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  1. thanks for the replies and I am reading top and plan to go right back to sshe when done.I am attempting to be a tag but honestly am begining to think I am more on the weak tight side(am making an effort to improve)anyone know how i can get pokertracker(full version) for free? And a way to decipher it?I know i am better at post-flop than I was before reading them.Here is some general crap about my weekend of poker...read if you wantI prefer live play as I enjoy that aspect and like to use my reading ability(ok to better than ok :? )Also I usually can tell the better players much quicker by the
  2. I am happy with my pre-flop play thanks to sshe but when at a table with good players I realize I am getting out played post-flop.limit 1/2 live mostly...win/lose break even mostly lately have lost last 3 trips. I am playing against older players in Florida where the max limits allowed are 1/2 or straight 2 so there is a mix between complete idiots and some very good players(who in other states would be playing higher limits.Any good books that focus on post flop?
  3. tourists and others there suck! I made over 100(walked with profit-99 but paid for drinks out of chipsso made more) have fun...
  4. dk(trideuce) is considered one of the best builders on http://www.scottkeen.com/forum/index.phpcheck the pics and you will find whatever kind of table you want. price 600-1200(guess-depends on what you want)
  5. I am usually the tightest player at the table and pride myself on not chasing unless pot odd/implied odds dictate it(sometimes will fudge the requirements if I sense weakness). People always comment on my not playing many hands. 20-25% sounds about right but i've folded 15 in a row before(without live poker tracker I can't tell). I have had to force myself to make steal attempts (leak)because I know I can use my image to win some(especially a preflop raise with a high card on board against certain non fish players who have seen my tightness for awhile).I can admit to losing focus after awhi
  6. I am a winner 80% of the time first 1-3 hours i play(sometimes more but 1-3 is consistent). I would be a rich man(joke) if I could walk once I doubled my 60 buck buy in (1/2 limit in florida up to 4 bucks rake at the kennel club)but I figure that I can't leave a good situation. Then i kind of hover around the same mark and slowly I begin to give my money away. I think part of it is that I don't get much action for my good hands as the table realizes that I don't stay in or raise without a good hand. Tight aggressive predujice? I have considered moving tables after awhile but never do. I h
  7. Who cares?I long ago realized that an uncomfortably large percentage of this country are uninformed and uneducated but they have their opinion and a right to vote.I weep for the future... :cry:
  8. I actually prefer live poker over online(i know the advantages of online) plus i live in fl where in B&M we can only play 1/2 or straight 2. I have learned to trust my reads lately(used to call even when I was almost sure I was beat with a good hand- 2 pair/trips when straight possiblity or flush) and except for huge pots I will lay down based on my reads(only when very sure). About the same time i started this my profits went noticably up. (well duh). Online it takes away from the feel for me and is less enjoyable not being able to use my reading abilities.Online poker will always be
  9. playing 1-2 limit at the Hardrock in Hollywwod FL Saturday (i made 100 in 5 hours)I get 3 6 off in the bb no raise so i see it for free...flop: a 3 6 rainbowI bet and raise the whole handturn: qriver:9at the end both players still in flip over Aces with ok kickers and I show my two pair which everyone misses until I actually have to point it out...(the dealer was in the process of giving my pot away)comment from a fish on the side who wasn't involved " geez the stuff some people will play here..." i say: "I was in the BB" fish:"so what does that mean?"me:"I played it for free"fish:"its still
  10. I had a friend bet me 20 bucks that manatees(sea cows) were not native to Florida....He swore they were imported from India to deal with the seagrass problem....(?wtf?) This was on the way back from the hardrock in hollywood and I laughed at him the whole way home(fastest ride EVER...he kept calling people for support and then he would tell them his theory!!! And i would laugh so hard I cried) when we got on the internet and I proved it wasn't so.... He still doesn't really believe they are native but were imported on big tankers full of them :shock: ...I am in the process of adopting a mana
  11. Playing at a b&m at a tight table(tight aggresive players actually very good players best full table I've played) I get 44 in mid position and callbutton(cute asian chick) bets I call no one else does.(yes I know this is questionable but I figured a steal attempt)flop4 10 10 rainbowI flopped a boat but at this table I figure if i bet I think I will lose her and I figured I can afford to give a free card to catch some kind of hand plus the pot is tiny since the only card I fear was the 10 and its a 22-1 long shot. We both check...turn10Of course the ten comes out...I bet hoping she doesn't
  12. Grow some balls...Your game, your rules...If you do not like it then don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out...Post your rules and and new player must read them so there are no misunderstandings.
  13. http://www.scottkeen.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=7This is a very helpful poker table building forumDO NOT BUY PLANS most are stolen from this site and others where they are FREE!junell's plans are very good but if you have any questions about anything just ask at the above link.
  14. Real easy. First time he removes the deck from sight you warn him! Second time=no longer able to dealanyone messes with a live deck during a decision=out of game(to easy to have a prearranged signal like saying "whats wrong with that?" to indicate its all good)RANDOM SEATING
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