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October Member Of The Month

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If this is a serious vote, then I seriously vote no on the basis that chrozzo has possibly more worthless posts than anyone.
Have you met Mercury?
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He wishes.
No. Well, in some respects, I suppose.
Does it matter? I thought we were voting. Do I have to provide some credentials or something?
Have you met Mercury?
Not, like, in real life or anything, but yes, I've had a few e-fights with him on here.
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Not, like, in real life or anything, but yes, I've had a few e-fights with him on here.
I see. So of your 63 posts, 3 being in this thread, about how many would you say have been part of these "few e-fights"?Which leaves how many to have any worth?Pot/kettle ITT.
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I see. So of your 63 posts, 3 being in this thread, about how many would you say have been part of these "few e-fights"?Which leaves how many to have any worth?Pot/kettle ITT.
No, Tanner was correct, this is just a new screen name.One of the benefits to a new screen name is all this stuff that comes with it.
Yea it does matter bc you should only get one vote per person and not per account.DUCY?
You're right. We must preserve the integrity of the fake voting process where nobody else is even voting. This is important!
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Does it matter? I thought we were voting. Do I have to provide some credentials or something?
Since when are we voting? And who is we? Featured member is decided upon by Bob and governator, iirc.
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Since when are we voting? And who is we? Featured member is decided upon by Bob and governator, iirc.
Charter members have always voted on the featured member each month. Bob posts a top 5 list in the charter member forum and we vote on who of those 5 people wins for the next month.You didn't know?
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Charter members have always voted on the featured member each month. Bob posts a top 5 list in the charter member forum and we vote on who of those 5 people wins for the next month.You didn't know?
Often times that thread gets bumped off the first page because of the stupid run good password thread always getting attention by Bob when pokerstars changes it.Plus when Negreanu starts those drunk threads where he posts picture of the chicks he is 'coaching'
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Charter members have always voted on the featured member each month. Bob posts a top 5 list in the charter member forum and we vote on who of those 5 people wins for the next month.You didn't know?
Dude, what are you doing? STOPPPPPPPPP
how bout one of those guys who comes around to sell shoes and hand bags?
you talking about k_dense?
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Dude, what are you doing? STOPPPPPPPPP
Shit sorry, I broke the first rule of charter membership.
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That's the second rule, the first rule is the run good password thing.
Yeah, I know that: I as just trying to make a Fight Club joke at the same time. I still think it would have been funny if Bob put that rule down as #1 and not #2.
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I know you're mostly kidding but it isn't Member of The Month, it's Featured Member there's a huge difference. Somebody can be Featured Member without having much of a poker resume.Some times we choose somebody mostly for their poker accomplishments some times for their posting contributions and often a combination of the two.You'll know the end is near if I'm ever Featured Member
That could rule me in then..... :club:
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Yeah, I know that: I as just trying to make a Fight Club joke at the same time. I still think it would have been funny if Bob put that rule down as #1 and not #2.
I think it was funny that rule about not re-posting all those drunk DN posts BEFORE he even made any. I mean back in 2006 we hardly knew DN was into those parties and that his thing was you know with the you know who.And that was rule #7...so you know Bob was thinking about it when he came up with the top five rules, but wanted to play it off.Whatever, they want to pay me to post here, I'll follow their rules.
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