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Everything posted by Sportsmack

  1. I second that...service is a little snooty, but the steaks are delicious. And 2 thumbs up for Pom Fritz...whoever came up with putting french fries on a steak deserves an award
  2. That's 60 seconds of your life that you can never get back...just saying
  3. Seriously? You couldn't come up with a better April Fool's post than this?
  4. Definitely PA Hud...Hi Five
  5. wait for it........wait for it.........wait for it...........wait for it...........oh yeah this topic is still incredibly GHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Seriously...we are all still missing the big picture here. No matter what Daniel thinks, no matter what you think, the most important thing still is and always will be the fact that American Idol is extremely....GAY!!
  7. my chat is banned, so I'm quietly railing
  8. You gotta ask yourself..."What Would Humberto Do?"
  9. Ummmmm....he looks just like his avatar in that picture?
  10. Damn that girl looks nervous...all she's doing is thinking about her next question, not even listening to Phil lol.
  11. Maybe referring to women as a "new piece of a$$" isn't the best approach...lol. Anyway, girls come and go (not exactly what you want to hear right now...I know, but it's true), but poker is forever. Good Luck bro.
  12. Seriously? Me too...Sweet!!
  13. what are these "profits" you speak of?didn't mean to quote the above...lol
  14. She's not a poker player...she just plays poker.
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