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stu ungar question

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I know there's been a thread about his movie, High Roller, but didn't take the time to find it. I watched the movie last night and thought it pretty much sucked. I scanned through most of it and was just wondering who the guy is in the room talking to him?? Does it ever say or are you supposed to assume something?? I couldn't take the time to listen to it very well, I just watched the scenes with poker and gin in it.

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My biggest question was that I didn't realize Christopher Multisanti played cards.And where was Tony? Was Christopher on vacation from the mob?Michael Imperioli has only one acting gear.

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I know there's been a thread about his movie, High Roller, but didn't take the time to find it. I watched the movie last night and thought it pretty much sucked. I scanned through most of it and was just wondering who the guy is in the room talking to him?? Does it ever say or are you supposed to assume something?? I couldn't take the time to listen to it very well, I just watched the scenes with poker and gin in it.
Is this the movie you are talking about?http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338467/
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Yea, in the end of the movie, I believe he's talking to that person that answers all your questions when u die, or the person who decides if you goto heaven or hell, i DONT KNOW, who cares

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I know there's been a thread about his movie, High Roller, but didn't take the time to find it. I watched the movie last night and thought it pretty much sucked. I scanned through most of it and was just wondering who the guy is in the room talking to him?? Does it ever say or are you supposed to assume something?? I couldn't take the time to listen to it very well, I just watched the scenes with poker and gin in it.
What you are supposed to assume at the end is the movie is absolutely terrible.
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My biggest question was that I didn't realize Christopher Multisanti played cards.And where was Tony?  Was Christopher on vacation from the mob?Michael Imperioli has only one acting gear.
"I'll take gears that suck for 800, Alex."
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That movie sucked where were the scenes showing him banging four prostitutes at onceThey acted like he never had a fun day in his life
Yeah, seriously. We get it....Stuey had inner demons and lots of problems. Somehow I am betting he had a whole lot of fun some days too with all that money. Allow me to live vicariously please.
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