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Full Tilt Poker Game #8289332658: Table Super Gus - $2000/$4000 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 12:17:01 ET - 2008/09/30OMGClayAiken has 5 seconds left to actOMGClayAiken posts the small blind of $2,000Gus Hansen posts the big blind of $4,000The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***OMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to actOMGClayAiken calls $2,000Gus Hansen raises to $12,000OMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to actOMGClayAiken calls $8,000*** FLOP *** [Ts Jc As]Gus Hansen has 15 seconds left to actGus Hansen bets $12,000OMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to actOMGClayAiken raises to $60,000Gus Hansen foldsUncalled bet of $48,000 returned to OMGClayAikenOMGClayAiken mucksOMGClayAiken wins the pot ($47,999.50)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $48,000 | Rake $0.50Board: [Ts Jc As]Seat 1: Gus Hansen (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 2: OMGClayAiken (small blind) collected ($47,999.50), muckedFull Tilt Poker Game #8289342552: Table Super Gus - $2000/$4000 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 12:18:10 ET - 2008/09/30Seat 1: Gus Hansen ($56,000)Seat 2: OMGClayAiken ($103,999.50)Gus Hansen posts the small blind of $2,000OMGClayAiken posts the big blind of $4,000The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Gus Hansen raises to $12,000OMGClayAiken foldsUncalled bet of $8,000 returned to Gus HansenGus Hansen mucksGus Hansen wins the pot ($8,000)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $8,000 | Rake $0Seat 1: Gus Hansen (small blind) collected ($8,000), muckedSeat 2: OMGClayAiken (big blind) folded before the FlopFull Tilt Poker Game #8289343865: Table Super Gus - $2000/$4000 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 12:18:19 ET - 2008/09/30Seat 1: Gus Hansen ($60,000)Seat 2: OMGClayAiken ($99,999.50)OMGClayAiken posts the small blind of $2,000Gus Hansen posts the big blind of $4,000The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***OMGClayAiken raises to $12,000Gus Hansen raises to $36,000OMGClayAiken calls $24,000*** FLOP *** [2s 8s 9c]Gus Hansen bets $24,000, and is all inOMGClayAiken calls $24,000Gus Hansen shows [Kc 7h 8c Jh]OMGClayAiken shows [5d 6h 9s Qh]*** TURN *** [2s 8s 9c] [2d]*** RIVER *** [2s 8s 9c 2d] [3d]Gus Hansen shows two pair, Eights and TwosOMGClayAiken shows two pair, Nines and TwosOMGClayAiken wins the pot ($119,999.50) with two pair, Nines and TwosGus Hansen is sitting out*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $120,000 | Rake $0.50Board: [2s 8s 9c 2d 3d]Seat 1: Gus Hansen (big blind) showed [Kc 7h 8c Jh] and lost with two pair, Eights and TwosSeat 2: OMGClayAiken (small blind) showed [5d 6h 9s Qh] and won ($119,999.50) with two pair, Nines and Twos

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Full Tilt Poker Game #8289408773: Table Super Gus - $2000/$4000 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 12:25:45 ET - 2008/09/30Seat 1: Gus Hansen ($70,499.50)Seat 2: OMGClayAiken ($169,496.50)Gus Hansen posts the small blind of $2,000OMGClayAiken posts the big blind of $4,000The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***UShip This Way (Observer): VOS SHUT UP LOSERGus Hansen raises to $12,000xjoey4lifex (Observer): hey mark!Trippy Hippie (Observer): loooljoeynav (Observer): has there been bigger live???buck99 (Observer): this is rediculas lolUShip This Way (Observer): GUS WOULD CRUSH YOUGus Hansen: veryOMGClayAiken has 15 seconds left to actOMGClayAiken raises to $36,000uwillbecalled (Observer): vos u cant be rolled for this gameiLostMyRoll (Observer): THIS IS SICKWowUMadeUrFlush (Observer): shove it RayMagini (Observer): gus wouldnt play here steamedErik Wigman (Observer): :)Ytte (Observer): flipPushyou (Observer): mark way too broke to play thisGus Hansen has 15 seconds left to actUShip This Way (Observer): SHOVEGus Hansen: might be last hand for meSenMSX (Observer): all inSume133 (Observer): do itGus Hansen raises to $70,499.50, and is all inOMGClayAiken calls $34,499.50Gus Hansen shows [As Ad 8d 8c]SenMSX (Observer): yeeeeehhhhhhhhhhOMGClayAiken shows [Kd 5c Kh 9s]livebackwards (Observer): whattttUShip This Way (Observer): GO GUSSenMSX (Observer): get hiBig Perineum (Observer): hold*** FLOP *** [2s 3h 5s]livebackwards (Observer): HAHABig Perineum (Observer): hold*** TURN *** [2s 3h 5s] [5d]Pineco (Observer): yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees*** RIVER *** [2s 3h 5s 5d] [7d]Big Perineum (Observer): asrweqtGus Hansen shows two pair, Aces and FivesBig Perineum (Observer): wtvycerdsvdBig Perineum (Observer): htcrOMGClayAiken shows three of a kind, FivesOMGClayAiken wins the pot ($140,998.50) with three of a kind, FivesBig Perineum (Observer): teBig Perineum (Observer): cvfBig Perineum (Observer): fhcgcsBig Perineum (Observer): rtyfgfvjBig Perineum (Observer): hctBig Perineum (Observer): gxsprocketsAA (Observer): o sickiLostMyRoll (Observer): OH SNAPMChristensen (Observer): sickxAlyssa (Observer): omfgGus Hansen is sitting outUShip This Way (Observer): SO SO SICKEasyPots (Observer): loooooooooolJimiHandtrix (Observer): OUCHonthebutton69 (Observer): SIK*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $140,999 | Rake $0.50Board: [2s 3h 5s 5d 7d]Seat 1: Gus Hansen (small blind) showed [As Ad 8d 8c] and lost with two pair, Aces and FivesSeat 2: OMGClayAiken (big blind) showed [Kd 5c Kh 9s] and won ($140,998.50) with three of a kind, Fivesbink!OMGClayAiken: yeah wtf were you thinkingOMGClayAiken: making this table

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I love that Gus didn't even want this table, but since FTP made it for him he feels obliged to lose 80k on it

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Mark Vos (Observer): gus does this mean u are steamed? :DGus Hansen: veryGus Hansen: might be last hand for meDealer: Gus Hansen shows [As Ad 8d 8c]Dealer: OMGClayAiken shows [Kd 5c Kh 9s]Dealer: OMGClayAiken wins the pot ($140,998.50) with three of a kind, FivesGus Hansen: it is so sick OMGClayAiken: yeah wtf were you thinkingOMGClayAiken: making this tableGus Hansen: every time he puts his chips in bad he winsOMGClayAiken: oh you meant me

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LOL I just noticed that they already axed it. If they were going to make a game, these stakes, why not PA?
It wasn't intentional, they made a typo when they were trying to make a Super Gus O8 Table
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