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Everything posted by NEtwowilldo

  1. What's the difference between $T and $W on stars?
  2. I love playing against people like the minraiser because they are such an open book. When they bet small they are weak, but when they bet huge they have the nuts, like literally every single time. Calling the river here is inexcusable.I would reraise more preflop. I would make it like something ridiculous, like 260-300. Pppl like the mayor of clowntown here dont' like giving up once they've committed chips, you'd be surprised how often an absurd reraise will get called in that spot. You could even justify shoving the flop as well I think. PS Elton is the shizz
  3. OK I hate your line.The tester bet on the flop is fine with me, see if anyone has the queen. At micro stakes, they are pretty much going to slowplay the flop every time, then make a small raise on the turn. The way I would play it is the same as you, preflop and on the flop.On the turn, I would bet the 350 or so, and fold to a minraise. This way you can find out if he has the FD, the 6, or the Q as cheaply as possible without losing the lead in the hand. If he calls and its a safe river I would bet for value, and again fold to a raise. With the river card that came, I would check, and call
  4. I would have to assume we have the best hand on the turn. I would raise the turn to 250 or so. If he re-minraises the turn raise I fold, If he calls and checks the river I would probably bet for value, unless you're afraid of the flush, but I think a worse queen is a big part of his range. As played, I don't mind the value bet on the river but I probably would have bet a little less. Once he raises though you have to fold. A river c/r and low stakes is like never ever a bluff.As for you guys who are putting him on a set, give me a break. I agree that he probably has us beat on the river
  5. If he has 3 bet shoved 5 of the last 15 hands preflop, KQ sooted should be a snap call, you have much of his range dominated imo.
  6. I've made a few playlists, but i don't want to listen to them in order, does anyone know how to shuffle a playlist?
  7. I am never folding 10 10 there given those odds.These are $1 donks dude, not tight aggressive sharks. You have both of their ranges destroyed and folding here is certainly a mistake.
  8. I'll just comment on making a living playing STTs. I tried it for awhile, when I was almost broke from the variance of MTTs, but I quickly got bored with it. It's more like work than playing poker. If you are 6-15 tabling, which I assume you would be, it's so mechanical that it's not even fun. There is no other glory in poker like that of winning an MTT. When you play SNGs and become an expert, there is always a correct play, there is never any discussion or shades of gray. For me that is too boring. I enjoy making reads and acting on them, and getting to the final table. After awhile,
  9. I would have raised more p/f and shoved the flop.
  10. against an unknown, i wouldn't discount any two broadway cards from any position when they minraise.I bet/fold the river. Fold even to a minraise.
  11. FT of $27.50 25k guarantee on Stars1/7Southrnctowl, come cheer me on
  12. I busted shaundeeb and Bel0wAb0ve both tonight from two different tournaments. That is all.
  13. 2/9Southrnctowl on stars, im unblocked this time lol, sorry about that last timeCome cheer me on!
  14. thanks, and thanks for making my day special with your avatar
  15. Final table of $5 rebuy1/9Southrnctowl on stars Come cheer me on!
  16. Either check behind on the flop, or fold to the reraise. I don't think you're ever ahead once he raises the the flop.
  17. If you do anything other than push here, it's wrong. Sorry no gray area this time.Also, check out my new blog below.
  18. I agree with Eddie 100%Also, check out my new blog below.
  19. I disagree. In a $4.40 180, JJ is definitely not a hand we fold pretty much ever. If i were you I would have standard raised, and shoved on any min re raise. No Question.
  20. Hey Every body! Just wanted to let all of you who know me know that I just started a new blog. The link is in my signature below. I've been plugging it in strat, where I mainly post, except for rail calls. So if you have some free time, check it out and let me know what you think, either by posting a comment on the page, or replying to this thread.Thanks!
  21. Yeah call instantly.You don't win tournaments by folding sets on relatively dry boards.Also, check out my new blog below.
  22. Fold.Also stop n go's in general are stupid. If you get him to fold a better hand like 88 on an AK 9 flop, then you turned your hand into a bluff, so you might as well do it with any two. It's pretty obvious when you're doing it, and I don't fold to them as much as others. I make a lot of hero calls in obvious stop n go spots. In the case where you think he has AK, and you want to see a non AK flop, you're giving up equity in the hand. (which by the way is not the case here) So in general I just dont use that play in my arsenal.There is pretty much no hand we're beating here. His range
  23. Yeah I instacall as played.Also, reraise all in preflop. Also, check out my new blog \/ (thats an arrow pointing down).
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