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Everything posted by CrazyJoe

  1. i think UTG+1's range is too tight here, but even expanding it a little prob. doesn't make it right. OP can probably find a better spot, but if he's looking to gamble and the BB is going to call with that range then maybe. Problem is BB might not be as predictable as this, this uncertainty leans toward a fold.
  2. ya, saying you are going to ship money then not is the big problem here, that's a **** move.
  3. the guy standing pat should probably raise.
  4. you have 3rd nuts, looks to me like someone wanting to get paid, you have to have a big one to call on the turn, does he believe you will call on the turn WORSE than the 10s? if not you cant be good.
  5. if BB calls with any 2 broadway any pair, doesnt that add more than enough to call here, you are already getting like 1.7 to 1, with the BB calling thats 2.7 to 1, you only need 27% equity against both hands and I don't think that's too far off. It's probably a fold, but I don't think it's auto-muck, a call probably isnt that bad and might be good for your image.
  6. Laak has said that he did it in a joking matter and they player knew that he meant to raise, says it was blatantly a joke that he meant to "call"
  7. Im pretty sure FTP doesnt put it through as a gaming code or something, my prepaid Visa works on FTP, but it's not supposed to work for online gaming
  8. if a pot is heads up in a cash game you should be allowed to say pretty much whatever you want. Online saying OH CRAP MISCLICK is different I think, maybe its just my opinion. That being said if you reraise someone who says they misclicked you got it coming to you.OP, did he ship or give back the $12? he shouldve shipped 17.60 i think, he shouldnt get the profit
  9. not even in the same ballpark
  10. i dunno, but i do know:W Dollars (W$)In addition to our Tournament Dollars, we also offer special W$. W$ can be used to register into any qualifying special PokerStars event.Special poker events currently include: * PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) * European Poker Tour (EPT) * PokerStars World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) * *World Series of Poker (*WSOP) * World Poker Tour Championship (WPT)When you win a seat in one of the W$ special events, for example a seat in the 2005 PCA-WPT event in the Bahamas, you must play the event and will not be allowed to unregister. I
  11. reaaallllll friendly community we got ourselves here.
  12. ... no, W$ = WSOP, WPT, EPT, WCOOP, APPT
  13. for sure, happens a fair amount. I don't know why Alaei would read this as weak though, couldve taken advantage of the cheap flop on someone who "wanted" to raise more.
  14. i dunno about 99.9, the chips are reeeeaaaalllly similar
  15. it's different when their loss is your gain, but when someone from OUR community loses that much money there shouldn't be any joy here
  16. ya seriously where's DN and BG? BRING THE NOISE!
  17. wow dude, way to point out one poorly played hand by the guy when he just lost over 80k. try not to be such a fucking asshole
  18. there were 17 registered either yesterday or day before, i dunno what happened. They may still run it with 8 no?
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