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Fcp Iii League?

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I missed the first two so I'm gonna ask for input if people want to join another one. Since they are both roto maybe we can try H2h?

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I don't know what roto or H2H means (is it like HOH? jk). I'll play though, I apparently missed all the other leagues.
Roto is Rotisserie. Points are awarded based on where you rank in certain categories. If you have the most collective hits, you get the most points for that category, if you have the lowest number of saves, you get the least amount awarded for that category, etc. Whoever has the most points at the end wins.H2H is Head to Head. You play against another team in the league and compile wins and losses, like in fantasy football.
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League madeFull Contact Poker 3 (ID# 164683)pw: fcpfcpfcpThe draft is more than a week from now, plenty of time to get in, we just need the # of teams to be even.

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Delaying this a week, peopel arent really in baseball mode yet.

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Is the draft going to go on no matter what tomorrow? Just fill the rest of it with random yahoo people?What about posting something in general???

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We need more damn money leagues! :)Will one of you join our $25 H2H league? We really need at least 1 more so we can make 8.

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FCP > yahoo. i might fall asleep towards the end of this draft.EDIT: Live Draft is UP

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  • 5 weeks later...

Who is still paying attention? Which FCP member are the Blue Jays? Good match this week. Good Luck holding off my onslaught of starting pitchers this weekend.

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Who is still paying attention? Which FCP member are the Blue Jays? Good match this week. Good Luck holding off my onslaught of starting pitchers this weekend.
<---- Blue JaysEDIT: Held it down nice, I win 6-4.
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<---- Blue JaysEDIT: Held it down nice, I win 6-4.
gg. Swept in the pitching categories has to hurt. Still have a miniscule overall lead...
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