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Just got to the table and played a couple of handsPOKERSTARS GAME #8277881084: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($0.50/$1.00) - 2007/02/04 - 13:41:36 (ET)Table 'Helionape' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Gregory06 ($106.90 in chips)Seat 2: BitaLemon ($104.40 in chips)Seat 3: HoleOrphan ($75.95 in chips)Seat 4: Mikelazer ($53.95 in chips)Seat 5: thevoice72 ($122.55 in chips)Seat 6: Cadam11 ($104.50 in chips)Seat 7: robster2121 ($69.45 in chips)Seat 8: 1Cowboys ($103.10 in chips)Seat 9: jinmasterDK ($81.20 in chips)thevoice72: posts small blind $0.50Cadam11: posts big blind $1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Cadam11 [4c Tc] (I was in the blinds)robster2121: folds1Cowboys: foldsjinmasterDK: foldsGregory06: foldsBitaLemon: foldsHoleOrphan: calls $1Mikelazer: foldsthevoice72: calls $0.50Cadam11: checks*** FLOP *** [Qc 5c 7c]thevoice72: checksCadam11: bets $3HoleOrphan: calls $3thevoice72: calls $3*** TURN *** [Qc 5c 7c] [9s]thevoice72: checksCadam11: bets $8HoleOrphan: calls $8thevoice72: raises $23 to $31???????????????No read on raiser.... Easy fold?

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Easy fold? No. In fact, I don't think I can get away from this at all. It looks too much like someone trying to see a safe turn card before getting aggressive with top two pair or whatever. If he has a higher flush, I'm not good enough to fold without a big read.

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The only decision you have here is whether to call or push. You have position in the hand so i don't mind calling here eith the intention of calling any bet on the river unless a club hits. Folding turn would be terrible .

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The only decision you have here is whether to call or push. You have position in the hand so i don't mind calling here eith the intention of calling any bet on the river unless a club hits. Folding turn would be terrible .
I'm not even concerned about a club hitting unless the other player comes along. The way the raiser here played it makes me think he was trying to dodge a fourth club, not hit one.
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