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Live, 9 handed, 1/2 at the Venetian, bought for $200Villain one is new to game, 2nd hand so no readVillain two appears to be a donk... saw him call pot sized bet on J high flop with AQ off suit and spike an ace for a double up last orbitVillain 2 is BB with $300Hero is MP with $230Villain 1 is CO with $300Hero dealt A :club: J :spade:Folded to Hero, Hero raises to $11, a couple folds, CO calls, two folds, BB calls ($34)Flop: Q :ts 2 :D 6 :heart:BB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $20, BB calls, Hero calls ($94)How is the flop play? Should I have lead out with a c-bet? raised after the BB called?Turn: 8 :spade:BB checks, Hero bets $60How do we like this play? Two players expressed interest in the pot on the flop so I figured I could get one to stick around and I didn't want to wait for the river to build my pot. Any advice, thoughts appreciatedThanks

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I lead flopping the NFD 100% of the time (when I'm the pf aggressor anyway) and am usually willing to get stacks in.Now that you checked it, I would really like to check-raise the pot when action comes back around to you. Waking up with the flush on the turn is fine, and I like the bet size. If you wait till the river and suddenly wakes up you're getting action from a worse hand not very often, and the turn is probably checking through with 3 players in the hand.

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I would c-bet this board almost every time. If I'm checking I'm looking for the c/r. As played I think betting out on the turn is kinda cool, but I would be surprised to get much action unless somebody else has a flush.

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I'm def cbetting the flop for like $26 or so and likely 3betting all in if I'm raised. You'll have heaps of fold equity against mid pair hands, you are basically flipping against a queen and dominate a worse draw. You still have 25% equity if one of them has a set and the other folds.I like leading the turn as played, it's unlikely the guy is going to fold with a Queen right? Hopefully one of them was on a worse flush draw weeeeeee

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The flop check/call sucks donkey balls. You're giving up a ton of equity that you can collect from a lower flush draw and missing an opportunity to semi-bluff.Listen to Temp Nuts.

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Gotta learn to semi-bluff. 1 over and the NFD is flipping against most hands that villains will call with, plus you have fold equity. Gotta build a pot so that when you do hit the flush, you got some of the guys money in the pot so he wants to defend it.

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Gotta learn to semi-bluff. 1 over and the NFD is flipping against most hands that villains will call with, plus you have fold equity. Gotta build a pot so that when you do hit the flush, you got some of the guys money in the pot so he wants to defend it.
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Leading flop after being the preflop aggressor is best. If you're only c-betting when you miss or make top pair/better then thats going to be exploited. If a villain raises your flop bet I'm happy to get it all-in. If he flats then another bet from you on the turn won't look as much like a flush as the c/c-lead line does.Hope he had KsTs!

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I definitely agree that leading or c/r the flop was the better play. I was a little caught up in the Vegas poker room experience and didn't muster the courage for the c/r...had I gone with the c/r are we raising the pot? Can I make it $100 more and feel good or do we raise $60 more to $80?

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why is it hof? bc it's back when people were listening to me? LOL
two summers ago I knew exactly 0 about poker. now dont know much more, but more
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two summers ago I knew exactly 0 about poker. now dont know much more, but more
i disagree. When you first entered BAW you did know zero about poker... but you had a great crowd to learn from... AK, Cobalt, Naismith, Nate, tskillz, and cwik, noBBir, and simo were all very active back thennow I think you've got a solid game, and the only thing that's missing is the experience and "flow", if you will, to put you in the top 95% of players
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I wonder if the poor player behind you will make a bet on the turn since you just called him on the flop. I think a lot of bad players will think you have AK here and missed completely and will try to represent the flush on the turn or also be oblivious to the fact that there is a flush and think top pair is still good. It all depends on how bad of a player the person behind you is and how much they like to be aggressive, I think with the line you took on the flop I would check the turn to try to get a bet out of the donk and min raise him. if he doesn't bet fire at the river and hope to get paid. I th ink getting a turn bet paid and a river bet paid are small chance unless someone has a set or a smaller flush.

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I wonder if the poor player behind you will make a bet on the turn since you just called him on the flop. I think a lot of bad players will think you have AK here and missed completely and will try to represent the flush on the turn or also be oblivious to the fact that there is a flush and think top pair is still good. It all depends on how bad of a player the person behind you is and how much they like to be aggressive, I think with the line you took on the flop I would check the turn to try to get a bet out of the donk and min raise him. if he doesn't bet fire at the river and hope to get paid. I th ink getting a turn bet paid and a river bet paid are small chance unless someone has a set or a smaller flush.
You take this line and the other guy's the donk? Lol.
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You take this line and the other guy's the donk? Lol.
what are you afraid that hes gonna draw out on you? If hes a halfway decent player its usually obvious with a check call and a lead that you made a flush any bet over half the pot will more than likely get folded to. If he has a set or two pair there will probably be a check and a fold on the river if the board does not pair. I guess depending on the player they might call a bigger bet but someone who just plays the math would be folding to any bet that doesent pay 10-1 with pot/implied odds. It all depends on the other player the average poor poker player continues to bet in position when its checked to them trying to take down the pot. why not let them donate?
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I lead flopping the NFD 100% of the time (when I'm the pf aggressor anyway) and am usually willing to get stacks in.Now that you checked it, I would really like to check-raise the pot when action comes back around to you. Waking up with the flush on the turn is fine, and I like the bet size. If you wait till the river and suddenly wakes up you're getting action from a worse hand not very often, and the turn is probably checking through with 3 players in the hand.
Bet the flop, and lead the turn weakly hoping to get raised. I like c/r the board if we don't bet the flop because we had a momentary play-bad pop up, but as "the" plan I think it's iffy because it super-sucks if we get checks behind us.
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