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chip leader at my final table

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go to sit and go mtt its table 429133
you want us to all come cheer you on for a bloody 5 dollar sit n go mtt??????? you're out of your mind! i can't believe i wasted about 5 minutes on this thread as well as 5 looking for you! prickoh...and good luck
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flame me all you want, this is my first tourney back in over 4 months. i am frickin excited
i was excited to see your mother in the shower last night but you don't see me making posts about it to waste everyone's time (well actually you do see me doing that now but that's besides the point)
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i was excited to see your mother in the shower last night but you don't see me making posts about it to waste everyone's time (well actually you do see me doing that now but that's besides the point)
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