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Flopped The Nuts

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Settle a bet for me please.If I am holding Qs10d and the flop comes AKJ rainbow can I say “I flopped the nuts”?Also confirm that the statement has nothing to do with future cards (i.e. turn and river).

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Not to mention, if someone else has QT as well..then they also have the same hand so you do not have the nuts, as the nuts is the only hand that can possibly win by itself.

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Not to mention, if someone else has QT as well..then they also have the same hand so you do not have the nuts, as the nuts is the only hand that can possibly win by itself.
This is true, but not entirely applicable because QT already isn't the nuts. If there was an AAK flop and you held AK and someone else ALSO held AK, you wouldn't have the nuts.
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This would not be considered "flopping the nuts" You can't know what the nuts is until you see more cards. If someone has Ace Ace, they can catch a card to beat you. The nuts is a hand that cannot be beaten.

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This is true, but not entirely applicable because QT already isn't the nuts. If there was an AAK flop and you held AK and someone else ALSO held AK, you wouldn't have the nuts.
In that AK on AAK flop example you do have the nuts as no hand can beat you. Also, if you didn't hold the nuts there, the term "stone cold nuts" wouldn't make any sense. After all, it exist to differentiate in exactly those situations.As for the OP, personally I don't have a problem with saying that you have the nuts on the flop, as nobody can have a hand that beats you at the moment. However, it seems that the majority sees it differently, which is odd, because then only flopping the high end of a straight flush could be considered flopping the nuts, as any other hand can still be beaten with 2 more cards to come.Oh and a quick google search for "flopping the nuts", going through the first couple of entries indicates that QT is indeed flopping the nuts on a AKJr board:http://www.learn-texas-holdem.com/flopping...oldem-poker.htmhttp://www.pokernews.com/strategy/nut-straight.htmhttp://ezinearticles.com/?Flopping-the-Nut...&id=3643702
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I am surprised that so many people are saying that this is not the nuts. I have always heard this situation to be called the nuts, knowing that it may not be so by the river. I've also heard the term "mortal nuts", referring to a hand that is the nuts on the flop, and will also be the nuts at the river.As an aside, in Omaha it is common to refer to a hand being the nuts on the flop or turn, but being vulnerable to re-draws. As a result, it it often wise to "muck the nuts" if you are being free-rolled.

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Settle a bet for me please.If I am holding Qs10d and the flop comes AKJ rainbow can I say “I flopped the nuts”?Also confirm that the statement has nothing to do with future cards (i.e. turn and river).
I don't know what everyone else is saying... You did flop the nuts, hence, you FLOPped the nutz,Becauseit happened on the FLOP, u have the best hand on the FLOP...Now, there's a turn and river.. If the board pairs up or 3 of the same suit ends up on board someone could Get the nuts on the turn or river..they could out-nut u haha
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Wow you all just got insanely leveled by about 8 posters
LOL@ how stupid some of you are.
Well, since the inflection is missing, how was I supposed to know it was a level - going by what was written in response to the OP, I had to assume that the previous posters are the nuts.
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Also, someone could be holding pocket hobbgoblins for a flopped fortress, which would put you drawing dead on the flop.
Well, that is unless you are holding the antiserum. It protects against hobbgoblins as well as any spells cast before the flop.
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You flopped the nuts, there is no discussion about it... Whether it will still be the nuts on the river or not is turn and river dependent, but you FLOPPED THE NUTS

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Wow you all just got insanely leveled by about 8 posters
He asked an honest question and wanted a answer. No wonder I don't post here any more...
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He asked an honest question and wanted a answer. No wonder I don't post here any more...
You know, he could have just searched it on google and probably found the answer much quicker, without the sarcasm too.
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You know, he could have just searched it on google and probably found the answer much quicker, without the sarcasm too.
You know, you could have told him this. Or given him the answer with a request to do this the next time.Not lie to him...His screen name is "New2FCP" with less than a 100 posts...give him a break. Someone gave you a few at one time or another.
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You know, you could have told him this. Or given him the answer with a request to do this the next time.Not lie to him...His screen name is "New2FCP" with less than a 100 posts...give him a break. Someone gave you a few at one time or another.
but where would be the fun in that? oh plus, everyone got flamed a few times in their starting to post on fcp...chill out brah
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No, you did not flop the nuts because a full house could come, or quads, or runner runner flush.Sorry...
Thanks for this - but I only wanted to discuss if the statement was valid at the time of the flop - I should have been more specific.It is clear that the turn and the river could bring flush or full house or even quads..... but I believe that if all action stopped at the flop - it is fair to say that the player flopped the nuts. I believe that this is true even if another player has Q10 as they have the nuts as well and it would be a split pot (again only at that moment).If the statement is not true then the only time you could say you flopped the nuts would be if you flopped a royal flush - no?
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Settle a bet for me please.If I am holding Qs10d and the flop comes AKJ rainbow can I say “I flopped the nuts”?Also confirm that the statement has nothing to do with future cards (i.e. turn and river).
Yes. You can say it.
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You know, he could have just searched it on google and probably found the answer much quicker, without the sarcasm too.
We googled it and got strange and conflicting responses so I brought it to where I consider a respected community of excellent poker players for comment. There was much discussion on the difference between flopping the nuts and having the nuts by the time the river is out..... This resulted in controversy over the term flopped the nuts.
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