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Anonymous is always right though because they are anti-establishment.


On a serious note, it does presents viable notion that the Epstein Loletta express which took the rich and powerful to rape island could have been wired by people who wanted leverage and our black mail info.


Bill went over 25 times


the whole association with Epstein that Bill Clinton and Trump have had is very concerning for just this reason. I have no doubt that they both did things there that are at best embarrasing and that they wouldn't want to get out into the public.

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What's funny? He has a good brain, a great brain. He talks to a lot of people, the best people, and he has the best plan to make things great. He talks to the best and smartest people and uses his tre

I'm hoping she makes Bernie her VP and the indictment comes after the election

so, not random, not a billionaire. gotcha.

so I guess Putin asked Trump to say nice things about his Serbian friends. Pretty disgusting but par for the course with Trump.


Matt O'Brien ‏@ObsoleteDogma 19m19 minutes ago

Trump is apologizing for the US stopping the guy who was the closest thing to Hitler since Hitler, who did this—> https://www.theguardian.com/media/2000/mar/15/pressandpublishing.tvnews



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the whole association with Epstein that Bill Clinton and Trump have had is very concerning for just this reason. I have no doubt that they both did things there that are at best embarrasing and that they wouldn't want to get out into the public.


Get it into the public I say. Both of them if they both did it.

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so I guess Putin asked Trump to say nice things about his Serbian friends. Pretty disgusting but par for the course with Trump.


Matt O'Brien ‏@ObsoleteDogma 19m19 minutes ago

Trump is apologizing for the US stopping the guy who was the closest thing to Hitler since Hitler, who did this—> https://www.theguard...blishing.tvnews




Silly Bob, Trump is the Hitler.


Follow the script man

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Boy, the 'allegations' against Trump are sure showing up all of a sudden.


This after NYTs is caught having the audio, but waiting till late in election cycle to reveal it. (Because its the job of the NYT to manipulate the voters of the country, not report news )


It's kind of sad to see the desperation of the left's propaganda machine. They used to be so much more subtle.


Now it's like they are just phoning it in.



Fits my theory that no one likes Hillary. No one.


2008 she was equally a shoe in,...until random black guy shows up and they dumped her like a fat chick at...well... an election.


Rasmussen poll has Trump up 2 points, 6 point swing from debate he "lost"




Just like Anita Hill, we'll find proof these women are lying to stop a republican because it's okay to lie when your a leftist to achieve your agenda.

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BG, you don't honestly believe that Trump is ahead right now, do you? Dems sure are getting "desperate" about an election they are going to win by the biggest margin in 30 years.


my working theory is 90% elaborate troll job, 9% BG is living in an alternate timeline where the only connection to the regular timeline is the Politics forum at FCP, and 1% that this is just the way he is

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TRUMP TAPE: [brags about sexual assault]

TRUMP: I did not sexually assault.

VICTIMS: Um, actually...

BALLOON GUY: Suspicious timing!



loving it. never quit.

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Todd ZwillichVerified account


Some thoughts about Trump's Florida speech today 1/

Lets reup: HRC "meets in secret w intl banks to plot the destruction of US sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers" 2/

For all the LOLs about "full Bannon", that is language straight out of the classically antisemitic "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 3/

Digest that along w Trump's warning that the election could be stolen by people "in certain areas...you know what I'm talking about" 4/

It's tempting to chalk this up to ego defense, or market segmentation for a fired up post-election TV audience 5/

Yet Trump is priming his supporters to believe the election was stolen from them by a cabal of Jews, blacks, bankers and media 6/

The inevitable conclusion is that normal democratic institutions no longer serve them. 7/

This stuff is way more dangerous in defeat than it is in victory. 8/

If youre defeated by an all-powerful conspiracy, u have nothing left lose in the democratic system. Conflict is your only rational option 9/

Things have taken a much more serious and dark turn from 18 hrs ago when Trump was turning Bill Clinton into Bill Cosby. 10/x

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So Trump hates the Jews...just...like.........HITLER



It's so obvious.


Everything he says he's really secretly talking about the Jews.



I bet he really hates the fat female Jews

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So Trump hates the Jews...just...like.........HITLER



It's so obvious.


Everything he says he's really secretly talking about the Jews.



I bet he really hates the fat female Jews


Well if you are familiar with 1930 German politics (lol ya right) Hitler came to power in bad economic times through trickery but legally (no coup). So he's not literally Hitler, just figuratively Hitler when he was first trying to get elected as Chancellor.


Unlike Obama who totally was Hitler for trying to bring in universal health care. /s

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Straw man alert!


Trump is trying to get elected...just like Hitler


Trump is willing to get dirty in response to a DNC that actually collided to get Hillary over Bernie


Bad economic times...after 8years of Obama



When was Obama called Hitler by anyone?


Even Hillary only tried to say he was born in Kenya, not Germany.


You've been weighed..you're found wanting

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Good to see the Clinton campaign finally figured out that when hillary talks, people hate her.


Smart move to keep her from the microphone this week as much as possible.


Send out Michelle, so we can show the video of her saying Hillary will say anything and do nothing. And the lyrics from their good friends in the hip hop community to show how outraged she really is.


Send out Obama, so we can show Bill's recent video saying Obama care is disaster.


Send out these women who just showed up, as their stories fall apart.


Send out Algore, so everyone can say "who"?


These last days are going to be interesting, put on your seatbelts


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And now Ken Bone is a sexist pervert who must be destroyed.



Racist, sexist, homophobe, ... You've over used the labels and they mean nothing now

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Jeff B/DDHQ ‏@EsotericCD 2h2 hours ago

TRUMP: guys we need a witness to refute groping

BANNON: yo found a self-proclaimed child-sex pimp to vouch for you

TRUMP: good go with that

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Good to see the Clinton campaign finally figured out that when hillary talks, people hate her.


Smart move to keep her from the microphone this week as much as possible.


Send out Michelle, so we can show the video of her saying Hillary will say anything and do nothing. And the lyrics from their good friends in the hip hop community to show how outraged she really is.


Send out Obama, so we can show Bill's recent video saying Obama care is disaster.


Send out these women who just showed up, as their stories fall apart.


Send out Algore, so everyone can say "who"?


These last days are going to be interesting, put on your seatbelts


LOL what??? Instead of these qualified peoplethey should he have sent out another notables like Scott Biao, or a Guiliani who apparently has dementia? Trump would love to have people say how great of person he his but current Republicans (Governors/Senators/etc) are staying away in droves http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/republicans-who-don-t-support-donald-trump-1.12443458 and actually voting FOR Clinton. And nice deflection throwing away their whole point like that.


Meanwhile in Trump-land he was all over CNN when it was fun and cool to bully other Rep candidates but now they are actually "doing their jobs" and "fact checking" Trump is no-where to be seen. It's up to poorly equipped surrogates to try and cover him? Talk about keeping away from the microphone.

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Wow... OK. Anyways this for my own interest but hey maybe you might get some benefit from it.


Trump is trying to get elected...just like Hitler


There are other similarities like the GOP thinking that they could manage Trump (ie with Pence as a running mate, the convention resolutions) . And a platform based on Nationalism / the world is out to get us, which is incredibly effective in the short run, but CAN turn ugly in the long run. ie If race/religion/profession X is responsible for our situation and we can't improve our situation then we must do more against X.


Bad economic times...after 8years of Obama


Obama took over as President as the start of a recession triggered by the home loan fisco. So in absolute terms is record is not that great but "During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth has beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II".


Manufacturing jobs fled the States long ago due to the Walmartifcation (race to the bottom on prices) of the country. When Trump thinks of the glory days of the US the minimum wage was pretty decent, now people are working multiple jobs just to put food on the table and look for the cheapest prices possible.


Coal mining has also been savaged but this has nothing to do with Obama's green initiatives... the Chinese have already in the process of building ~1000 nuclear plants and so demand is just dropping way down.


All of these free trade agreements does create a shift in economies as countries adjust to what is most profitable. In terms of American winners it's undoubtedly food and tech. But that's why this election isn't about red v blue state but urban v rural. Many people have done great under globalization and others not so much.


When was Obama called Hitler by anyone?


Google image it. But I do remember seeing tons of picture of posters with mustaches drawn in at anti-health reform demonstrations.


Even Hillary only tried to say he was born in Kenya, not Germany.




"There is no evidence to support this. Clinton supporters circulated the rumor in the last days of the 2008 Democratic primary and after Clinton had conceded to Obama. But the record does not show Clinton or her campaign ever promoting the birther theory, let alone starting it."

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LOL what??? Instead of these qualified peoplethey should he have sent out another notables like Scott Biao, or a Guiliani who apparently has dementia? Trump would love to have people say how great of person he his but current Republicans (Governors/Senators/etc) are staying away in droves http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/republicans-who-don-t-support-donald-trump-1.12443458 and actually voting FOR Clinton. And nice deflection throwing away their whole point like that.


Meanwhile in Trump-land he was all over CNN when it was fun and cool to bully other Rep candidates but now they are actually "doing their jobs" and "fact checking" Trump is no-where to be seen. It's up to poorly equipped surrogates to try and cover him? Talk about keeping away from the microphone.


It only facts backed up your hyperbole


Trump is hiding from press?. During his 3or4 rallies a day, while Clinton only does private fundraisers.


It's like bizzaro world meets liberal dream house

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Wow... OK. Anyways this for my own interest but hey maybe you might get some benefit from it.


Thank you for deeming to speak down to us poor slobs who can't think smart like you. I hope you can continue your altruistic ways for us deplorable.



There are other similarities like the GOP thinking that they could manage Trump (ie with Pence as a running mate, the convention resolutions) . And a platform based on Nationalism / the world is out to get us, which is incredibly effective in the short run, but CAN turn ugly in the long run. ie If race/religion/profession X is responsible for our situation and we can't improve our situation then we must do more against X.


Just last post the Republicans were never for Trump and hate him now, but now they are controlling his vp pick and directing his message

You should get that confusion assorted before you explain to us what's what


Obama took over as President as the start of a recession triggered by the home loan fisco. So in absolute terms is record is not that great but "During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth has beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II".


So not only is the bad economy Bush's fault...it's actually a great economy at the same time because Europe's leaders let Bush run their economies into the ground worse?

That Bush was Hitler because he destroyed the world...


Macturing jobs fled the States long ago due to the Walmartifcation (race to the bottom on prices) of the country. When Trump thinks of the glory days of the US the minimum wage was pretty decent, now people are working multiple jobs just to put food on the table and look for the cheapest prices possible.


Sounds like you want a trade war or something


Coal mining has also been savaged but this has nothing to do with Obama's green initiatives... the Chinese have already in the process of building ~1000 nuclear plants and so demand is just dropping way down.


You sure like to use coal for your examples. BTW how many nuclear power plants are on line in China? Cause the coal demand excuse only happens after they are operational


All of these free trade agreements does create a shift in economies as countries adjust to what is most profitable. In terms of American winners it's undoubtedly food and tech. But that's why this election isn't about red v blue state but urban v rural. Many people have done great under globalization and others not so much.



We'll lose tech soon because of hb1 visas that Obama has been increasing


Google image it. But I do remember seeing tons of picture of posters with mustaches drawn in at anti-health reform demonstrations.


Well if someone somewhere said it then everyone thinks it





"There is no evidence to support this. Clinton supporters circulated the rumor in the last days of the 2008 Democratic primary and after Clinton had conceded to Obama. But the record does not show Clinton or her campaign ever promoting the birther theory, let alone starting it."


I get it, they use politics and facts in their name so they must always be right.


How do we deal with Wikipedia and leaks showing us actual emails from podesta that conflict those 'facts'


I know, let's ignore them, they are just emails from the guys running their campaign. How can they be germane to the topic compared with a website that uses the word facts in its mash up name?


Scale still showing ' want'

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