ago because they were stacking the deck. Some one basically just saw one guy doing it. Not as dramatic.

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Nice going catching them. I had a buddy in college who knew how to shuffle and load and deck (but he wasnt the kind of guy to cheat people). he just wanted to learn and did. it is pretty hard to catch.

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I feel for you, but what is the sense of the third deck? I mean, if everyone at the table can't shuffle by the time action gets around to them in the SB, then someone needs to go to remedial shuffling school. I've never seen action be that slow that a third deck need to be introduced and I've been playing for over a decade and currently run 1 of a few card rooms in my town.At any rate, when they asked for a third deck, why didn't you just go get a deck from the drawer? I'm guessing they wanted to introduce a deck they brought with them?

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Nice post, but it would have been even better if the bastards were still handcuffed to a pipe in the basement. There's no way anyone would get out of my game after something like that without a big hospital bill to show for it.

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Nice work...well handled. I would say they should have left all their money there, but I see why it was better to just get them out as easily as possible. And violence is retarded, so nice work on not kicking the snot out of them.How much did you end up winning for the night?Oh, and I hope you tell everyone you know about it.

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Nice post, but it would have been even better if the bastards were still handcuffed to a pipe in the basement. There's no way anyone would get out of my game after something like that without a big hospital bill to show for it.
Add a gimp, a cop, and a pawn shop owner....
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I feel for you, but what is the sense of the third deck? I mean, if everyone at the table can't shuffle by the time action gets around to them in the SB, then someone needs to go to remedial shuffling school. I've never seen action be that slow that a third deck need to be introduced and I've been playing for over a decade and currently run 1 of a few card rooms in my town.At any rate, when they asked for a third deck, why didn't you just go get a deck from the drawer? I'm guessing they wanted to introduce a deck they brought with them?
Yeah, like I said, Alcohol + Poker = -EV. So many people talking and everything it kinda made sense at the time. We let them introduce their own because my friend only had two decks.As for letting them keep their money, I felt like that would be the best way to avoid conflict. the two of them had over 2000 between the two of them, so we were willing to let them keep their buy ins. They deserved a beating, but it would honestly have caused more problem for me by beating them up then i was prepared to deal with that night.
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Nice going catching them. I had a buddy in college who knew how to shuffle and load and deck (but he wasnt the kind of guy to cheat people). he just wanted to learn and did. it is pretty hard to catch.
im actually pretty good at it too. i would never use it to cheat people though, id be too afraid of getting caught. but i do it to my freinds in small cash games as a joke sometimes.
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We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.

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We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.

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We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.
The way our games play, the dealer gets the cards the hand before his deal, shuffles during the hand and the deals. we play pretty low stakes so we're not usually worried about the problem. This night was just my friend trying to pretend he was a professional poker player finding a juicy game because of the donators he had met.
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We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.
The way our games play, the dealer gets the cards the hand before his deal, shuffles during the hand and the deals. we play pretty low stakes so we're not usually worried about the problem. This night was just my friend trying to pretend he was a professional poker player finding a juicy game because of the donators he had met.
Under those conditions, a good mechanic could really crush your game. But nothing is full-proof. In our game, if the two guys on the right of the dealer are in on it, I guess they could try and set something up. It is just a lot harder.
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We use two decks in our home game. The dealer never touches the cards except to deal. The person two to the right of the dealer shuffles the cards. Then the person next to the dealer cuts the cards using a cut card to cover the bottom of the deck. We play pretty high stakes and have never had a problem.
The way our games play, the dealer gets the cards the hand before his deal, shuffles during the hand and the deals. we play pretty low stakes so we're not usually worried about the problem. This night was just my friend trying to pretend he was a professional poker player finding a juicy game because of the donators he had met.
Shufflingin front is the way to go. Shuffling behind cauises the game to be slower. Plus, soeone should be cutting the cards and with a cut card cheating issues are nullified - even if the next dealer is shuffling his own deck. Having to pass a shuffled deck over an opponent to the dealer is just an easy way to slow down a game.
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WOW,, what a bunch of clowns!!who stacks it to be quads vs quads! honestly!. hahahhaI would have kicked him in the testicles, spat on his face, while A watched. then i would look at A and say. Guess what!m you're next, then i'd pull some pulp fiction styled shit, and say, in a samuel jackson voice "Did you or did you not stack the deck!!??"" then he'd fumble and I'd repeat"Did you or did you not stack the deck!!??"and then BLAMMY!!!!, right in the kisser, Boom right inthe kisser, boom right in the kisser, boom right inthe kisser.keep reading.Boom right in the kisser,booom right in the kisser

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kinda reminds me of a stupid college dorm game I played in last year.it was like a $10 tourney...I dunno. i'd run the thing and set it all up cause i was the only one who knew how to, correctly...anyways, some new kid shows up, and blah blah...after a while i start noticing weird stuff.first off he keeps busting ppl with hands that almost seem set up, like mentioned in OP...At first I figured meh, he is just lucky..cuz he really sucked...but then this happened.I had KK and he had 10s, I was like. wow, I am going to destroy him now. (side note - he was dealing said hand)so i raise, he re-raises, I re-raise...and he calls...he of course flops his set and i'm out the door...im like, meh...figures...again he has a shit load of chips...so im walking out and a few of my buddies pull me aside and are like...dude, that guy stacks the deck everytime he deals....i didn't believe em' at first..but it started to come together for me thinking over all the big hands. then i watched him thru the window a bit and actualyl saw him do it....it was so rediculous...i was mad at my friends for not saying something earlier...but this is where we get him back.it's down to HU, my buddy and said cheater, and we all go back in there and sit down to watch (normal)...I offer to deal to help speed up the game (i dealt a lot in college) and they are like sure...at this point im sure the kid thinks it's over cuz he has a lot of chips....but I decide I'm stacking the deck for my friend and for fallen comrades...haha..i had to leave the room for this one, cuz it had to be so rediculously obvious...i woulda cracked up...basically, i had got them even in chips when i finally dealt out the truest cooler i could "stack" ...cuz i'm really not good at.I got my buddy AK vs cheaters AQ, i set the entire hand up and just left the room...and waited outside in the hall way....i guess they got it all in on aflop of AQK, turn Q, river KLOL. Oh my god I heard the screams across the hall. funniest thing ever. I felt like Mike Matusow in Aruba screaming vindication when his KJ snaps AA. Oh it was perfect.I hope the kid knew what I did, cuz he is lucky we didn't get in his face. luckily it was just a $10 tourney...but i never heard from him again.VINDICATION.- Jordan

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Boom right in the kisser,booom right in the kisser
BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...BOOM Right in the kisser...
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love the family guy quotes. though it can never top the line from the movie:Stuey: "I'm gonna go pump the chemical toilet (in the RV)." Looks at Quagmire, standing next to a hooker. "Looks like you are too."Sorry for the post unrelated to the thread.boom right in the kisser.

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