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Gibler Ft Of Tilt $129 Ko

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Full Tilt Poker Game #10810222733: $30,000 KO Guarantee (80430765), Table 13 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:07:29 ET - 2009/02/23Seat 1: this is punny (246,458)Seat 2: archwatcher (337,559)Seat 3: iwilleatu (121,944)Seat 6: tibzen (120,468)Seat 7: MrNoons (41,521)Seat 8: hill8 (100,046)Seat 9: Ari (208,004)this is punny antes 600archwatcher antes 600iwilleatu antes 600tibzen antes 600MrNoons antes 600hill8 antes 600Ari antes 600hill8 posts the small blind of 2,500Ari posts the big blind of 5,000The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***this is punny has 15 seconds left to actthis is punny raises to 12,500archwatcher foldsiwilleatu foldstibzen foldsMrNoons raises to 40,921, and is all inhill8 foldsAri foldsthis is punny calls 28,421MrNoons shows [8d 8s]this is punny shows [Kd Jh]*** FLOP *** [Tc Qh 7s]*** TURN *** [Tc Qh 7s] [3s]*** RIVER *** [Tc Qh 7s 3s] [5s]MrNoons shows a pair of Eightsthis is punny shows King Queen highMrNoons wins the pot (93,542) with a pair of Eights*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 93,542 | Rake 0Board: [Tc Qh 7s 3s 5s]Seat 1: this is punny showed [Kd Jh] and lost with King Queen highSeat 2: archwatcher folded before the FlopSeat 3: iwilleatu folded before the FlopSeat 6: tibzen folded before the FlopSeat 7: MrNoons (button) showed [8d 8s] and won (93,542) with a pair of EightsSeat 8: hill8 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: Ari (big blind) folded before the Flop

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4/5Full Tilt Poker Game #10810437620: $30,000 KO Guarantee (80430765), Table 13 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:20:08 ET - 2009/02/23Seat 1: this is punny (165,652)Seat 2: archwatcher (488,044)Seat 3: iwilleatu (175,138)Seat 6: tibzen (163,814)Seat 7: MrNoons (77,342)Seat 9: Ari (106,010)this is punny antes 750archwatcher antes 750iwilleatu antes 750tibzen antes 750MrNoons antes 750Ari antes 750iwilleatu posts the small blind of 3,000tibzen posts the big blind of 6,000The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***MrNoons foldsAri raises to 13,255this is punny foldsarchwatcher foldsiwilleatu foldstibzen raises to 163,064, and is all inAri calls 92,005, and is all intibzen shows [9s Ad]Ari shows [As Ac]Uncalled bet of 57,804 returned to tibzen*** FLOP *** [9d Jh Qh]*** TURN *** [9d Jh Qh] [6s]*** RIVER *** [9d Jh Qh 6s] [9h]tibzen shows three of a kind, NinesAri shows two pair, Aces and Ninestibzen wins the pot (218,020) with three of a kind, NinesAri stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 218,020 | Rake 0Board: [9d Jh Qh 6s 9h]Seat 1: this is punny folded before the FlopSeat 2: archwatcher (button) folded before the FlopSeat 3: iwilleatu (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: tibzen (big blind) showed [9s Ad] and won (218,020) with three of a kind, NinesSeat 7: MrNoons folded before the FlopSeat 9: Ari showed [As Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Nines

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5th for 2700, ggFull Tilt Poker Game #10810539305: $30,000 KO Guarantee (80430765), Table 13 - 3000/6000 Ante 750 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:26:06 ET - 2009/02/23Seat 1: this is punny (203,902)Seat 2: archwatcher (443,702)Seat 3: iwilleatu (152,088)Seat 6: tibzen (272,624)Seat 7: MrNoons (103,684)this is punny antes 750archwatcher antes 750iwilleatu antes 750tibzen antes 750MrNoons antes 750MrNoons posts the small blind of 3,000this is punny posts the big blind of 6,000The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***archwatcher foldsiwilleatu foldstibzen raises to 16,000MrNoons foldsthis is punny has 15 seconds left to actthis is punny raises to 51,885tibzen has 15 seconds left to acttibzen raises to 271,874, and is all inthis is punny calls 151,267, and is all intibzen shows [5s 5c]this is punny shows [Jh As]Uncalled bet of 68,722 returned to tibzen*** FLOP *** [4s Kd 4c]*** TURN *** [4s Kd 4c] [6h]*** RIVER *** [4s Kd 4c 6h] [6c]tibzen shows two pair, Sixes and Fivesthis is punny shows two pair, Sixes and Fourstibzen wins the pot (413,054) with two pair, Sixes and Fivesthis is punny stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 413,054 | Rake 0Board: [4s Kd 4c 6h 6c]Seat 1: this is punny (big blind) showed [Jh As] and lost with two pair, Sixes and FoursSeat 2: archwatcher folded before the FlopSeat 3: iwilleatu folded before the FlopSeat 6: tibzen (button) showed [5s 5c] and won (413,054) with two pair, Sixes and FivesSeat 7: MrNoons (small blind) folded before the Flop

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gg gibler

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4 bet shoved J9o with like 18 left and ran into kings... but i obv sucked out.still unhappy with my results for this tourneyty for the rail
Wish I could run like god....and by god i mean youGG Gib
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