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superior 1/2 table

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Wow just kill discussion and assume there is only one right play ever. Great way to improve your game, to never even second guess a play. I am willing to see betting the flop is the right play, but I think a very good argument can be made for why not too, and I'm sure people will agree in checking too.

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Wow just kill discussion and assume there is only one right play ever.  Great way to improve your game, to never even second guess a play.  I am willing to see betting the flop is the right play, but I think a very good argument can be made for why not too, and I'm sure people will agree in checking too.
llook, we gain nothing by checking this hand through, we only allow a card that can beat us. Yes there are 8 players we have to deal with, but a bet here will definetly fold some of them, thus increasing our odds of winning the hand. That is what it is about. I never think that there is only one way to play a hand, but checking this flop is utter madness. If we can get this pot down to a four handed pot, then we have increased our chances to win. Our goal in playing poker is to win money, and give ourselves the best chance to win that money, checking here is not giving ourselves the best chance to win money
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So say you do bet the flop.What if you get 2 or 3 callers?I think it's safe to assume someone is slowplaying a king. Do you bet the turn then? Cause I think that would be pretty stupid, even if it takes the lead away, you aren't winning with a few callers on that flop. I say take a shot on the flop, but after that you need to back off. Take the free river and try to fill up. Do most of you disagree with that?

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So say you do bet the flop.What if you get 2 or 3 callers?I think it's safe to assume someone is slowplaying a king.  Do you bet the turn then?  Cause I think that would be pretty stupid, even if it takes the lead away, you aren't winning with a few callers on that flop.  I say take a shot on the flop, but after that you need to back off.  Take the free river and try to fill up.  Do most of you disagree with that?
Spot on.Bet the flop. Get rid of all the 8, 9, T, J Q and A's that you can.If the flop's called take the free card and call a bet on the end.If it's check-raised on the flop or your led into on the turn, this is the first time in the hand that you actually have to start thinking...
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Good post, very subtle.At 1/2 I check this. 10/20, I bet... maybe even 3/6.Reason being, 1/2 I get anyone from 8's up to slowplayed kings down to A2 suited calling me in many instances. And with callers I'm screwed without a 7 on the turn.At even 10/20 I get more information by betting, and a much better chance at simply taking down the pot.

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Reason being, 1/2 I get anyone from 8's up to slowplayed kings  down to A2 suited calling me in many instances.  
If you are MORE likely to get called by a WORSE hand when betting in late position, shouldn't you be MORE inclined to bet?I don't get itIce
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Chant w/ me here people, "BET THE FLOP" "BET THE FLOP"Okay, so we raised PF and if I read correctly, everyone called. 16sb's7 people checked. We bet the flop and most likely get at least 3-4 callers. 21sb's. If its check-raised, I call and see the turn. At the most we've lost 4 small bets.If its 3 bet back to me, I fold.Check/Fold the turn unimproved.There's my 2 cents worth.

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how could you not bet this out when you raised preflop and it was checked all the way around to you? I bet no matter what if I raised preflop and it was checked all the way to me and I was on the button. Yes, somebody probably is slow playing a K but it has to be a weak K-X otherwise he would of reraised preflop. If you do get 2-3 callers then its checked around to you again on the turn..well than you have atleast a chance to take a free card and fill up. With 2-3 callers you can safely assume that somebody is waiting for you to bet the turn so he can check raise.. so by betting the flop you give youself a chance for a free card on the riv. The only way to win at limit is to play aggressive...and a check on the flop is so weak.

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