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Patience Is A Virtue

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I like to think I have a lot of patience. But after 90 mins. of play, the best hand I had was pocket 8's, but the calling and raising before me was too much to even think about getting into that pot. My question is: How do you maintain your cool when the cards just are not coming?I start playing the "PokerBrats" game, trying to put the other players on their hands just by watching the betting. This also has the benefit of keeping my attention on the game and not wandering off somewhere. Thanks, and I love the site,Karma

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Is this is a nicely hidden spam? :club: I try to remember three things while playing :1) If you don't occasionally get bored while playing , you are playing too many hands.2) Fold SB. Fold BB if raised. Fold UTG.3) Bottom set is for suckers.Number 1 is for you.

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Is this is a nicely hidden spam? :club: I try to remember three things while playing :1) If you don't occasionally get bored while playing , you are playing too many hands.2) Fold SB. Fold BB if raised. Fold UTG.3) Bottom set is for suckers.Number 1 is for you.
No, this is NOT spam. Though I can now see where you might reach that conclusion!I just wasnt sure if using the name was the right thing to do. I know you dont always get good cards, but 1 halfway decent hand in 90 mins. was a bit over the line. But I am getting better at putting them on their cards and it's making me a better post flop player.And I need all the help I can get.Karma
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Follow the action, chat, eat, check out the barmaids, regular stuff.Lots put on an iPod but don't like em too much.

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ya, just spot a hot girl and fantasize about boning her til you get good cards :DOtherwise, remind yourself why you're there, to win money. So don't get stupid at the table just because you're bored :club:

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To avoid burnout, I have to admit that I need to take a break many times at a table.I don't necessarily mean get up and quit the game... but after a streak of playing quite a few hands in a short amount of time with my attention span 100% on, I'll need to lay back and let go of some steam. Put the iPod on, watch some TV, chat it up with the players, order some food or a drink, smoke a few cigarettes, and just play solid, tight, "card strategy" poker.My biggest leak in my own game is patience. It's hard after being so focused for awhile and then going completely card dead. It gives me this feeling like I'm done with the game that I'm playing and it, sadly, happens after a couple of hours at a cash table with me. In a tournament, I know I'm in it to the end, but in cash games I will take that break and it's extremely hard for me to get refocused into the game I'm playing.Does anyone have any advice for just that? How to get re-situated and get back in the mood of playing winning poker?

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Internet I just get bored but in live poker I talk to people. It certainly passes the time.
Yeah, usually in live I'm never bored. I hardly play online anymore because it's just tedious for me. If I'm paying proper attention, I get bored very quickly.
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Yeah, usually in live I'm never bored. I hardly play online anymore because it's just tedious for me. If I'm paying proper attention, I get bored very quickly.
QFTmakes it hard to stay in good games sometimes... I get up and probably quit too soon because of it. If I'm down or even, then I'm not so bored and my focus/attention is where it is most optimum for playing winning poker. If I'm up, I feel like I've came and accomplished what I set out to do and my attention drifts...................................
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Actively try to guess what other people have while bored. Even if its just a wild guess out of nowhere. Chances are your instincts were telling you something subconsciously and you can use this opportunity to practice fine tuning that.That said, I suck at the above mentioned activity. :club:

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