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Low/mid Stakes Sunday

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It's blowing a gale, raining/hailing and near freezing out here. Good thing my house central heating is on max people in my house are worried about bills so it's almost as cold in here (slight exaggeration)In MDM too.

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In the 200k, 30k, 115k and probably some 4.40sIt snowed enough here to barely cover thr ground so its that ugly half snow half grass effect. Hopefully it snows a couple inches im sick of looking at leaves all over the place.

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In nothing, untill someone wants to help me deposit >.>..<.<So! I'll be doing what I always do and silent rail those at FTs, I have a feeling someone will be.

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It has been a nice and sunny day in Lisbon, my new home town for the next two years. Moreover, today I found a really great and affordable apartment, so I'm all happy and ready to crush today's tourneys. OK, that's probably a jinx which will make me bust in every first hour, but still.In:12:00 $11 deepstack (currently at 6.2k)13:00 $5.50 15k gtd (currently at 5.2k)14:30 $3.30 rebuy 40k gtd15:30 $11 200k gtdAnd probably some 4.40s if I bust out of stuff early.Good luck all!

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:(PokerStars Game #21893155805: Tournament #117555832, $25.00+$2.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2008/11/09 13:39:53 ETTable '117555832 31' 9-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: ragslumo (2080 in chips) Seat 2: TobiTo82 (3275 in chips) Seat 3: KoningOma (3250 in chips) Seat 4: Blue Baboon (1275 in chips) Seat 5: Beacar (2114 in chips) Seat 6: BR@NDY_B (4294 in chips) Seat 7: Ko8e_B (730 in chips) Seat 8: GüstOo* (1337 in chips) Seat 9: matheus0910 (1515 in chips) ragslumo: posts small blind 15TobiTo82: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Blue Baboon [Qs Qh]KoningOma: folds Blue Baboon: raises 60 to 90Beacar: calls 90BR@NDY_B: folds Ko8e_B: folds GüstOo*: raises 60 to 150matheus0910: folds ragslumo: folds TobiTo82: calls 120Blue Baboon: raises 1125 to 1275 and is all-inBeacar: folds GüstOo*: calls 1125TobiTo82: folds *** FLOP *** [8d 7d Kd]*** TURN *** [8d 7d Kd] [8c]*** RIVER *** [8d 7d Kd 8c] [9d]*** SHOW DOWN ***Blue Baboon: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Eights)GüstOo*: shows [Jd Jh] (a flush, King high)Beacar said, "u donk"GüstOo* collected 2805 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2805 | Rake 0 Board [8d 7d Kd 8c 9d]Seat 1: ragslumo (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 2: TobiTo82 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: KoningOma folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Blue Baboon showed [Qs Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and EightsSeat 5: Beacar folded before FlopSeat 6: BR@NDY_B folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: Ko8e_B folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: GüstOo* showed [Jd Jh] and won (2805) with a flush, King highSeat 9: matheus0910 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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such limp/spaz shoves.PokerStars Game #21893240426: Tournament #117601419, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2008/11/09 13:42:54 ETTable '117601419 121' 9-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 1: falcon07222 (18602 in chips) Seat 2: codeman876 (7835 in chips) Seat 3: Thomkat17 (1955 in chips) Seat 4: CapYoAzz (12220 in chips) Seat 5: riverboy63 (9040 in chips) Seat 6: Soonline (3125 in chips) Seat 7: Luckkozak (24758 in chips) Seat 8: skully92 (13345 in chips) Seat 9: ucosmo (7195 in chips) falcon07222: posts the ante 25codeman876: posts the ante 25Thomkat17: posts the ante 25CapYoAzz: posts the ante 25riverboy63: posts the ante 25Soonline: posts the ante 25Luckkozak: posts the ante 25skully92: posts the ante 25ucosmo: posts the ante 25Luckkozak: posts small blind 125skully92: posts big blind 250*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to skully92 [Ah Kd]ucosmo: folds falcon07222: folds codeman876: calls 250Thomkat17: folds CapYoAzz: folds riverboy63: calls 250Soonline: folds Luckkozak: calls 125skully92: raises 1425 to 1675codeman876: folds riverboy63: raises 7340 to 9015 and is all-inLuckkozak: folds skully92: calls 7340*** FLOP *** [5d Js 2d]*** TURN *** [5d Js 2d] [3s]*** RIVER *** [5d Js 2d 3s] [Td]*** SHOW DOWN ***skully92: shows [Ah Kd] (high card Ace)riverboy63: shows [Ac Qc] (high card Ace - lower kicker)skully92 collected 18755 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 18755 | Rake 0 Board [5d Js 2d 3s Td]Seat 1: falcon07222 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: codeman876 folded before FlopSeat 3: Thomkat17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: CapYoAzz folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: riverboy63 showed [Ac Qc] and lost with high card AceSeat 6: Soonline (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: Luckkozak (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: skully92 (big blind) showed [Ah Kd] and won (18755) with high card AceSeat 9: ucosmo folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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in the 200k, maybe 80k,30k,some 4.40'shey tehtoe this time make that final table loltoo cold here, moving south lol

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aaaaaaaarghPokerStars Game #21895800226: Tournament #119405440, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2008/11/09 15:09:31 ETTable '119405440 20' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: Foltz05 (4318 in chips) Seat 2: squirtybm (3580 in chips) Seat 3: camill66 (3860 in chips) Seat 4: thejinx1 (6764 in chips) Seat 5: bobbo510 (4777 in chips) Seat 6: Blue Baboon (4315 in chips) Seat 8: MaximusLV (5270 in chips) Seat 9: deesun4u (2537 in chips) Foltz05: posts the ante 25squirtybm: posts the ante 25camill66: posts the ante 25thejinx1: posts the ante 25bobbo510: posts the ante 25Blue Baboon: posts the ante 25MaximusLV: posts the ante 25deesun4u: posts the ante 25thejinx1: posts small blind 125bobbo510: posts big blind 250*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Blue Baboon [Kd Ac]Blue Baboon: raises 425 to 675MaximusLV: folds deesun4u: folds Foltz05: folds squirtybm: folds camill66: folds thejinx1: folds bobbo510: calls 425*** FLOP *** [As 8d 7s]bobbo510: checks Blue Baboon: bets 999bobbo510: calls 999*** TURN *** [As 8d 7s] [9s]bobbo510: checks Blue Baboon: bets 2616 and is all-inbobbo510: calls 2616*** RIVER *** [As 8d 7s 9s] [8s]*** SHOW DOWN ***bobbo510: shows [Qs Ah] (a flush, Ace high)Blue Baboon: shows [Kd Ac] (two pair, Aces and Eights)bobbo510 collected 8905 from potbobbo510 said, "harsh"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 8905 | Rake 0 Board [As 8d 7s 9s 8s]Seat 1: Foltz05 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: squirtybm folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: camill66 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: thejinx1 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 5: bobbo510 (big blind) showed [Qs Ah] and won (8905) with a flush, Ace highSeat 6: Blue Baboon showed [Kd Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and EightsSeat 8: MaximusLV folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: deesun4u folded before Flop (didn't bet)bobbo510: harshbobbo510: sry palit really mbn to be some people

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In-30k (88<66), 3R (6.5k but AT < KQ for 12k before break), 200k (nothing yet), 5R, 27.50 360 max (QQ<JJ), MDM-every $11 180 man (AK < AQ on A987, 87dd < QT on ATT2 on ddxd, AJ < AQ)-maybe the $55 125k (QQ < KJ on Jxxx - back to 2k)-0 4.40s-27.5k on FTP (Q7 < AK!)glgl*updated*
f today
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Sunday 200kPokerStars Game #21897566630: Tournament #117601187, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/09 16:05:22 ETTable '117601187 1337' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: hot beef1 (4050 in chips) Seat 2: KINDERPINGUI (2130 in chips) Seat 3: SugizoBR (5145 in chips) Seat 4: gatortom64 (1975 in chips) Seat 5: Bogusfrat (6630 in chips) Seat 6: ybakkert (2645 in chips) Seat 7: Aliode (3250 in chips) Seat 8: bazmagoo (3980 in chips) Seat 9: a33bars (3965 in chips) Bogusfrat: posts small blind 50ybakkert: posts big blind 100*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to gatortom64 [9h 9d]Aliode: folds bazmagoo: folds a33bars: raises 300 to 400hot beef1: calls 400KINDERPINGUI: folds SugizoBR: folds gatortom64: calls 400Bogusfrat: folds ybakkert: folds *** FLOP *** [Th 3h 5h]a33bars: bets 500hot beef1: folds gatortom64: raises 1075 to 1575 and is all-ina33bars: calls 1075*** TURN *** [Th 3h 5h] [Jc]*** RIVER *** [Th 3h 5h Jc] [4s]*** SHOW DOWN ***a33bars: shows [Js Ad] (a pair of Jacks)gatortom64: shows [9h 9d] (a pair of Nines)a33bars collected 4500 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4500 | Rake 0 Board [Th 3h 5h Jc 4s]Seat 1: hot beef1 folded on the FlopSeat 2: KINDERPINGUI folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: SugizoBR folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: gatortom64 (button) showed [9h 9d] and lost with a pair of NinesSeat 5: Bogusfrat (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: ybakkert (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: Aliode folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: bazmagoo folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: a33bars showed [Js Ad] and won (4500) with a pair of Jacks

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in the 200K:Dealt to clingfree [9d 9h]mitaka1: raises 300 to 400RiverCardRob: folds paire@max: folds BADBEATPLAY: folds hoff222: folds clingfree: calls 400whyamimrpink: folds Rolandinhio: folds mic474: calls 300*** FLOP *** [2d Ts 9c]mic474: checks mitaka1: bets 800clingfree: calls 800mic474: folds *** TURN *** [2d Ts 9c] [8h]mitaka1: bets 1300clingfree: calls 1261 and is all-inUncalled bet (39) returned to mitaka1*** RIVER *** [2d Ts 9c 8h] [Kh]*** SHOW DOWN ***mitaka1: shows [Kd Ac] (a pair of Kings)clingfree: shows [9d 9h] (three of a kind, Nines)clingfree collected 5372 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5372 | Rake 0 Board [2d Ts 9c 8h Kh]Seat 1: mitaka1 showed [Kd Ac] and lost with a pair of KingsSeat 2: RiverCardRob folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: paire@max folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: BADBEATPLAY folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: hoff222 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: clingfree showed [9d 9h] and won (5372) with three of a kind, NinesSeat 7: whyamimrpink (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Rolandinhio (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 9: mic474 (big blind) folded on the FlopBTW--sunny and high 60's here

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Million Dollar Man freerollPokerStars Game #21897983102: Tournament #110275777, 500FPP Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2008/11/09 16:18:22 ETTable '110275777 1534' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: CHOP_u2_BITZ (1395 in chips) Seat 2: xkingpin300x (1350 in chips) Seat 3: THEWOLF2008 (1395 in chips) is sitting outSeat 4: Daemon18 (2240 in chips) Seat 5: lekav (2530 in chips) Seat 6: gatortom64 (1950 in chips) Seat 7: PASSASPLIFF (2780 in chips) Seat 8: victor-laslo (1055 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)Seat 9: kost1970 (2605 in chips) kost1970: posts small blind 15CHOP_u2_BITZ: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to gatortom64 [As Ac]gatortom64 said, "tyty"xkingpin300x: calls 30THEWOLF2008: folds Daemon18: folds lekav: raises 120 to 150gatortom64: raises 1800 to 1950 and is all-inPASSASPLIFF: folds kost1970: folds CHOP_u2_BITZ: folds xkingpin300x: folds lekav: calls 1800*** FLOP *** [4c 2h 5s]*** TURN *** [4c 2h 5s] [3s]*** RIVER *** [4c 2h 5s 3s] [8d]*** SHOW DOWN ***lekav: shows [6c 6s] (a straight, Deuce to Six)gatortom64: shows [As Ac] (a straight, Ace to Five)gatortom64 said, "ugh"lekav collected 3975 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3975 | Rake 0 Board [4c 2h 5s 3s 8d]Seat 1: CHOP_u2_BITZ (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 2: xkingpin300x folded before FlopSeat 3: THEWOLF2008 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Daemon18 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: lekav showed [6c 6s] and won (3975) with a straight, Deuce to SixSeat 6: gatortom64 showed [As Ac] and lost with a straight, Ace to FiveSeat 7: PASSASPLIFF (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: kost1970 (small blind) folded before Flop

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In the 3r:*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to clingfree [Qs Qh]clingfree: raises 700 to 1050stingfish111: folds Schweiger 1: folds innochkamama: folds NoGetNutz: folds chalky: folds Krinophai: folds Geenyus21: calls 875stoxXxs: folds *** FLOP *** [8c Qc Td]Geenyus21: checks clingfree: bets 1050Geenyus21: calls 1050*** TURN *** [8c Qc Td] [Qd]Geenyus21: checks clingfree: checks *** RIVER *** [8c Qc Td Qd] [9c]Geenyus21: bets 3335clingfree: calls 3180 and is all-inUncalled bet (155) returned to Geenyus21*** SHOW DOWN ***Geenyus21: shows [Ad 9d] (two pair, Queens and Nines)clingfree: shows [Qs Qh] (four of a kind, Queens)clingfree collected 11315 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 11315 | Rake 0 Board [8c Qc Td Qd 9c]Seat 1: Schweiger 1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: innochkamama folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: NoGetNutz folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: chalky folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: Krinophai (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Geenyus21 (small blind) showed [Ad 9d] and lost with two pair, Queens and NinesSeat 7: stoxXxs (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: clingfree showed [Qs Qh] and won (11315) with four of a kind, QueensSeat 9: stingfish111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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