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22Jan200905:45mirc script is the included language in mIRC, mostly used for the automation of a variety of tasks. vb wrote a hand history formatter for his website at one point, and i re-wrote it in mirc script so that it will:

  • format the hand more pleasingly on irc
  • format the hand for pasting on fcp

it currently formats hands from hold 'em, omaha, and stud. it has been unveiled to critical success as the feral cow poker hand history formatter. we can only assume that commercial success isn't too far behind.>>>---<3--->23Jan200908:57day late to the party, but some very excellent stuff out there, ladies.may the random factors align for your grandfather, elg.>>>---<3--->25Jan200901:36Well, he's invisible on forums from genpo to entertainmentHe's a multi-quoting fyp'r in sports and 'round off topicHe'll take you for a ride on an invisible bicycle. Tell meWhere on the web is good ole joeyjojo?His stories, they are sprinkled through with obtuse observationsLike terminator semen making him a baby daddyYou never know when he'll show up, much like a deadly fart. Tell meWhere on the web is good ole joeyjojo?He goes from genpo to dan's blog, hideout, army, sickie,Hockey, football, bad beats, entertainment and back!He'll ransack his neurons for the smallest correlationThen post the twisted pairings back at any forum memberImagination is his bread and sometimes is his butter. Tell meWhere on the web is good ole joeyjojo?He goes from religion to basketball, poker news, and archivesLimit texas hold 'em, to omahaha hi-lo!He's johnny-on-the-spot, though his name is really joeyHe'll dangle participles if it gets his point acrossOne day his posts will disappear and he'll be gone like lolli. Tell meWhere on the web is good ole joeyjojo?Where on the web is good ole joeyjojo?Where on the web is good ole joeyjojo?Where on the web is good ole joeyjojo?Watch your ASS.>>>---<3--->26Jan200912:15apparently i'm sort of dumb, i don't see the CL reference. please spell out exactly where i pas'd my faux.>>>---<3--->27Jan200915:53yes, i'm supposed to be asleep and missing everything said in here throughout the day. i agree with lag's assessment. i really don't like seeing people get bullied. really.>>>---<3--->23:11well-timed shots at a person for what they do are quite different from a hate-on for how they look. spademan takes shots at people all the time & i have no problem with it. are one of you spaderman?>>>---<3--->29Jan200910:00i am surprised that a hotel for a month is less than the places listed. 1000 / 30 days = $33.33 a night, which sounds dirt cheap in a city with $1400 apartments. i'd probably do this for a month to buy time for seeing places in person and picking the one i like. it'd depend on how much stuff i would have to put in storage while i search.>>>---<3--->10:32screw you, jcubed, and your whole quantity + quality posting strategy.>>>---<3--->31Jan200901:27a guy was having trouble fixing a door opener. i went over and pushed it back together for him. meanwhile, the guy is looking around on the ground.q: what are you doing? i fixed it.g: i'm looking for a screw.q: whoah, hey now. i just came over here to fix the door, man.g: what?q: i'm not here to screw. just back off with that talk, sir.g: what?? no! i meant for the closer. it's missing a screw.q: look, i fixed the button for you, and that's the end of it. no screwing.g: <laughing> but i didn't mean--q: good day, sir.a few minutes later he faked throwing something at me, assumedly to assert his masculinity.q: did you just do this at me?? <raising hand, doing a limp wrist>g: i did not!q: look. no means no. just stay over there, or i'll have to charge you with sexual harassment.g: THAT'S NOT WHAT I DID!>>>---<3--->03Febv200907:22thanks, nabu. i thought maybe i had missed the mark completely & wrote something (once again) that was only amusing to me.runt, i was going to use your baby bear covering his face but i restrained myself. some say it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission, but i found it easiest to just skip both.>>>---<3--->06Feb200806:07hope all is well with the kidlet, jcubed.when you add an event to the fcp calendar, nothing happens. this makes me sad.>>>---<3--->10Feb200908:04another anecdote from the life of Q. same guy as in the last story, this time we're outside having a cig. somehow we got on the topic of weight.q: i need to gain about 10 to 15 pounds.g: you look great to me. i need to lose these love handles.female co-worker wandering past: q, you having breakfast?q: no, thanks.fcwp: no wonder you're so skinny, you never eat! you need to gain some weight.q: <turning to guy> dude, did you just lie to me? SHE says i'm right! were you going to laugh behind my back or something?g: no! if i could pop my head off & put it on your body, i'd be happy!q: <deadpan voice> but we'd both lose on that, a good-looking head on an ugly body, and an ugly head on a good-looking body.g: well, i-- whoah! <laughing> burn!! oh man, you got me good!!>>>---<3--->09:42sometimes this place is handy. like if someone like, say, nabu, posts an excellent picture incorporating an egg, we can scramble back here to hand out covert e-valves.>>>---<3--->10:09thanks, jtothe3. i just came back to fix 2 typos. carry on.EDIT: just realized the bonus here, the others will read your post first & be prepared for the acronym.>>>---<3--->12:09i have fcp-at-large open in one tab, and this thread in another so i can randomly refresh & see if something is going down. i may or may not refresh this first before going to fcp-at-large. if i wrote something that i had high hopes for, i'll go to the thread it is in first to see if there was any response, or if it slipped away into oblivion.for fcp-at-large, i usually skim genp o first for any DRAMA. next is OT:G, then OT:Ent ertainment. since i pretty much never post in the sic k thread but read most of it, i may leave catching up for when i have a block of time for it. there is probably unfair pressure on them to be funny, but i figure the unfairness is balanced by the fact that they're unaware of the pressure i am putting on them.i read the nlhe cash & lhe challenge threads, though lately i skim more of the nlhe one to eye-filter the dross from the gold. they give me poker stuff to ponder & incorporate. after a short stint of actually playing lhe, i'm back to mostly turbos, where i have made probably 80-90% of my 'profit' on pstars.>>>---<3--->11Feb200907:33i've never lived in a fridge, and i remain fresh with appropriate showering & deodorant. so the final answer is to leave the tomatoes on the counter, BUT occasionally wash them and apply deodorant.>>>---<3--->07:57i'm not sure i could keep up a separate persona, not even for 1/7th of an alter.>>>---<3--->10:31i think i should buy a big red nose and put it on the end of my dick tonight. when teal sees it & asks what the hell is that, i can say, "the sick thread told me that the guys with clown syndrome have the biggest." i wonder if i can pick up an ahh-ooogah horn somewhere.>>>---<3--->11:23the post was really rather good, cubic j-conium, but i don't reply to cindy much.i thought to myself, "we probably have the only active thread that bypasses the google search spiders."search: +deadpan +anecdote +clown +syndrome = 1390 hits, too many.+unabridged = 644 hits,+harbinger +haggis +bysshe = 6 hits, none of them fcp.i win!keeping a blog wherein you attempt to spin many everyday events into interesting or amusing short short stories would be mentally challenging, but very worthwhile if you have plans to ever try your hand at writing a novel(la). to be a Writer you have to be a writer, so get to work exercising that literary muscle.keeping a blog where you detail moments of your day in deadpan lists would be excruciating to read.>>>---<3--->12:18j-cuban, your posts in here are interesting, non-list ones. in fact you are often willing to step up and attempt to get us off our collective asses with various posts designed to draw us out-- the movies stuff, how we read fcp, etc. self-awareness of life's details/minutiae can be very absorbing if the writer has a knack for it. e-valve.i just wanted to put it out there that you'd want to be careful to not fall into the trap of thinking that because you have a blog, you need to write in it several times a day no matter how mundane the results. in hindsight, it is pretty unlikely that you'd allow your name to be on anything of relentlessly inferior quality, so my warning was unfounded.>>>---<3--->12Feb200806:25nabu :: the smilie (and 'lol') is an important part of forum/chat protocol. without it, text is quite emotionless, and therefor ripe for the reader to assign their own perceived emotional content. the over-use of 'lol' rubs people wrong because it becomes just as devoid of meaning as no indicators.the alternative is to write in such a way as to inform the reader of the emotional direction of your piece without visual cues. the 'banishment' of smilies from the sic thread works because of familiarity between the major players. i haven't used smilies as part of my message in years on fcp, relying exclusively on the 'tone' of the piece to do the whole job. (i think i have several smilies kicking around that were used subversively to hide links, but that was limited fun precisely because nobody hovers over smilies; i ended up with a joke for one, which is ultimately a joke ON one if over-used.)>>>---<3--->13Feb200903:57try 'whose' in there, nabu.>>>---<3--->14Feb200901:41i tried hanging out for a few months in the irc chatroom that yo da started. then i left.>>>---<3--->18Feb200910:40more computer crashing. re-installed windows. cleaned cpu fan, swapped ram around. wouldn't boot at all. replaced ram (new) with ram (old). here i am. i don't have very high hopes that i solved anything.>>>---<3--->20Feb200909:22jjj is correct about your ear issue. don't tell him, though. it'll go to his head. i suppose it could go specifically to his ear & clog it, but that's a long shot.>>>---<3--->21Feb200913:16love the hamster shelter. <applause> would have e-val'd it out there if i had something witty to add.>>>---<3--->23Feb200904:56i have been sleeping 5-7 hours a night for about 2 weeks, and it is catching up to me.teal and i will have been together (not married) for 5 years on the 28th. she asked me what the anniversary material is, and i said, "please, one time be wood!" and it is. we laughed. easiest present ever!>>>---<3--->23Feb200913:00we should get a digital camera in the next 10 years.>>>---<3--->24Feb200902:07no promises, but i'll see what i can do about a pic.>>>---<3--->02:49the 5 end of 5-7 hours is not enough. if i was getting an occasional 8-9 hour crash&burn sleep in the mix i'd be fine. it is just the steady stream of reduced sleep wearing me down.we have no plans at this time to get married, and neither of us want kids. i'm giving thought to getting snipped so we don't have an oopsie. i'd be freakin' 60 when they finished school.>>>---<3--->07:21>>>---<3--->12:22i think i've butchered my meal, and now i have to eat it. and i made enough for like 3 days so i wouldn't have to cook again for a couple days.i agree, :club::ts:D . a laugher in the crowd whose response is so far out the average can spoil a movie. once you think to yourself, "but that wasn't THAT funny... what the f is he thinking?" you've been pulled out of the movie & the mob and become an individual again.>>>---<3--->25Feb200910:26i saw no-pounds lurking. i went off to scrub down the washroom & give him time to post something. i am back. he's gone. no changes to his entry.depressed-polar-bear_4164.jpg>>>---<3--->26Feb200903:23three other people have now done variations on lolcat summaries. this is somewhat pleasing in a subtle e-val sort of way, but it means i have to find a new signature move to astound the masses.>>>---<3--->12:09i suppose jubi painted the general picture for you, elg. you'd have to have a pretty bad rep to not be able to pm rd og & be accepted on his forum. i do understand the logic of keeping some strat on a non-googleable site.the xtranormal site's movies appear to be on record pace for over-use.>>>---<3--->27Feb200907:37my sleep is pretty messed up, plus instead of moving from 150 toward 160 i've dropped under 145 pounds. i think the two are intertwined.>>>---<3--->09:38-20f, feels like -44f. f this province.>>>---<3--->01Mar200904:36everyone toss out some story ideas. i should write something but i'm drawing a blank.>>>---<3--->03Mar200904:33did you hear that, essay? if it comes down to crunch time, kill some bunnies but do NOT smoosh your peep.>>>---<3--->07:18i've made mistakes that i CAN'T ERASE. i've made mistakes.the post that immediately preceded this one is a VERY POOR example of such a mistake. i simply highlighted it and pressed DELETE-- BINGO BANGO BONGO, NO MORE MISTAKE.internet life is so much easier.>>>---<3--->09:32i assumed that jarah is the person in his current pics of the [timeframe]. then i checked picture properties and confirmed it (unless they were named with the name jarah in the name specifically to make us mis-take the name).>>>---<3--->04Mar200911:21 :D:4h:5c needs to bribe a sickly nephew or niece to give him an engraved touch. it has to be from someone such that it trumps the sentimental value of the nano. i know a teen (my sister's stepson) who received a somewhat beastly wallet from his gf, and finally this last xmas received one from his 2 little brothers.the snag for you is the whole married thing, which is why i suggest someone a little sickly.alternatively, lag's plan is much less devious and makes a whole lot of sense.>>>---<3--->13:23http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...&CatId=2510downside: it is a gateway, no bluray.upside: 4gb, big drive, hdmi out, 64bit vista.>>>---<3--->05Mar200902:09i'm at work with a cold, another freakin' perineal hematoma, and i slept in 15-30 minute increments today-- i assume pain from the ph kept waking me up. tired, sore, cranky, can hardly walk. life is freakin' grand, it is.>>>---<3--->08Mar0907:32they must have been well-pleased with how you nailed the terrible part of the assignment, no-pounds.>>>---<3--->11Mar200911:31the yb thing sounds amusing. i initially typed 'like fun' instead of amusing, but the tone of THAT was decidedly high schoolish. almost as bad as saying, "*I* know who is behind that alter, but i'm not tell-ling."will it be a full yb w/ different classes sorted by post counts? that'd add a few pics to the process, but just selected ones would have taglines. i'm almost certain that lag would enjoy the desktop publishing aspects of layout & design w/ more pictures. if people happen to post timely pics in the next week they could be yanked for montage pages of 'life at fcp high' between the class photo pages.>>>---<3--->12Mar200907:23[Deleted for Content - FCP Moderating Team]>>>---<3--->10:41yeah, i was mostly trying to get more stuff out there to see if anything snowballs into something of use.??? :: quite likely to end up as one of a group of seven who save a village. may or may not survive.>>>---<3--->12:56i'm off to bed, so i will not be taking part in the vote. keep it going, folks, this could shape up quite beautifully!>>>---<3--->23:31[Deleted for Content - FCP Moderating Team]>>>---<3--->13Mar200903:21??? :: most likely to attempt to ravage a small village & be repelled by a plucky group of seven hired mercenaries with hearts of gold.the other one could be elg if nothing else pops up for him; this one could be for someone that he spars with frequently.>>>---<3--->12:02[Deleted for Content - FCP Moderating Team]this crap is tough to churn out.>>>---<3--->14Mar200901:22my one request is that my di nk don k & du tch pair of quotes are either both in or neither, with an obvious preference to both in. other than those 2, i'm pretty okay with having all, some, or none of these be selected by the voting committee. i'm just well-pleased with those two.>>>---<3--->

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Wow. Pretty ballsy for a 6-way limped pot.
the only guy that mattered stayed in the pot, he was pushing people around with air for a couple orbits. there were a couple others i would have had to actually respect if they stuck around.
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who says you can't bluff in a micro-tourney?Converted by NautilusPoker.org - [view this hand on the web]PokerStars Tournament #88054400, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIBlinds 100/200 - starting pot 300 HJ Sekcy J 5305 (17.7 M) CO RoxyRocks444 3970 (13.2 M) button HolidayFreak 1740 (5.8 M) SB qyayqi 3020 (10.1 M) BB Davidoune 1465 (4.9 M) UTG BOWERS25 1630 (5.4 M) UTG+1 stepwoe 12145 (40.5 M) MP1 Svastika1 2680 (8.9 M) MP2 samjack0103 1945 (6.5 M)Dealt to qyayqi: 9d.png7s.pngPREFLOP: 2 folds; MP1 calls 200; 4 folds; hero calls 100; BB checks; FLOP:4s.png2h.pngJd.pnghero checks; BB checks; MP1 bets 200; hero raises 200 to 400; 1 fold; MP1 calls 200; TURN:Qd.pnghero bets 900; 1 fold; hero wins 1400

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Interesting hand. I do admit, I like the min-raise followed by the strongish lead out on turn. It's repping real strength as cheaply as humanly possible. Something you use often or is it mainly situational against 'thinking' players?I take the opposite approach.. I'm an absolute calling station in 4.40s.. People will bluff the most ridiculous hands and boards at you.

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Interesting hand. I do admit, I like the min-raise followed by the strongish lead out on turn. It's repping real strength as cheaply as humanly possible. Something you use often or is it mainly situational against 'thinking' players?I take the opposite approach.. I'm an absolute calling station in 4.40s.. People will bluff the most ridiculous hands and boards at you.
definitely situational. he had a habit of trying the limp & min-steal, so i used it against him after setting it up with a surrender of my bb to the move.i agree about call-call-call against the ones that just can't stop firing bullets.i'm trying to build up a repertoire of moves for different situations, depending on the people i am facing & chip stacks. it keeps my brain active & makes the game interesting versus the 'pushbotting' everyone recommends. then again, i also give people credit for a certain amount of poker knowledge regardless of the evidence to the contrary.
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Speaking of Avatars/Screenames, if you want to change "Hucking Fell" to "Hawking Fell" you'd be able to use this:h_9_ill_902997_hawking.jpgThe question is, of course, is the 2nd option actually more offensive than the first? :club:

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definitely situational. he had a habit of trying the limp & min-steal, so i used it against him after setting it up with a surrender of my bb to the move.i agree about call-call-call against the ones that just can't stop firing bullets.i'm trying to build up a repertoire of moves for different situations, depending on the people i am facing & chip stacks. it keeps my brain active & makes the game interesting versus the 'pushbotting' everyone recommends. then again, i also give people credit for a certain amount of poker knowledge regardless of the evidence to the contrary.
Yeah, all that's boring.. Watching that one cat open-shove every hand of your Turbo (with ~25 left!) was sheer awesomeness...I used to fall into the trap of "I can't beat his hand!" all the freakin' time... Then over time, two things became crystal clear for me:1. ) My Bluffing isn't even remotely as successfull as I think it is: at least half of my bluffs are actually "valuebets with what I don't realize is the best hand".2. ) Your Opponent Bluffs 10% of the Time. In a 4.40, it's closer to 40%. They also check/slowplay about 50% of their monsters, no matter how retardedly aggressive they play. It goes against all that is good and holy in poker.3. ) You do *need* to shove more because you get called ridiculously light. You also need to call more shoves if you are substantially better than ace-rag. It helps enormously to have multiple games open at once, it allows you to play such a long ball style with confidence and nerves of steel.4. ) Especially in turbos, fold into the money, and only play big hands. It's always safe to assume 1/2 of the table has little to no grasp of bubble play, and nuances and small edges go completely by the wayside. If you make a move with T7 in good position, you are going to have to win a race with it, unless you have some serious knowledge of virginal tightness behind you.enough of the ranting. suffice to say: my dedication to minbet mixed games has really made me a much, much better holdem player. It's easier to find the profitable situations... And lets face it: check-calling with strength on river in Razz/Stud is one thing (yay one big bet!), check-calling in a no limit game can be a simply incredible number of chips and a ridiculously easy call in most spots.
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so you're pretty securely in the "they are all donks" camp. we all approach each game different. i like to think my success at the 45turbos is partly because i don't underestimate everyone who plays poker.and that av with hawking fell would be pretty excellent. nicely done!

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so you're pretty securely in the "they are all donks" camp. we all approach each game different. i like to think my success at the 45turbos is partly because i don't underestimate everyone who plays poker.and that av with hawking fell would be pretty excellent. nicely done!
hehe. Saw it and then made the connection and the light bulb went off in my head.I've also recently realized that my original poker introduction was on *ultimatebet* and NOT *FullTilt*, so if I ever decide to play on FT, I can get the mega bonus/rakeback and all the trimmings.. Hmm... maybe this summer, we'll see..As for the "donks" charges against me, I'm more in the middle.I firmly believe that 95% of the free world knows 0 about the nuances of bubble play and equity considerations. I love check/calling profit out of aggressive lagtards, but I generally nit it up with the best of them. In turbos, though, I get bored a little quicker.It's the o8b cash tables where I turn into the Tasmanian Devil and reinvent the concept of aggression.Ironically, I can only play that maniac style at $1/2 and $2/4.. It doesn't work *at all* at .25/.50 or .50/1. So maybe I'm more in the camp of "Anyone without at least $500 in their poker account isn't going to be trusted enough to make proper decisions on their own". That logic is also what makes open staking in Gen Poker such a wild ride. :club:
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you haven't considered cake poker, with everyone saying how ridiculously soft it is?in the end, i agree about the quality of players. i just don't sit down with that attitude. on irc i had to ask doin to not berate the $3.25/45p turbo players because i WANT them to continue making bad decisions. i often defend the bad play of others so they`ll feel better about whatever bone-headed play they tried.

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like this guy shoving every hand. hate the result, love the player.PokerStars Game #17396248642: Tournament #88182311, $3.00+$0.25 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2008/05/13 - 05:23:02 (ET)Table '88182311 5' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: The Scaf Man (1453 in chips) Seat 2: jaffajunior (2070 in chips) Seat 3: Frankofftilt (1257 in chips) Seat 5: Olaf Maguhn (785 in chips) Seat 6: dedeul (1440 in chips) Seat 7: fsto (1370 in chips) Seat 8: Pre$ident (1865 in chips) Seat 9: qyayqi (1450 in chips) qyayqi: posts small blind 25The Scaf Man: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to qyayqi [Qh Ac]jaffajunior: calls 50Frankofftilt: folds Olaf Maguhn: folds dedeul: folds fsto: folds Pre$ident: folds qyayqi: calls 25The Scaf Man: raises 1403 to 1453 and is all-injaffajunior: folds qyayqi: calls 1400 and is all-inUncalled bet (3) returned to The Scaf Man*** FLOP *** [7d Kd 6c]*** TURN *** [7d Kd 6c] [6h]*** RIVER *** [7d Kd 6c 6h] [Th]*** SHOW DOWN ***qyayqi: shows [Qh Ac] (a pair of Sixes)The Scaf Man: shows [Tc Ad] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)The Scaf Man collected 2950 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2950 | Rake 0 Board [7d Kd 6c 6h Th]Seat 1: The Scaf Man (big blind) showed [Tc Ad] and won (2950) with two pair, Tens and SixesSeat 2: jaffajunior folded before FlopSeat 3: Frankofftilt folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: Olaf Maguhn folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: dedeul folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: fsto folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Pre$ident (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: qyayqi (small blind) showed [Qh Ac] and lost with a pair of Sixes

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Furthering my point that all Pokerstar's players are on crack:editors note: with 2 aces out on 3rd, how am I supposed to believe that deuce didn't pair him? Seriously...PokerStars Game #17397438649: HORSE (Razz Limit, $0.50/$1.00) - 2008/05/13 - 07:41:13 (ET)Table 'Golia' 8-maxSeat 1: neozod ($21.30 in chips) Seat 2: Miketheman74 ($42.15 in chips) Seat 4: Cappy37 ($19.25 in chips) Seat 5: peseudos ($33.40 in chips) Seat 6: Sin-A-Min ($12.65 in chips) Seat 8: abbudchamp ($18.80 in chips) Sin-A-Min: posts the ante $0.05abbudchamp: posts the ante $0.05neozod: posts the ante $0.05Miketheman74: posts the ante $0.05Cappy37: posts the ante $0.05peseudos: posts the ante $0.05*** 3rd STREET ***Dealt to neozod [:as]Dealt to Miketheman74 [:7d]Dealt to Cappy37 [:5h:4h:7s]Dealt to peseudos [:ad]Dealt to Sin-A-Min [:qd]Dealt to abbudchamp [:qh]abbudchamp: bets $0.50neozod: calls $0.50Miketheman74: folds Cappy37: calls $0.50peseudos: folds Sin-A-Min: folds *** 4th STREET ***Dealt to neozod [:as] [:6h]Dealt to Cappy37 [:5h:4h:7s] [:jh]Dealt to abbudchamp [:qh] [:4d]neozod: checks Cappy37: checks abbudchamp: bets $0.50neozod: calls $0.50Cappy37: calls $0.50*** 5th STREET ***Dealt to neozod [:as:6h] [:qs]Dealt to Cappy37 [:5h:4h:7s:jh] [:6c]Dealt to abbudchamp [:qh:4d] [:7c]delrfromhell has returnedCappy37: bets $1abbudchamp: raises $1 to $2neozod: folds Cappy37: raises $1 to $3abbudchamp: calls $1*** 6th STREET ***Dealt to Cappy37 [:5h:4h:7s:jh:6c] [:8c]Dealt to abbudchamp [:qh:4d:7c] [:2s]Cappy37: bets $1abbudchamp: raises $1 to $2Cappy37: calls $1*** RIVER ***Dealt to Cappy37 [:5h:4h:7s:jh:6c:8c] [:4s]Cappy37: checks abbudchamp: bets $1Cappy37: calls $1*** SHOW DOWN ***abbudchamp: shows [:2h:3c:qh:4d:7c:2s:kh] (Lo: Q,7,4,3,2)Cappy37: shows [:5h:4h:7s:jh:6c:8c:4s] (Lo: 8,7,6,5,4)Cappy37 collected $14.80 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $15.30 | Rake $0.50 Seat 1: neozod folded on the 5th StreetSeat 2: Miketheman74 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)Seat 4: Cappy37 showed [5h 4h 7s Jh 6c 8c 4s] and won ($14.80) with Lo: 8,7,6,5,4Seat 5: peseudos folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)Seat 6: Sin-A-Min folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)Seat 8: abbudchamp showed [2h 3c Qh 4d 7c 2s Kh] and lost with Lo: Q,7,4,3,2

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Furthering my point that all Pokerstar's players are on crack:editors note: with 2 aces out on 3rd, how am I supposed to believe that deuce didn't pair him? Seriously...
heh, it IS razz. how many good razz players are there? i know little about the game and i ft'd that morning tourney, that tells us something right there. he was just following my strategy of keep on betting if the up cards look impressive. (though i don't play the Q up too often.)i like your read of the up cards, a little glimpse into the mind of a razz player.
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heh, it IS razz. how many good razz players are there? i know little about the game and i ft'd that morning tourney, that tells us something right there. he was just following my strategy of keep on betting if the up cards look impressive. (though i don't play the Q up too often.)i like your read of the up cards, a little glimpse into the mind of a razz player.
Well, it's ups and downs... I give myself 5 points for knowing the deuce was almost certainly pairing him, but I have to subtract 5 points for the fact that, with a 4 and 7 in my hand, the 4 and 7 on his board were far less likely to pair him, and it's essentially even money at that point. The 4 is actually the key card, because once I pair my 4 on the river, his hand looks even better. Combining that with the fact that I'm more likely to get bluffed at by a worse holding than able to value-bet thin, I almost have to check/call river... I made almost all of my profit last night from check-calling med. strength in Razz and Stud hi. Some pretty monster pots considering this was the kiddie game.I ran like doo doo in stud8 though.. zomg... Wished I'd save some hand histories, but I had back-to-back posts where I started with 4 suited wheel cards (ex: A234spades) and I failed to EVEN MAKE A LOW either hand. That cost me an arm and a leg. I did win a massive hand in LHE that involved me raising from CO+1 w/ 83 sooted, hitting 2nd pair + FD, and rivering the goods for a big pot, too.. That was by far my guilty pleasure of the night. One of those "#@$@ I am going to play at least ONE hold em hand this orbit" situations.Bah, I'm rambling. You need to sit down with me sometime when we're playing similar hours. I'm not nearly as good as you think I am, ask anyone. lol. HORSE, that is.. I actually am good at o8b.
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i've played horse with you before; if we're around similar hours i could donk a few more hands.another 2.20 ft, 7th. bleah. QQ < KQcc, he flopped the frush draw & rivered it. as soon as the flop hit i typed, "uh oh."

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PokerStars Game #17487189047: Tournament #88655755, $3.00+$0.25 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/05/17 - 04:57:37 (ET)Table '88655755 2' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 2: narchguy (5650 in chips) Seat 4: RiverReeper (1135 in chips) Seat 5: qyayqi (1030 in chips) Seat 6: Beatbad (1580 in chips) Seat 7: coldfusion12 (1270 in chips) Seat 8: zwelgje1981 (2275 in chips) Seat 9: boua (3095 in chips) boua: posts small blind 75narchguy: posts big blind 150*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to qyayqi [9c Ac]RiverReeper: calls 150stoopid limper, i can shove and take a nice pot.qyayqi: raises 880 to 1030 and is all-inBeatbad: folds coldfusion12: raises 240 to 1270 and is all-inovershove?? this can't be good.zwelgje1981: folds boua: folds narchguy: folds RiverReeper: folds Uncalled bet (240) returned to coldfusion12coldfusion12: shows [Qs Qd]sure! great! another big freakin' pair behind me!!*** FLOP *** [2c Qh Ah]AND FLOP TRIPS!! GO AHEAD AND FREAKIN' BURY ME NOW!!*** TURN *** [2c Qh Ah] [Ad]POKERSTARS CAN KISS MY HAIRY BUTTOCKS!! GODDAMN RIGGED--*** RIVER *** [2c Qh Ah Ad] [9s]*** SHOW DOWN ***qyayqi: shows [9c Ac] (a full house, Aces full of Nines)coldfusion12: shows [Qs Qd] (a full house, Queens full of Aces)qyayqi collected 2435 from potoh. hey. good game, cf.edit: sadly, i had TT < A5 then A5 < QJ to go out with a mincash in 7th. i hoped the hand above was a sign that the crap was over.

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^^^^^^LOL that's a pretty good one right there. I never know what to type in the chat box after that happens.

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^^^^^^LOL that's a pretty good one right there. I never know what to type in the chat box after that happens.
i don't discuss it unless someone says something. then i semi-justify my move without over-discussing it.
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Converted by NautilusPoker.org - [view this hand on the web]PokerStars Tournament #88775329, $3.00+$0.25 Hold'em No Limit - Level IIIBlinds 25/50 - starting pot 75 SB uncljim 2940 (39.2 M) BB qyayqi 1715 (22.9 M) UTG grizzlyballs 2320 (30.9 M) UTG+1 Hauwy 2045 (27.3 M) MP1 Sgt_Chopper 1165 (15.5 M) MP2 Kardyllen 4455 (59.4 M) HJ titan3334 1325 (17.7 M) CO Koido 1395 (18.6 M) button pantoffel099 2100 (28.0 M)Dealt to qyayqi: 3c.pngAh.pngPREFLOP: UTG calls 50; 5 folds; button calls 50; SB calls 25; hero checks; FLOP:5d.png4d.png2h.pngSB checks; hero bets 105; 1 fold; button calls 105; SB calls 105; TURN:5h.pngSB checks; hero checks; button bets 150; 1 fold; hero raises 355 to 505; button raises 355 to 860; hero raises 700 to 1560 and is all-in; button calls 700; RIVER: 9c.pngSHOWDOWN:hero shows 3c.pngAh.png, (a straight, Ace to Five)button shows Th.pngTc.png, (two pair, Tens and Fives)hero wins 3635

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we call this one "milkin' the manboobs".PokerStars Game #17535458619: Tournament #88903680, $3.00+$0.25 Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (300/600) - 2008/05/19 - 04:17:22 (ET)Table '88903680 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: edward20 (3165 in chips) Seat 2: qyayqi (8588 in chips) Seat 4: booji2000 (9500 in chips) Seat 6: Eppse (4914 in chips) Seat 8: dr.Jhon (440 in chips) Seat 9: RudeDog188 (7921 in chips) edward20: posts the ante 50qyayqi: posts the ante 50booji2000: posts the ante 50Eppse: posts the ante 50dr.Jhon: posts the ante 50RudeDog188: posts the ante 50edward20: posts small blind 300qyayqi: posts big blind 600*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to qyayqi [Ad As]booji2000: folds Eppse: folds dr.Jhon: calls 390 and is all-inRudeDog188: folds edward20: calls 300qyayqi: raises 600 to 1200edward20: calls 600*** FLOP *** [8c Tc Ah]edward20: checks qyayqi: bets 600edward20: calls 600*** TURN *** [8c Tc Ah] [Kc]edward20: checks qyayqi: bets 600edward20: calls 600*** RIVER *** [8c Tc Ah Kc] [8s]edward20: checks qyayqi: bets 600edward20: raises 115 to 715 and is all-inqyayqi: calls 115*** SHOW DOWN ***edward20: shows [Jc Td] (two pair, Tens and Eights)qyayqi: shows [Ad As] (a full house, Aces full of Eights)qyayqi collected 5450 from side potdr.Jhon: shows [Qd 7d] (a pair of Eights)qyayqi collected 1470 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 6920 Main pot 1470. Side pot 5450. | Rake 0 Board [8c Tc Ah Kc 8s]Seat 1: edward20 (small blind) showed [Jc Td] and lost with two pair, Tens and EightsSeat 2: qyayqi (big blind) showed [Ad As] and won (6920) with a full house, Aces full of EightsSeat 4: booji2000 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Eppse folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: dr.Jhon showed [Qd 7d] and lost with a pair of EightsSeat 9: RudeDog188 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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and ba-ZING for the win!! whew, feels good to finally win again.PokerStars Game #17535631717: Tournament #88903680, $3.00+$0.25 Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (1000/2000) - 2008/05/19 - 04:38:49 (ET)Table '88903680 3' 9-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 3: qyayqi (38844 in chips) Seat 6: vnhand (28656 in chips) qyayqi: posts the ante 100vnhand: posts the ante 100vnhand: posts small blind 1000qyayqi: posts big blind 2000*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to qyayqi [Kd Th]vnhand: raises 4000 to 6000qyayqi: calls 4000*** FLOP *** [Td 9h Js]qyayqi: checks vnhand: bets 6000qyayqi: raises 26744 to 32744 and is all-invnhand: calls 16556 and is all-inUncalled bet (10188) returned to qyayqi*** TURN *** [Td 9h Js] [5d]*** RIVER *** [Td 9h Js 5d] [3s]*** SHOW DOWN ***qyayqi: shows [Kd Th] (a pair of Tens)vnhand: shows [Kh 7c] (high card King)qyayqi said, "good game, vn."qyayqi collected 57312 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 57312 | Rake 0 Board [Td 9h Js 5d 3s]Seat 3: qyayqi (big blind) showed [Kd Th] and won (57312) with a pair of TensSeat 6: vnhand (button) (small blind) showed [Kh 7c] and lost with high card Kingalong the way i met MR2nuts again. the guy i knocked out of another one & he stuck around to eventually cheer for me. i, uh, sucked out again when he got short & i called his shove.

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Woah this thread has grown to epic proportions since I last saw it.How is the luck q?Still proportional to the cube of the number of posts?
3 pages is definitely rather short of epic. and the luck is rather short of cubed. however, i enjoy posting up fun hands + beats to remind myself of both sides of the coin.
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