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there wasn't enough time for another after the deep finish. did i mention i got 2nd? i had some stuff to finish up here so i could goof off the rest of the shift.if your style doesn't work for 180turbos, then neither does mine. i'm pretty sure we play it similarly tight to the vest until the blinds matter. i think of this phase as the "padding the tracker ©2008 qyayqi" phase. people who are (poorly?) running tracker software see the king of nit, so i get respek when i shove over top of the guy who frequently raised my microbb. in one hand i often get back everything i let them have earlier.i just happened to have the suckouts we've been posting not happen, AND got a couple of my own.that is a heckuva graph, ahi. glad to see you resurfaced after that dive in the deep end for hockey pucks. i was just about to pm you and say, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THOSE BRUINS". too late. sorry.

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My experience witth $12 180 man turbos is they are crazy variance.I won about the 5th one I played, broke even for a stretch of 30 or so, then didn't cash for 20 in a row.After that I decided to stop playing them.

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Of the 37,000 hand combinations he makes this move with, it's the one where I'm actually behind, and drawing to 2 outs naturally...PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)saw flop|saw showdownCO (t3820)Button (t1800)SB (t1430)BB (t1210)UTG (t1450)UTG+1 (t1460)Hero (t1430)MP2 (t1790)MP3 (t2030)Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Aheart.gif, Adiamond.gif. UTG calls t20, UTG+1 calls t20, Hero raises to t120, 2 folds, CO calls t120, Button calls t120, 1 fold, BB calls t100, UTG calls t100, UTG+1 folds.Flop: (t630) 5spade.gif, 4spade.gif, Qdiamond.gif(5 players)BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets t480, CO folds, Button folds, BB folds, UTG raises to t1330, Hero calls t830 (All-In).Turn: (t3270) 7diamond.gif(2 players, 1 all-in)River: (t3270) 6club.gif(2 players, 1 all-in)Final Pot: t3250Results in white below: UTG has 5c 5h (three of a kind, fives). Hero has Ah Ad (one pair, aces). Outcome: UTG wins t3270. Going to try to focus on 4.40s.. As I double up in 3 turbos simultaneously.. lol.. Check/Calling river is 10x scarier but sooo profitable in nlhe..Here's my 10 cent turbo tilt shove of the night (lol!):PokerStars Game #17814263998: Tournament #90346920, $0.10+$0.00 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/05/31 - 07:46:43 (ET)Table '90346920 35' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: thereallemon (8475 in chips) Seat 2: ipfsche (9747 in chips) Seat 3: Johnny_Rhine (3070 in chips) Seat 4: Dordély (1900 in chips) Seat 5: lisa-roberto (1415 in chips) is sitting outSeat 6: Alte65 (2435 in chips) Seat 7: wian13 (395 in chips) Seat 8: Cappy37 (1795 in chips) Seat 9: MühliJr (1425 in chips) Cappy37: posts small blind 75MühliJr: posts big blind 150*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Cappy37 [2h 7s]thereallemon: folds ipfsche: folds lisa-roberto has returnedJohnny_Rhine: folds Dordély: folds lisa-roberto: folds Alte65: folds wian13: folds Cappy37: calls 75MühliJr: raises 1275 to 1425 and is all-inCappy37: calls 1275*** FLOP *** [5d 7d 8s]*** TURN *** [5d 7d 8s] [6s]*** RIVER *** [5d 7d 8s 6s] [3c]*** SHOW DOWN ***Cappy37: shows [2h 7s] (a pair of Sevens)MühliJr: shows [Ac Qd] (high card Ace)Cappy37 collected 2850 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2850 | Rake 0 Board [5d 7d 8s 6s 3c]Seat 1: thereallemon folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: ipfsche folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: Johnny_Rhine folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Dordély folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: lisa-roberto folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Alte65 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: wian13 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Cappy37 (small blind) showed [2h 7s] and won (2850) with a pair of SevensSeat 9: MühliJr (big blind) showed [Ac Qd] and lost with high card Ace

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Going to try to focus on 4.40s.. As I double up in 3 turbos simultaneously.. lol.. Check/Calling river is 10x scarier but sooo profitable in nlhe..Here's my 10 cent turbo tilt shove of the night (lol!)
playing specific sngs/mtts consistently certainly feels important. when i buckled down on the morning 5.50 mtt i final tabled it. i downplay any skills i may possess, but i'm sure being essentially a turbo specialist lately has to play some part in my success in the 45's and now the 180's tonight.and the 72... nicely done. but i rarely tilt shove unless there are like 3 people all in before me and i just want to quadruple up or get the hell out of dodge. or we're playing the shove once an orbit game. hmmm, haven't done that in months... 10 centers would definitely be the place to go MAD!
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Just river checked 88 on an xxxx8 board by accident.Big $40 swing in 200 hands just now, the down and up kind of swing :)AKs > J7o has been the highlight so far. Dunno what that guy was thinking.nice with the 72I look to blowing off steam by shoving a lot in those 10c turbos.

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That was technically a tilt limp/call off all in for 12 Q. ;)lol the summary of my 0 fer night, in one marvelous hand:PokerStars Game #17814600701: Tournament #90346920, $0.10+$0.00 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2008/05/31 - 08:15:10 (ET)Table '90346920 35' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: mis55y (3015 in chips) Seat 2: ipfsche (20256 in chips) Seat 3: 10699 (13370 in chips) Seat 4: D4iMoNiOn (5780 in chips) Seat 5: sassers15 (19202 in chips) Seat 6: Alte65 (1690 in chips) Seat 8: Cappy37 (895 in chips) Seat 9: LaBonteFan18 (9390 in chips) LaBonteFan18: posts small blind 300mis55y: posts big blind 600*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Cappy37 [4s Qc]ipfsche: folds 10699: folds D4iMoNiOn: folds sassers15: folds Alte65: folds Cappy37: raises 245 to 845 and is all-inLaBonteFan18: calls 545mis55y: raises 2120 to 2965 and is all-inLaBonteFan18: calls 2120*** FLOP *** [Ks 7d 6s]Cappy37 said, "oh my"*** TURN *** [Ks 7d 6s] [9h]*** RIVER *** [Ks 7d 6s 9h] [9d]*** SHOW DOWN ***LaBonteFan18: shows [8c 8h] (two pair, Nines and Eights)mis55y: shows [Ah As] (two pair, Aces and Nines)mis55y collected 4240 from side potCappy37: shows [4s Qc] (a pair of Nines)mis55y collected 2935 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 7175 Main pot 2935. Side pot 4240. | Rake 0 Board [Ks 7d 6s 9h 9d]Seat 1: mis55y (big blind) showed [Ah As] and won (7175) with two pair, Aces and NinesSeat 8: Cappy37 (button) showed [4s Qc] and lost with a pair of NinesSeat 9: LaBonteFan18 (small blind) showed [8c 8h] and lost with two pair, Nines and Eights

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2008-05-31-SharkScope.jpgthis makes 7 consecutive winning months. i'm a happy panda.
Well done, Q!Next month I'll get a decent non-turbo sample size and I'll hopefully get another streak going like I did late last year (when I actually played).I'm starting to think my opponents are OPRing me when they put me on ranges, and only viewing "Last 120 days". lol. I just want to know why every time I hold AQ in the big blind and flop Q84 rainbow, the idiot who min-raised from the button *always* has KK. It's uncanny.Now that we've established that I'm seeing roughly 50 bad beats a night, I'm only posting good hands. There a whole other section for the other ones. :club:
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http://www.pokerhand.org/?2693413First time I've had this happen to bme for a long time.http://www.pokerhand.org/?2693414Enjoyed this one. Probably had the best hand against that guy.Doubled cashed in the Early Doubles for a $20+ bonus and had a + 3BI session just now so doing well so far today :)Approaching money bubble in the 32k on FTPWOWZAGuy was raising 25% of hands.Full Tilt Poker Game #6643815573: $32,000 Guarantee (49790550), Table 109 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:06:21 ET - 2008/05/31Seat 1: -geezybaby- (9,479)Seat 2: gamy70 (6,340)Seat 3: MoneyAtHome (10,452)Seat 4: DuckMySoup (6,075)Seat 5: hatorihanzo67 (5,405)Seat 6: PocketPayette (4,510)Seat 7: nickelndimen (4,945)Seat 8: lyndon (7,270)Seat 9: SMOKN45 (8,931)-geezybaby- antes 50gamy70 antes 50MoneyAtHome antes 50DuckMySoup antes 50hatorihanzo67 antes 50PocketPayette antes 50nickelndimen antes 50lyndon antes 50SMOKN45 antes 50MoneyAtHome posts the small blind of 200DuckMySoup posts the big blind of 400The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DuckMySoup [Qh Th]hatorihanzo67 foldsPocketPayette foldsnickelndimen has 15 seconds left to actnickelndimen foldslyndon raises to 1,200SMOKN45 folds-geezybaby- foldsgamy70 foldsMoneyAtHome foldsDuckMySoup raises to 6,025, and is all inlyndon calls 4,825DuckMySoup shows [Qh Th]lyndon shows [Ah Ac]*** FLOP *** [Ks Jh Ad]*** TURN *** [Ks Jh Ad] [Qs]*** RIVER *** [Ks Jh Ad Qs] [9h]DuckMySoup shows a straight, Ace highlyndon shows three of a kind, AcesDuckMySoup wins the pot (12,700) with a straight, Ace high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 12,700 | Rake 0Board: [Ks Jh Ad Qs 9h]Seat 1: -geezybaby- folded before the FlopSeat 2: gamy70 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 3: MoneyAtHome (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: DuckMySoup (big blind) showed [Qh Th] and won (12,700) with a straight, Ace highSeat 5: hatorihanzo67 folded before the FlopSeat 6: PocketPayette folded before the FlopSeat 7: nickelndimen folded before the FlopSeat 8: lyndon showed [Ah Ac] and lost with three of a kind, AcesSeat 9: SMOKN45 folded before the Flop
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I'm going a bit bonkers tonight. Three bullets ftw:Converted by NautilusPoker.org - [view this hand on the web]PokerStars Tournament #90456680, $15+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level IBlinds 10/20 - starting pot 30 CO asia wok 1420 (47.3 M) button Lord_Strife 1490 (49.7 M) SB Livkid 1200 (40.0 M) BB muttern3k 1500 (50.0 M) UTG judsonvereen 1970 (65.7 M) UTG+1 vbnautilus 1500 (50.0 M) MP1 leonrock 1500 (50.0 M) MP2 willy818 1500 (50.0 M) HJ jppepe 1420 (47.3 M)Dealt to vbnautilus: Kh.pngJc.pngPREFLOP: UTG calls 20; hero raises 60 to 80; 2 folds; HJ calls 80; 4 folds; UTG calls 60; FLOP:6h.png3c.pngQs.pngUTG checks; hero bets 160; HJ calls 160; 1 fold; TURN:2h.pnghero bets 340; HJ calls 340; RIVER: 9d.pnghero bets 580; 1 fold; hero wins 1270

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This one is a real beauty. Converted by NautilusPoker.org - [view this hand on the web]PokerStars Tournament #90456680, $15+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level IIIBlinds 25/50 - starting pot 75 BB asia wok 910 (12.1 M) UTG Lord_Strife 2000 (26.7 M) UTG+1 Livkid 760 (10.1 M) HJ muttern3k 1155 (15.4 M) CO judsonvereen 1985 (26.5 M) button vbnautilus 4905 (65.4 M) SB willy818 1785 (23.8 M)Dealt to vbnautilus: 7d.png8d.pngPREFLOP: 1 fold; UTG+1 calls 50; 1 fold; CO calls 50; hero raises 100 to 150; 2 folds; UTG+1 calls 100; CO calls 100; FLOP:5c.png5s.png6c.pngUTG+1 checks; CO bets 250; hero raises 500 to 750; UTG+1 calls 610 and is all-in; CO raises 1085 to 1835 and is all-in; hero calls 1085; TURN:Tc.pngRIVER: 9s.pngSHOWDOWN:CO shows 5d.pngJd.png, (three of a kind, Fives)hero shows 7d.png8d.png, (a straight, Six to Ten)hero wins 2450 UTG+1 shows Td6d, (two pair, Tens and Sixes)hero wins 2355

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This better thread better deliver at my 4.40 FT, or you'll hear from my lawyer. FUN HANDS COMING AFTER!

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i can't stress this enough. if all you have left is a knife at a gunfight, you still have to throw it. it HAS to look strong.PokerStars Game #17836044802: Tournament #90461263, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2008/06/01 - 05:37:16 (ET)Table '90461263 4' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Mr. 1T1 (2775 in chips) Seat 2: Tek91/2 (1160 in chips) Seat 3: qyayqi (285 in chips) Seat 4: bigevil80666 (2560 in chips) Seat 5: kotonowaka (1230 in chips) Seat 6: BukuBamb00 (2150 in chips) Seat 7: RedStalin25 (3140 in chips) Seat 8: Twity.1 (640 in chips) Seat 9: lou111 (1460 in chips) kotonowaka: posts small blind 25BukuBamb00: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to qyayqi [Qs 9s]RedStalin25: folds Twity.1: folds lou111: folds Mr. 1T1: folds Tek91/2: folds qyayqi: raises 50 to 100bigevil80666: folds kotonowaka: folds BukuBamb00: folds Uncalled bet (50) returned to qyayqiqyayqi collected 125 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 125 | Rake 0 Seat 1: Mr. 1T1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: Tek91/2 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: qyayqi collected (125)Seat 4: bigevil80666 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: kotonowaka (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: BukuBamb00 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: RedStalin25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Twity.1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: lou111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Since I got off from work an hour and a half ago, I'm ummm..0 for 2 with JJ0 for 1 with QQ0 for 1 with KK0 for 2 with AAand running about a 5% win rate in coin flips. I'm so overdue it's not even funny.But here's a picture of a bunny rabbit:easter-07-bunny.jpgOh, the one hand I do win, where I miss the flop, check 'fold to any bet' and run to the pisser:PokerStars Game #17836898413: Tournament #90466913, $0.10+$0.00 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/06/01 - 07:05:11 (ET)Table '90466913 10' 9-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 2: poKERWINst (1580 in chips) Seat 3: 69Kinky69 (1480 in chips) Seat 4: Lator63 (1480 in chips) Seat 5: DonDaniele82 (1480 in chips) Seat 6: ibnwahban (1500 in chips) Seat 7: jwins (1500 in chips) Seat 8: Cappy37 (1480 in chips) Seat 9: HBHS JAMES (1500 in chips) 69Kinky69: posts small blind 10Lator63: posts big blind 20*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Cappy37 [5c 6h]DonDaniele82: calls 20ibnwahban: calls 20jwins: calls 20Cappy37: calls 20iren is connected HBHS JAMES: folds poKERWINst: calls 2069Kinky69: calls 10Lator63: checks *** FLOP *** [Qd 2s Th]69Kinky69: checks Lator63: checks DonDaniele82: checks ibnwahban: checks jwins: checks Cappy37: checks poKERWINst: checks *** TURN *** [Qd 2s Th] [3s]69Kinky69: checks Lator63: checks DonDaniele82: checks ibnwahban: checks jwins: checks Cappy37: checks poKERWINst: checks *** RIVER *** [Qd 2s Th 3s] [4d]69Kinky69: checks Lator63: checks DonDaniele82: checks ibnwahban: checks jwins: checks Cappy37: checks poKERWINst: checks *** SHOW DOWN ***69Kinky69: shows [5s 3c] (a pair of Threes)Lator63: mucks hand DonDaniele82: mucks hand ibnwahban: mucks hand jwins: shows [5h 4c] (a pair of Fours)Cappy37: shows [5c 6h] (a straight, Deuce to Six)poKERWINst: mucks hand Cappy37 collected 140 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 140 | Rake 0 Board [Qd 2s Th 3s 4d]Seat 2: poKERWINst (button) mucked [8h 9d]Seat 3: 69Kinky69 (small blind) showed [5s 3c] and lost with a pair of ThreesSeat 4: Lator63 (big blind) mucked [Ah 2d]Seat 5: DonDaniele82 mucked [7h 9h]Seat 6: ibnwahban mucked [6d Kd]Seat 7: jwins showed [5h 4c] and lost with a pair of FoursSeat 8: Cappy37 showed [5c 6h] and won (140) with a straight, Deuce to SixSeat 9: HBHS JAMES folded before Flop (didn't bet)Lol I'm on LFT right now (I know I wouldn't have gotten river action... but still.... I'm having one of those nights rofl)

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heh.. finally good news to report:PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)saw flop|saw showdownMP3 (t1500)Hero (t1460)Button (t1460)SB (t1480)BB (t1460)UTG (t1500)UTG+1 (t1660)MP1 (t1500)MP2 (t1480)Preflop: Hero is CO with 9spade.gif, 8heart.gif. UTG calls t20, 1 fold, MP1 calls t20, MP2 calls t20, MP3 raises to t80, Hero calls t80, 3 folds, UTG folds, MP1 folds, MP2 calls t60.Flop: (t310) Jspade.gif, 7club.gif, Tspade.gif(3 players)MP2 checks, MP3 bets t220, Hero calls t220, MP2 folds.Turn: (t750) Kspade.gif(2 players)MP3 bets t1200 (All-In), Hero calls t1160 (All-In).River: (t3110) 3diamond.gif(2 players, 2 all-in)Final Pot: t3070Results in white below: MP3 has Jd Jc (three of a kind, jacks). Hero has 9s 8h (straight, jack high). Outcome: Hero wins t3070. And a feel good thought: I've been in a ridiculously bad tournament downswing, but since i've been playing micros, it's only been like 30 bucks of actual cash, which isn't even a buy-in of my typical cash game. :club:

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And a feel good thought: I've been in a ridiculously bad tournament downswing, but since i've been playing micros, it's only been like 30 bucks of actual cash, which isn't even a buy-in of my typical cash game. :club:
nice hand up there. and you are correct, it feels good to ride out bad swings & not have to worry about busting the br. my back to back swings to ss 'super tilt' didn't affect my overall success in may. that HAS to count for something. bankroll management for the opposite of failure!
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follow up question: am i TOO nitty? i googled up some sng br standards. they suggest 20 buyins for a level as playing it safe. i have 400 buyins for 3.25.

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follow up question: am i TOO nitty? i googled up some sng br standards. they suggest 20 buyins for a level as playing it safe. i have 400 buyins for 3.25.
You are super-nit. Put it this way: at the current amount of money I have online after withdrawl.. I have about 240 buy ins for the 2.20s, 120 buy ins for the 4.40s and 13 buy ins for $1/$2, and 6 buy ins for $2/$4. lol. Kids, don't try my cash game BR management. But I feel I'm correct on the others, because 120 is plenty for 4.40s, and 240 sounds right for turbos.The real secret is "Caring Enough". You enter a $33 tournament on a $250 bankroll you are going to *care*. If you enter a $1 tournament on a $800 br (something I used to excel at) you need some serious self motivation. It's like shock therapy. Your losses need to sting enough to keep you honest, but not deeply enough to cause you real pain.
That is excellent.
lol no kidding.. Nothing boosts the confidence more than one of the few hands I won last night, I was on the $#!tter for.... And my last 4 'cashes' were all 100k satty tickets, and for each of those I wasn't even present for the win (get an M of 10+ at the FT and go smoke a cig).. I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting in my way. lol
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