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Everything posted by suitedinc

  1. Sure. The UNPC agrees with you. That is why the tax money we send abroad to "health clinics" is helping this organiztion to hold woman hostage until they abort their babies. Despite the fact that most of the world disagrees with abortion on a moral basis, the UN has brought it upon themselves to use it as population control, with the US tax payers dollars (at least now that Obama has signed the Exec Order).
  2. Like this is the first time something like has ever happened with an abortion procedure. Of course it has happened before. It has everything to do with the abortion debate becuase it happened in the act of aborting the pregnancy.
  3. 1. Say "lobbyists will not be a part of my administration", then appoint a lobbyist to your cabinet2. Require access to all govt documents of former presidents and vice presidents, as long as the attorney general approves it. Let's see, the new AG is the same guy that pardoned Mark Rich and was a huge part of the Clinton administration. Yeah, that should work.
  4. And this is the problem. Why does marriage have to be between two individuals? Why can't it be between 4 or 5 individuals? My point is this. There has to be a line somewhere or nowhere. If you draw a line, no matter where it is, you will leave out a group of people, though they may be fringe and very small in number. Who gets to decide what "marriage" should be? Why does that person, or group, get to decide this? Who gets to decide who is going to be left out? Is it OK to leave people out of this supposed benefit of marriage?I am interested in your varied responses to these questions. I have n
  5. While the word thing seems absurd, it is apparently very important to the gay and lesbian community as well. In Conn., gays and lesbians were already allowed all the benefits of marriage under a legal "civil union". This was not good enough for them though. They wanted the word "marriage", and recently got it.My only other thing about this is that people were allowed to vote. They voted and Prop 8 lost. Live with it. Try to change it again later. We voted for a President that 50% of the country did not want. That 50% will have to live with it. The people voted. I know some of you will be brin
  6. It is interesting to note that the genocide in Darfur is happening for religious differences. Christians are being killed by a Muslim "leader", only because they are Christian, not Muslim. It is interesting because noone seems to be mentioning that part of the story.
  7. Help me out here...how does he have what looks like IP addresses for each of the other players next to their seats? How is able to go back and see hole cards right after the hand is over? Thanks.
  8. Hey astros,I manufacture and sell high end pedastal tables. PM me and I'll send you some pics. I would send you to the website but it needs updating. Most of the stuff on there, we do not do because we have improved the product and cut the cost.
  9. They also do not believe in Hell.
  10. This would only be true if the large footedness was due to a dominate gene, not a recessive one. The fact that no gull had it previously, would lead you to believe that the gene was NOT dominant. In this case, the recessive gene could only control the outcome, a larger foot, by breeding with other gulls that only have recessive genes, in effect wiping out the dominant gene completely. This is pretty far fetched.....
  11. I'm referring to the animals found in yorke's article. I have seen the same reference in other places regarding this most recent find.
  12. What do you folks make of the fact that a lot of these animals were found intact, with skin and all?
  13. The problem is, you would not know in the first 3 weeks. It would be at least 2 weeks before you missed your period and started to wonder, and that assumes you are a clock with your cycle. If you're not that regular, you might very easily wait an extra few days before taking a home test. By that time, you have hit your 3 week window.
  14. If you look at this actual study, and the background of Simon LeVay, you will discover that this study could not be more invalid. Statiscally, this study is not even a "study". Look at the background of Simon as well. You will uncover that he had many reasons to hope that he would find such a biological link scientifically. It is studies like this one that prove that even our beloved scientists often have an agenda, and that their bias does play a part in science. Science is not this perfect process that some like to believe it is.
  15. This is certainly not a new situation. It has been happening inthe Sudan for years. Babies, women, men, slaughtered for praying to God and not Allah. Pretty much a genecide. Amazing this makes no news reports.Before I get crushed by the responses. I realize that history is sorted with all sorts of death by all sorts of religions, including those in the name of God.
  16. Are you kidding me??????You enjoy spending $80 Billion a year on the IRS?You enjoy that a vast majority of tax payers are not paying taxes, forcing you to pay more?You enjoy that 12% of everything you buy is already paying for "big biz" accounting departments?Get your head out of the sand, this has nothing do with bringing wealth and power to the few. Based on your comments, I'm not sure you even read the book.Making taxes linked to your spending in no way helps the Enrons of the world....In fact, it makes sure that everyone pays their share. There is no tax evasion anymore, unless you never b
  17. Phone your congress rep and House reps. Tell them you demand that the "Fair Tax" be brought before the masses for a vote. We need to do away with audits and the irs and tax evasion. I would love to put an end to social security but am a realist and know that won't happen. Anyway, read Neil Bortz's book on Fair Tax and push with your reps.
  18. suitedinc

    Do Unto Others

    Hey zzz,I assume you have a job. If so, you better be thankful that you won the competition to get your job, otherwise you would be cooperating with the other 5 people who also applied for your position, and cooperting the same pay check split amongst all five of you. You have to compete, it is in your nature. That is what we do, we strive to be better. The only way to measure "better" is to compare ourselves with others and thereby compete.Tim, I think we think we found another common ground. What do you know.
  19. All of these threads come down to the same two questions. I am curious to see how different people answer these questions.1. What do you do with Jesus Christ? He claimed to be God incarnate, do you believe it or not? Why or Why not?2. How do set your moral compass? How do you determine right from wrong? How do you teach your children what is right and wrong?Thanks for your replies. BTW, not looking for open debate, just for information.
  20. Tim,I'm sure you're the first one to tell people not judge others too. Since when is saying that giving into a temptation, in this case homosexuality, is equal to "fearing" someone. I'm not offended in the least by your statement. It does however reveal your own biases and prejudices against a view other than your own. Kinda hypocritical huh? BTW, I have had good friends who were gay, lived in the same building with them. So much for "theory" of homophobic.Also Tim, We finally agree on something. Evolution vs Creation is fundamental to the rest of your view on life. If you believe you came fr
  21. well, it is only injustice if life is all about sex, which it isn't. at least it shouldn't be. not to minimize it, I'm sure that it is hard.
  22. Nikki- If it makes you feel any better. I will admit, as a guy, lust is a serious issue for me. I struggle to stay away from porn, i struggle to not look at a woman and let my mind wander, and I struggle with some of the very low cut blouses that women wear these days. These are my struggles that sometimes lead to sin.That being said, I've been a Christian since I accepted His forgiveness in high school. It is comforting to know that God forgives and sees past this part of me. The Bible says when we first believe, we "put on Christ", meaning God sees His son when he looks at us.It is now my jo
  23. No I do not. That is because the preist is a human. I do however regard the bible as a standard by which I can compare what a pastor is saying to what i read there. It does not change, or ebb and flow with society standards. I have had many biology professors who absolutely debated against evolution based on its missing pieces and the all of the assumptions that are made. To say evolution is a science is insulting to them. It is something to be discussed and is a theory. One that they did not believe in. Your broad brush is a little to broad.
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