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Today's 'what Would You Do?' Question

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Armored truck drops 2 million dollars off truck sending $20 bills flying down the street........ You grab what you can or do what this idiot did and grab the unopened bags with nearly 2 million dollars in them, call 911 and guard the cash until the police got there to recover it?http://www.14wfie.com/Global/story.asp?S=13283714INDIANAPOLIS (CNN) - An armored truck drops bundles of money Wednesday morning on a busy street in downtown Indianapolis.It prompted a dash for cash with people grabbing as many 20-dollar bills as they could.But one man decided to guard the money till police arrived. At first, Tim Wentworth didn't know what he was looking at. They looked like packages out in the middle of Washington Street. It turns out those plastic bundles had just fallen off an armored truck.iPhone video shot by WIBC radio shows security officials loading those bundles back onto the truck. It didn't happen before things got a little hectic. A passing car had already hit one of the bags and $20 bills started flying out. That's when Wentworth called 911."Three great big bags of 20s," he recalled. "And money was all over the street.It turned into a cash grab."Everybody else was running out in the street, grabbing all that loose money," Wentworth said. "The wind was taking it down Washington Street."Tim and his wife Vicki dragged the three bundles to the curb then waited for police and the truck driver to come pick up the money, estimated at just under $2 million minus the estimated $20,000 that blew away and got snatched up by some who happened to be in the area and decided to keep what they found--even if it wasn't theirs.A reporter later asked folks downtown about what they would do if they saw money flying down a street."I would call the police," promised one."I don't know. Depends on where I'm at and what I'm doing," said another."Maybe put a few bills in my pocket," admitted another."What if it's fallen off an armored truck and it's coming from a bank?" the reporter then asked."Oh God no, no. Federal offense. No I would not touch the money at all," said one.Tim says taking the money never even occurred to him.Workers nearby told the Indianapolis Star that about ten people scrambled into the street and made off with armloads of cash before Wentworth and police arrived to secure the rest of the money and turn it back over to the armored car.

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will I get caught if I take any?also, I thought of this when I saw the subject
no guarantees if you would get caught or not, but definitely possible, it's part of the risk if you are willing to try it.and I more thought of the City High song .... what would you do if your son was at home, cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry
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It's a bank.I would steal it and then ask the government to give me money to make up for the short fall of my estimated $30 million take from tax payer's money.After receiving a bail out, I would then pay back the bank, asking for a finder's fee and charge them a money management fee of 14%.I would then write off the returned money as a gift, forcing the bank to declare it as income.Then buy a congressmen or two and get invited to the White House, where I would make a pitch for being made ambassador to the Dominican RepublicBecause they have really good cigars there.In other words, I would become a democrat for a bit

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I don't know. I would like to think I would be rebel enough to take it and have some fun but I am sure if presented with this in real life I would hold onto it and report it and hope there is a decent reward like there usually is in these situations.

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Just another conservative who forgets TARP was Bush's idea, eh?I'm feeling very Canadian today.
"TARP repayments have continued to exceed expectations, substantially reducing the projected cost of this program to taxpayers," said Herb Allison, Treasury assistant secretary for financial stability, in a statement. "This milestone is further evidence that TARP is achieving its intended objectives: stabilizing our financial system and laying the groundwork for economic recovery."
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It's ok to steal as long as it's easy to do.
"Never hit anyone in anger... ...unless you're absolutely sureyou can get away with it."
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It's a bank.I would steal it and then ask the government to give me money to make up for the short fall of my estimated $30 million take from tax payer's money.After receiving a bail out, I would then pay back the bank, asking for a finder's fee and charge them a money management fee of 14%.I would then write off the returned money as a gift, forcing the bank to declare it as income.Then buy a congressmen or two and get invited to the White House, where I would make a pitch for being made ambassador to the Dominican RepublicBecause they have really good cigars there.In other words, I would become a democrat for a bit
First off.....F USecondly.....I LMFAO! Well played :club:
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I take it all and vanish until the heat dies down. 4, 5, 6 years later, I emerge, never spending more than a few hundred at a time and not all in the same area, avoiding places with cameras. I'd also have scotch tape on my fingertips when I did spend the cash so my prints weren't left on any of it. It would be traceable via the serial numbers. It would take me a good bit of time to launder that money clean, but I would. It would be my retirement.

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I'm sorry.What is: a compassionate conservative.
So tired of what the Bushes did to conservatives. Really.
I take it all and vanish until the heat dies down. 4, 5, 6 years later, I emerge, never spending more than a few hundred at a time and not all in the same area, avoiding places with cameras. I'd also have scotch tape on my fingertips when I did spend the cash so my prints weren't left on any of it. It would be traceable via the serial numbers. It would take me a good bit of time to launder that money clean, but I would. It would be my retirement.
Was reading the post and was going to say that's going to be hard to do. Then I saw who posted.
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I take it all and vanish until the heat dies down. 4, 5, 6 years later, I emerge, never spending more than a few hundred at a time and not all in the same area, avoiding places with cameras. I'd also have scotch tape on my fingertips when I did spend the cash so my prints weren't left on any of it. It would be traceable via the serial numbers. It would take me a good bit of time to launder that money clean, but I would. It would be my retirement.
sounds like you've done this before
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if from a bank...its Fed insured, so fuck it...but if i guarded it to give back i would succeed, i carry most times
Yeah, an inhaler. What is this, It?
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So tired of what the Bushes did to conservatives. Really.
I have to hear about Jimmy Carter all the time and I was not even alive during his presidency. The past haunts us all.
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