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The Bowling Thread

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Starting next month I'll be leaving my current job (e-retail) to manage a pro shop. woooo bowling becoming my life again.

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So I bowled nationals on Friday and Saturday night. I honestly was very worried coming in because I bowled a whole 9 games the week before I left and nothing else in the 3 months prior, and those 9 games were with my backup equipment including my backup spare ball that feels nothing like the spare ball I sent to Vegas.My goal going in was just to break 500 so I wouldn't look like a total fool. When I went to check my balls in, my main two balls (Wild Ride and Maxxx Zone) were both illegal so had to get holes drilled to balance them out...ok...off to a good start :-\Warmups, couldn't find a line to save my life, lovely.Ended up going to my Action Max (my go-to ball when things go bad) and went brooklynn 1st shot, 2nd frame left 3-6-10 and flagged it left (fuck I KNEW I needed to shoot some games with my new spare ball) Thankfully I settled down a bit, even though I opened farrrr too many times (8), I shot a 558 still and we shot 2772. I believe 2660 is low to cash so we snuck through there.Saturday was doubles and singles. Doubles 1st, I go 211 204 180, partner goes 180 201 183 for 1159...1102 is low to cash, easily getting through there too. Singles 235 233 204 for 672 561 is low to cash so going to get a good payday on that. Also ended up at 1825 for all events...1801 is low to cashSo despite having no faith in myself and no practice, I come out and cash in all 4 events, make a bit of money in brackets, and pretty much pay for this year and next years tourney in one swoop.

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So I bowled nationals on Friday and Saturday night. I honestly was very worried coming in because I bowled a whole 9 games the week before I left and nothing else in the 3 months prior, and those 9 games were with my backup equipment including my backup spare ball that feels nothing like the spare ball I sent to Vegas.My goal going in was just to break 500 so I wouldn't look like a total fool. When I went to check my balls in, my main two balls (Wild Ride and Maxxx Zone) were both illegal so had to get holes drilled to balance them out...ok...off to a good start :-\Warmups, couldn't find a line to save my life, lovely.Ended up going to my Action Max (my go-to ball when things go bad) and went brooklynn 1st shot, 2nd frame left 3-6-10 and flagged it left (fuck I KNEW I needed to shoot some games with my new spare ball) Thankfully I settled down a bit, even though I opened farrrr too many times (8), I shot a 558 still and we shot 2772. I believe 2660 is low to cash so we snuck through there.Saturday was doubles and singles. Doubles 1st, I go 211 204 180, partner goes 180 201 183 for 1159...1102 is low to cash, easily getting through there too. Singles 235 233 204 for 672 561 is low to cash so going to get a good payday on that. Also ended up at 1825 for all events...1801 is low to cashSo despite having no faith in myself and no practice, I come out and cash in all 4 events, make a bit of money in brackets, and pretty much pay for this year and next years tourney in one swoop.
damn good performance for not bowling as often. One of my friends bowled and he said the shot was really tough. Amazing what that top guy shot back to back 299's.
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damn good performance for not bowling as often. One of my friends bowled and he said the shot was really tough. Amazing what that top guy shot back to back 299's.
I believe they put out the 41' flat pattern used in the Masters.If you didn't play inside 4th arrow, you had NO room either way.I thought the woman that shot the 780 in singles AND doubles was ridiculous! (granted she shot 580 in team to kill her all event winning chance)
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down here we got these weekly tourneys that the top 5 get placed on tv. Well the past two weeks Tony Reyes has been down in hawaii and he bowled in two tourneys. he placed third in one and the this past week he ended up winning the doubles with another a local bowler from down here. Pretty cool to see him bowl on the condition.

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down here we got these weekly tourneys that the top 5 get placed on tv. Well the past two weeks Tony Reyes has been down in hawaii and he bowled in two tourneys. he placed third in one and the this past week he ended up winning the doubles with another a local bowler from down here. Pretty cool to see him bowl on the condition.
Tony Reyes is a super-classy guy. When he coaches San Jose State University, we get the chance to talk to him a bunch and he LOVES to talk to anyone. That is pretty awesome.Speaking of college, we applied to a bunch of different ball companies this year for sponsorship and today Storm got ahold of us to tell us we are officially sponsored by them for the following year! We are super-pumped for this...next step to an established program!Not sure what the details are for what exactly the sponsorship entails, I'll post that when I find out. I had a bunch of guys call me today all excited (well technically they called my dad since he is in charge of all the financial stuff but I am more than likely coaching next year so I was just as excited)
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Tony Reyes is a super-classy guy. When he coaches San Jose State University, we get the chance to talk to him a bunch and he LOVES to talk to anyone. That is pretty awesome.Speaking of college, we applied to a bunch of different ball companies this year for sponsorship and today Storm got ahold of us to tell us we are officially sponsored by them for the following year! We are super-pumped for this...next step to an established program!Not sure what the details are for what exactly the sponsorship entails, I'll post that when I find out. I had a bunch of guys call me today all excited (well technically they called my dad since he is in charge of all the financial stuff but I am more than likely coaching next year so I was just as excited)
Damn very awesome about the Storm deal. This past season for you guys must have really opened up some eyes for the companies. Well if you get any left over stuff from Storm don't hesitate with sending some stuff down to Hawaii. About Tony Reyes I got to watch the TV episode and he does seem like he likes to talk. They had him doing the commentating and he just kept chatting away the whole time.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump for fall leagues starting. My scratch league meeting is tonight, two weeks from thursday I start a new trios league at another center. Going to be getting a new Roto Grip Nomad soon - so excited. Silver Streak core for the win.

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Bump for fall leagues starting. My scratch league meeting is tonight, two weeks from thursday I start a new trios league at another center. Going to be getting a new Roto Grip Nomad soon - so excited. Silver Streak core for the win.
Sick bump...you beat me by 10 minutes in my attempt to bump.NDSU has their 1st meeting tonight (my 1st as a coach and not a player) and I am excited to meet all the new bowlers.My two leagues start up next week but sadly I am missing the 1st 2 weeks since I am still recovering from the finger I broke 5 weeks ago.I might try to throw a ball tonight though...the bone is healed, it just hurts like a bitch to throw.
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Sick bump...you beat me by 10 minutes in my attempt to bump.NDSU has their 1st meeting tonight (my 1st as a coach and not a player) and I am excited to meet all the new bowlers.My two leagues start up next week but sadly I am missing the 1st 2 weeks since I am still recovering from the finger I broke 5 weeks ago.I might try to throw a ball tonight though...the bone is healed, it just hurts like a bitch to throw.
Yeah, I popped a bunch of Motrin and decided to bowl anyways. threw 2 practice shots and then 8 of us did a winner take all cash game. I go spare, 9 in a row, spare for 279. I should break my finger more often...not bad for 5 weeks without throwing a ball.Won 2nd winner take all game with a 237...198 3rd but I was tired by then.
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I'd take a 279 and 237 with a busted finger.We threw a few practice games (nothing too special, I was mostly talking over new equipment with my teammate, a long time friend who runs another pro shop in the area and is on staff with Roto Grip) after listening to the bowlers bitch about the cap on the scratch league for an hour. I honestly don't even remember what we ended up deciding on, I just know my team fits.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1st week...not so hot. Tuesday, I shot 513, 141 pins under average. Nothing went right, leaving 3 slammed 8pins and 4 9pins. Just a bad day. Wednesday I shot a bit better with a 605, but it was an ugly 605. Next week will be better though (I hope!)

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I had my first league night last week too - shot 618 with 4 8 pins left standing (I'm a lefty, but I think I've already mentioned that). Only one of them was flush though, the other three were high flush, so it's excusable. Chopped an easy spare in the 10th of the second game, and missed two splits, but was clean other than that, overall happy with the way I threw the ball. Mostly threw my Pyro and Hy-Road... but I drilled up my Roto Grip Nomad today, and I'm definitely throwing that tomorrow.

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I'm not bowling this winter and I'm kind of bummed. I'm taking the winter to focus on a certification I need to get for work. I did bowl last weekend at a friends wedding. And yes, he did have his wedding reception at a bowling alley. Threw the ball well for not having bowling in a few months and I was pretty much shit faced.

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On Tuesday, in the league I shot 513 in, I responded this week with a 713. Also we have a 3-6-9 jackpot that costs 25 cents, where if you strike 3rd 6th 9th frame of all 3 games, you win the cumulative jackpot. I hit that for $236, which pays for 3-6-9 jackpot for the next 20ish years hahaha.Next night, our pair was just shitty. Slick approaches and one lane 5 boards drier than other lane. Our pair had all 10 people averaging over 200 and I was the high on the pair with a 594...ouch.

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Tuesday league I don't get anything going and shoot 611. Wednesday league is usually the highest scoring alley in the city but through 2 full weeks, no one had shot 700. I go 251 236 1st 2. Need a 213 for 700. 1st frame I leave big 4, then I go 5 strikes in a row, then I SLAM a pocket 7-10. 9/ x in 9th and 10th. I need 9/9 for 700...9/...through the face for a 7 and a 211 and a 698. A few minutes later a guy strikes out for a 702 to end the alley's cold streak.Oh well, I will take it still.

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  • 3 months later...

have we all stopped bowling? For me I have bowled once in the past 3 months. Since the birth of my son and buying a house I knew it was going to be something that had to stop. It sucks but I hope to maybe throw a few games in the next few days. How about the rest of you guys?

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have we all stopped bowling? For me I have bowled once in the past 3 months. Since the birth of my son and buying a house I knew it was going to be something that had to stop. It sucks but I hope to maybe throw a few games in the next few days. How about the rest of you guys?
Funny you bumped the thread as I was going to bump it right now...I shot 300 tonight! First sanctioned 300 ever for me!Flush all 12, but 10th left a smash 9 that a slow messenger took out JUST as the rack was coming down to pick it up...make a half board move and smashed the last 2.I actually had 16 in a row if you count the 4 I started off with in the 3rd game (I bowled shitty though, 194-300-211)Then in makeup for a week we missed a few weeks ago, I went 13 in a row over 2 games.Big tourney this weekend...HOPE I win some cash...
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Funny you bumped the thread as I was going to bump it right now...I shot 300 tonight! First sanctioned 300 ever for me!Flush all 12, but 10th left a smash 9 that a slow messenger took out JUST as the rack was coming down to pick it up...make a half board move and smashed the last 2.I actually had 16 in a row if you count the 4 I started off with in the 3rd game (I bowled shitty though, 194-300-211)Then in makeup for a week we missed a few weeks ago, I went 13 in a row over 2 games.Big tourney this weekend...HOPE I win some cash...
damn that is awesome. Glad the rack was a little slow in clearing the deck. That is pretty impressive getting 12 flush. I know you said first sanctioned have you thrown a lot during practice? For me I haven't been able to beat my game from nearly 16 years ago when I was a senior in highschool. Went front 10 then left a high 4 pin. To be honest since then I have never shot the first 10. I have done the first nine a number of times but always leave a solid 10. I think the best I did was 14 in a row. Went 280 first game then started with the front 4.
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I had a practice 300 2 years ago.I also shot 289 at my other bowling alley last Tuesday...Spare, 10 in a row, 9pin. Game before that my friend shot his first 300 ever. Our team shot 3450 with no series over 718 heh...4 700s and a 620.

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I had a practice 300 2 years ago.I also shot 289 at my other bowling alley last Tuesday...Spare, 10 in a row, 9pin. Game before that my friend shot his first 300 ever. Our team shot 3450 with no series over 718 heh...4 700s and a 620.
damn you have been doing some good bowling. do you bowl in the hi roller in vegas?
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damn you have been doing some good bowling. do you bowl in the hi roller in vegas?
No, I don't. I don't think I am good enough for those yet.I bowled a tourney this weekend, did shitty. Shot shitty. Total shot to my confidence.My friend won it though and won 5.5k
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Had a good week last week. Drilled up a Storm Fast, literally took it off the press as practice was starting. Threw it for a couple of shots in practice and like my reaction, ended up throwing it in league (not something I usually do). Went front 9 the first game then choked (left a 3-5-6 and chopped the 3-6 out of it for a 265), then shot 246 (opened the 10th again, this time whiffed a 7 pin) then finished with 219. If I could've shot my spares (had 4 opens all total, the two mentioned and 2 splits) I would've probably shot 760 or so. Frustrating, but still pretty happy with my set.

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Shot 639 on Tuesday. Crappy second game - only had one open, but I couldn't stop squeezing and tugging, so I wasn't able to string more than 2 and ended up shooting 185. Went 235, 185, 219 (edit: wasn't until now that I realized my last two sets have had the same last game. weird). 4 opens again, same as last week, but 3 were splits so I'm not too upset about my spare shooting.

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