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What's with M Wallace having a band-aid on the back of his neck? I mean, he's a bad ass. Why would a bad ass wear a band-aid?
It's in solidarity for his imprisoned brother.nelly_2.jpgAs for the case, a theory I once heard was that Wallace was the Devil, and that was his golden violin. It's a somewhat less metaphysical take on the same ol' line of thought.
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It's in solidarity for his imprisoned brother.nelly_2.jpgAs for the case, a theory I once heard was that Wallace was the Devil, and that was his golden violin. It's a somewhat less metaphysical take on the same ol' line of thought.
If I was the devil I would use my devilish powers to avoid getting a ss rammed.
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mmmmmmmkay, but wouldn't that make whitish light?Now this is a good answer and a reminder to add this to my netfix queue. What's with M Wallace having a band-aid on the back of his neck? I mean, he's a bad ass. Why would a bad ass wear a band-aid?
Ving Rhames has a big scar on the back of his neck so they used the band-aid to cover it.
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mmmmmmmkay, but wouldn't that make whitish light?Now this is a good answer and a reminder to add this to my netfix queue. What's with M Wallace having a band-aid on the back of his neck? I mean, he's a bad ass. Why would a bad ass wear a band-aid?
Maybe he cut himself shaving. We all know that bleeds like bitch.
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It's possible that he's talking about 'race in general'. If so, then the answer is no; it will never, ever be new material time. As long as the public has been trained like whipped mules to remain comedically hypersensitive about race, then I'll have material to work with, and indeed, a little bit of purpose in my own life.
Yes I am, and I'm not sensitive about it at all. You're just making my ears hurt and beating a dead horse, over, and over, and over again. It didn't help that your post wasn't funny either...yea yea, I get it, it isn't supposed to be funny, or if you prefer, it's funny because its true. I missed the wittiness of it (and most of your other comments about). My loss I guess. I guess I'm too sensitive?Oh yea, it also doesn't help that you go WAY the hell out of your way to make comments at times that have no place whatsoever in the discussion simply to make your "point". That's what really makes my ears hurt.
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Yes I am, and I'm not sensitive about it at all. You're just making my ears hurt and beating a dead horse, over, and over, and over again. It didn't help that your post wasn't funny either...yea yea, I get it, it isn't supposed to be funny, or if you prefer, it's funny because its true. I missed the wittiness of it (and most of your other comments about). My loss I guess. I guess I'm too sensitive?Oh yea, it also doesn't help that you go WAY the hell out of your way to make comments at times that have no place whatsoever in the discussion simply to make your "point". That's what really makes my ears hurt.
I'm kind of curious as to what kind of voice and accent you've assigned to Smarc.
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The day I'm out of the military and no longer forced to read v/r at the end of every e-mail will be awesome.
I knew someone would catch that.I am in total agreement.
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Yes I am, and I'm not sensitive about it at all. You're just making my ears hurt and beating a dead horse, over, and over, and over again. It didn't help that your post wasn't funny either...yea yea, I get it, it isn't supposed to be funny, or if you prefer, it's funny because its true. I missed the wittiness of it (and most of your other comments about). My loss I guess. I guess I'm too sensitive?Oh yea, it also doesn't help that you go WAY the hell out of your way to make comments at times that have no place whatsoever in the discussion simply to make your "point". That's what really makes my ears hurt.
man, where is wang with the 'humorless faggot' drawing when you need him?
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I'm not sensitive about it at all.
It didn't help that your post wasn't funny either
I missed the wittiness of it
My loss I guess. I guess I'm too sensitive?
TrueAnd the answer to the briefcase question is: It was a gimmick. It wasn't meant to represent anything finite, but rather was simply an annoying plot line component used by Tarintino put there from the beginning with full foreknowledge that it would culminate in you, the audience, not being told what it was even though you'd really, really like to know. "Let's make this one thing central to the plot of the entire film, then leave everyone hanging... " The Sopranos took a cue from this. It's been done in literature more than a few times. In short: It wasn't anything other than the director LOL'ing at the discussions and speculation he knew would ensue about "what it was".Either that, or it was indeed just a philosophical device which was intended to represent that which people want most, whatever it may be.
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In short: It wasn't anything other than the director LOL'ing at the discussions and speculation he knew would ensue about "what it was".
Since most of your "racist" stuff gets ignored these days you must spend a lot of time being sad that you have nothing to LOL at.
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Since most of your "racist" stuff gets ignored these days you must spend a lot of time being sad that you have nothing to LOL at.
That's a helluva theory. Ever consider trying to get it published in some Journal?
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Either that, or it was indeed just a philosophical device which was intended to represent that which people want most, whatever it may be.
More precisely, it was what Hitchcock called a MacGuffin:A MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin) is a plot device that motivates the characters or advances the story, but the details of which are of little or no importance otherwise.The element that distinguishes a MacGuffin from other types of plot devices is that it is not important what the object specifically is. Anything that serves as a motivation will do. The MacGuffin might even be ambiguous. Its importance is accepted by the story's characters, but it does not actually have any effect on the story. It can be generic or left open to interpretation.
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Darn. I guess I failed there at that obvious attempt to elicit an LOL.
It's ok, we all fail sometimes.
and speedz...I WAS RIGHT. IT NEVER CAUGHT ON. IN YOUR FACE. feel the shame.
Oh it caught on. In fact, it was used in this very thread.
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I'm not C'inIt's just been rainingon my face
These aren't tears of sadness because you're leaving me.I've just been cutting onions. I'm making a lasagna...For one.
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