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Thanks for the input and empathy everyone. I am taking some time off to focus more on work and my girlfriend etc.... the poor girl got an earful every night after this crap went down. I feel terrible for her actually... I'm surprised shes even still with me. I might mess around with some $10 MTT's and SNG's but I can't handle another $400 two outter for a while so that'll be the extent of my play. Holy Mother of God what an awful run.... has anyone ever even imagined something like this could happen? I've gone busto a dozen times and been on some seriously digusting runs in my career but I never thought this could even be possible.

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So I thought I'd switch it up and play some more MTT's ...........Full Tilt Poker Game #1797475684: $11,000 Guarantee (12919987), Table 20 - 2500/5000 Ante 600 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:03:46 ET - 2007/02/14Seat 1: plowboy064 (233,898)Seat 3: Luvaset (292,897)Seat 4: cardnac (65,631)Seat 5: CrackofmyACE (52,210)Seat 6: rtbfb777 (104,191)Seat 9: mballs (99,800)plowboy064 antes 600Luvaset antes 600cardnac antes 600CrackofmyACE antes 600rtbfb777 antes 600mballs antes 600mballs posts the small blind of 2,500plowboy064 posts the big blind of 5,000The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CrackofmyACE [Ad Ah]Luvaset foldsLuvaset: nkcardnac foldsCrackofmyACE raises to 12,500rtbfb777 foldsmballs has 15 seconds left to actmballs foldsplowboy064 calls 7,500*** FLOP *** [Qh 5s 8d]plowboy064 checksCrackofmyACE bets 39,110, and is all inplowboy064 calls 39,110CrackofmyACE shows [Ad Ah]plowboy064 shows [8c 8h]*** TURN *** [Qh 5s 8d] [Qd]*** RIVER *** [Qh 5s 8d Qd] [9c]CrackofmyACE shows two pair, Aces and QueensThomasToget sits downThomasToget adds 152,990HitRockBottom1 sits downHitRockBottom1 adds 101,838anzell sits downanzell adds 185,800plowboy064 shows a full house, Eights full of Queensplowboy064 wins the pot (109,320) with a full house, Eights full of QueensCrackofmyACE stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 109,320 | Rake 0Board: [Qh 5s 8d Qd 9c]Seat 1: plowboy064 (big blind) showed [8c 8h] and won (109,320) with a full house, Eights full of QueensSeat 3: Luvaset folded before the FlopSeat 4: cardnac folded before the FlopSeat 5: CrackofmyACE showed [Ad Ah] and lost with two pair, Aces and QueensSeat 6: rtbfb777 (button) folded before the FlopSeat 9: mballs (small blind) folded before the Flopwhy

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Oh what the hell lets play one more MTT... its not like I could get crippled by ANOTHER 2 outter right??Full Tilt Poker Game #1798267707: $15,000 Guarantee (12937520), Table 49 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:09:24 ET - 2007/02/14Seat 1: jstrick (2,850)Seat 2: Ironhyde (1,365)Seat 3: nancy82 (1,455)Seat 4: CrackofmyACE (1,680)Seat 5: RICHMAN13 (1,440)Seat 6: nealPHOENIX (1,820)Seat 7: lasilverfox (1,270)Seat 8: siem57 (1,590)Seat 9: jdbrutus (1,500)siem57 posts the small blind of 15jdbrutus posts the big blind of 30The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CrackofmyACE [Jh Jd]jstrick foldsIronhyde foldsnancy82 calls 30CrackofmyACE raises to 135RICHMAN13 foldsnealPHOENIX calls 135lasilverfox foldssiem57 foldsjdbrutus has 15 seconds left to actjdbrutus is sitting outjdbrutus has timed outjdbrutus foldsjdbrutus has returnednancy82 raises to 660CrackofmyACE raises to 1,680, and is all innealPHOENIX foldsnancy82 calls 795, and is all inCrackofmyACE shows [Jh Jd]nancy82 shows [7h 7s]Uncalled bet of 225 returned to CrackofmyACE*** FLOP *** [Qc 7c 9c]*** TURN *** [Qc 7c 9c] [Ks]*** RIVER *** [Qc 7c 9c Ks] [2h]CrackofmyACE shows a pair of Jacksnancy82 shows three of a kind, Sevensnancy82 wins the pot (3,090) with three of a kind, Sevens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,090 | Rake 0Board: [Qc 7c 9c Ks 2h]Seat 1: jstrick didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: Ironhyde didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: nancy82 showed [7h 7s] and won (3,090) with three of a kind, SevensSeat 4: CrackofmyACE showed [Jh Jd] and lost with a pair of JacksSeat 5: RICHMAN13 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: nealPHOENIX folded before the FlopSeat 7: lasilverfox (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: siem57 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: jdbrutus (big blind) folded before the Flop

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Full Tilt Poker Game #1804414258: $5 + $0.50 Sit & Go (13364759), Table 1 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:41:44 ET - 2007/02/15Seat 1: sfraise (57,115)Seat 2: SEPokerPres (51,245)Seat 3: kdawg21 (18,560)Seat 4: Beaverstyle (26,204)Seat 6: Hollamann (22,631)Seat 8: UncleSteve135 (23,057)Seat 9: Sandrat_007 (71,188)sfraise antes 200SEPokerPres antes 200kdawg21 antes 200Beaverstyle antes 200Hollamann antes 200UncleSteve135 antes 200Sandrat_007 antes 200sfraise posts the small blind of 800SEPokerPres posts the big blind of 1,600The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Beaverstyle [Ah As]kdawg21 foldsBeaverstyle raises to 5,200Sandrat_007: batteries went deadHollamann foldsUncleSteve135 raises to 22,857, and is all inSandrat_007 foldssfraise calls 22,057SEPokerPres foldsBeaverstyle raises to 26,004, and is all insfraise calls 3,147Beaverstyle shows [Ah As]UncleSteve135 shows [Ks Kh]sfraise shows [Ad 7h]Beaverstyle: triple me up please*** FLOP *** [6s 2d Kc]*** TURN *** [6s 2d Kc] [Qs]*** RIVER *** [6s 2d Kc Qs] [9c]Beaverstyle shows a pair of Acessfraise shows Ace King highBeaverstyle: lol nice catchHollamann: ouchBeaverstyle wins the side pot (6,294) with a pair of AcesUncleSteve135 shows three of a kind, KingsUncleSteve135 wins the main pot (71,571) with three of a kind, KingsBeaverstyle: so ghey*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 77,865 Main pot 71,571. Side pot 6,294. | Rake 0Board: [6s 2d Kc Qs 9c]Seat 1: sfraise (small blind) showed [Ad 7h] and lost with Ace King highSeat 2: SEPokerPres (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: kdawg21 folded before the FlopSeat 4: Beaverstyle showed [Ah As] and won (6,294) with a pair of AcesSeat 6: Hollamann folded before the FlopSeat 8: UncleSteve135 showed [Ks Kh] and won (71,571) with three of a kind, KingsSeat 9: Sandrat_007 (button) folded before the FlopFTP = POKERSTARS?!?!btw, another guy folded A7.. don't ask me why that donk was in there, but i was drawing dead after the flop... yippeeee!!!!

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Full Tilt Poker Game #1751481391: $10 + $1 Tournament (12576728), Table 5 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:43:37 ET - 2007/02/07Seat 1: CrackofmyACE (1,795)Seat 2: arward (5,297)Seat 3: TeddyBallGame9 (1,995)Seat 4: creatr67 (2,193)Seat 5: Sp1ctacular3 (7,330)Seat 6: BigDaddy816 (4,043)Seat 7: FightEnder (1,260)Seat 8: ACEMARK (960), is sitting outSeat 9: PlayerOcean (995), is sitting outPlayerOcean posts the small blind of 40CrackofmyACE posts the big blind of 80The button is in seat #8*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CrackofmyACE [Ad Ac]arward raises to 240TeddyBallGame9 foldscreatr67 foldsSp1ctacular3 foldsBigDaddy816 foldsFightEnder foldsACEMARK foldsPlayerOcean foldsCrackofmyACE calls 160*** FLOP *** [Jh 3h Kc]CrackofmyACE bets 240arward raises to 480CrackofmyACE raises to 1,555, and is all inarward calls 1,075CrackofmyACE shows [Ad Ac]arward shows [Kd Qd]*** TURN *** [Jh 3h Kc] [Qc]*** RIVER *** [Jh 3h Kc Qc] [Ks]CrackofmyACE shows two pair, Aces and Kingsarward shows a full house, Kings full of Queensarward wins the pot (3,630) with a full house, Kings full of QueensCrackofmyACE stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,630 | Rake 0Board: [Jh 3h Kc Qc Ks]Seat 1: CrackofmyACE (big blind) showed [Ad Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and KingsSeat 2: arward showed [Kd Qd] and won (3,630) with a full house, Kings full of QueensSeat 3: TeddyBallGame9 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: creatr67 didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Sp1ctacular3 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: BigDaddy816 didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: FightEnder didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: ACEMARK (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 9: PlayerOcean (small blind) folded before the FlopI DARE ANY ONE OF YOU TO SHOW ME A WORSE RUN
Sir, on behalf of everyone on earth who plays poker, i want to say to you that your luck is the worst i've ever seen. I thought i had it bad, but now realize that god doesn't have it in for me because of the things i say about jesus, but he in fact loves me very much. You, on the other hand, should definitely sign a blood oath with satan to get that money back. Those hands were sickening.By the way, crackofmyace is possibly the best screen name i've seen so far.
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Full Tilt Poker Game #1825713337: $1 Rebuy (13158616), Table 11 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:51:47 ET - 2007/02/18Seat 1: bedequean (9,100)Seat 2: LuNa85 (12,170)Seat 3: birdbomber (8,985)Seat 4: Aint got Jack (6,045)Seat 5: Beaverstyle (4,420)Seat 6: FatManB (8,855)Seat 7: scubajib (4,185)Seat 8: MCHotmale (930)Seat 9: KyleECoyote (18,996)MCHotmale posts the small blind of 60KyleECoyote posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Beaverstyle [Jc Js]bedequean foldsLuNa85 foldsbirdbomber has 15 seconds left to actbirdbomber raises to 360Aint got Jack foldsBeaverstyle raises to 875FatManB foldsscubajib foldsMCHotmale foldsKyleECoyote foldsbirdbomber has 15 seconds left to actbirdbomber calls 515*** FLOP *** [5h 3h 7d]birdbomber bets 4,080Beaverstyle calls 3,545, and is all inbirdbomber shows [8s 8d]Beaverstyle shows [Jc Js]Uncalled bet of 535 returned to birdbomber*** TURN *** [5h 3h 7d] [4c]*** RIVER *** [5h 3h 7d 4c] [6c]birdbomber shows a straight, Eight highBeaverstyle shows a straight, Seven highbirdbomber wins the pot (9,020) with a straight, Eight highBeaverstyle: SO SICKBeaverstyle stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 9,020 | Rake 0Board: [5h 3h 7d 4c 6c]Seat 1: bedequean didn't bet (folded)Seat 2: LuNa85 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: birdbomber showed [8s 8d] and won (9,020) with a straight, Eight highSeat 4: Aint got Jack didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: Beaverstyle showed [Jc Js] and lost with a straight, Seven highSeat 6: FatManB didn't bet (folded)Seat 7: scubajib (button) didn't bet (folded)Seat 8: MCHotmale (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: KyleECoyote (big blind) folded before the Flop$1 rebuy on FTP... i hate poker.

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I should have never read this post. The karma from this thread has sent my game spiraling out of control. I will not bore you with the details. You are warned that after reading the accounts of CrackofmyACE you will see top sets get flushed, flushes get housed and top two pairs get set. Again you have been warned proceed with caution.That is all.
When I read this, I thought, Ha Ha thats pretty funny. I guess I should have not laughed and angered the poker gods.......Full Tilt Poker Game #1825819684: Table Everly (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:06:30 ET - 2007/02/18Seat 1: WalkmanA ($7.95)Seat 2: tobytobey ($10.20)Seat 3: bullets34 ($10)Seat 4: WarhammerIIC ($12.50)Seat 6: OKC Chap ($17.35)WalkmanA posts the small blind of $0.05tobytobey posts the big blind of $0.10The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to tobytobey [7d Ah]bullets34 foldsWarhammerIIC foldsOKC Chap foldsWalkmanA raises to $0.30tobytobey calls $0.20*** FLOP *** [7s 5h 2h]BluffieMcGee sits downBluffieMcGee adds $4WalkmanA bets $0.40tobytobey raises to $1WalkmanA calls $0.60*** TURN *** [7s 5h 2h] [Ad]WalkmanA checkstobytobey bets $1WalkmanA raises to $2tobytobey raises to $5WalkmanA raises to $6.65, and is all intobytobey calls $1.65WalkmanA shows [3d 4d]tobytobey shows [7d Ah]*** RIVER *** [7s 5h 2h Ad] [6d]WalkmanA shows a straight, Seven hightobytobey shows two pair, Aces and SevensWalkmanA wins the pot ($14.90) with a straight, Seven high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $15.90 | Rake $1Board: [7s 5h 2h Ad 6d]Seat 1: WalkmanA (small blind) showed [3d 4d] and won ($14.90) with a straight, Seven highSeat 2: tobytobey (big blind) showed [7d Ah] and lost with two pair, Aces and SevensSeat 3: bullets34 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: WarhammerIIC didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: OKC Chap (button) didn't bet (folded)Full Tilt Poker Game #1825835839: Table Everly (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:08:43 ET - 2007/02/18Seat 1: WalkmanA ($14.90)Seat 2: tobytobey ($2.60)Seat 3: bullets34 ($9.70)Seat 4: WarhammerIIC ($12.50)Seat 5: BluffieMcGee ($3.90)Seat 6: OKC Chap ($17.35)bullets34 posts the small blind of $0.05WarhammerIIC posts the big blind of $0.10The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to tobytobey [Ah Ac]BluffieMcGee foldsOKC Chap foldsWalkmanA raises to $0.35tobytobey calls $0.35bullets34 adds $0.35bullets34 foldsWarhammerIIC folds*** FLOP *** [8s 4d 8d]WalkmanA checkstobytobey checks*** TURN *** [8s 4d 8d] [9s]WalkmanA bets $0.85tobytobey calls $0.85*** RIVER *** [8s 4d 8d 9s] [7s]WalkmanA bets $1.40tobytobey calls $1.40, and is all in*** SHOW DOWN ***WalkmanA shows [Th 8c] (three of a kind, Eights)tobytobey mucksWalkmanA wins the pot ($4.85) with three of a kind, Eightstobytobey is sitting out*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $5.35 | Rake $0.50Board: [8s 4d 8d 9s 7s]Seat 1: WalkmanA showed [Th 8c] and won ($4.85) with three of a kind, EightsSeat 2: tobytobey (button) mucked [Ah Ac] - two pair, Aces and EightsSeat 3: bullets34 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 4: WarhammerIIC (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 5: BluffieMcGee didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: OKC Chap didn't bet (folded)I ended up playing only 5 hands. It's only $10, but don't anger the poker gods.
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If I may, i would advice you to control the size of the pot when you get AA and KK in cash games. I mean, you don't have to go all-in at some point of the hand every time you get AA. If the board is not too draw heavy, check the flop once in a while if it's headsup. Think about it, when you have AA you really only have 1-pair. And in most big pots played until the river, 1 pair is not good enough.

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I have to say, I have never seen that bad of luck in my life.. I would not blame you if you quit poker for life... Everyone has their bad beat stories, but you sir, have the greatest. I truly think FT was just messing with you, wow.... i am speechless.. I will forever not complain about bad beats.... And what the hell is with everyone else sharing their bad beat stories on this post? Trying to make yours seem just as bad? Nothing tops this guy's bad beats!! I truly feel for you.. best wishes in the future

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I have to say, I have never seen that bad of luck in my life.. I would not blame you if you quit poker for life... Everyone has their bad beat stories, but you sir, have the greatest. I truly think FT was just messing with you, wow.... i am speechless.. I will forever not complain about bad beats.... And what the hell is with everyone else sharing their bad beat stories on this post? Trying to make yours seem just as bad? Nothing tops this guy's bad beats!! I truly feel for you.. best wishes in the future
mine are just as bad.
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mine are just as bad.
LOL... sure your aces getting cracked are just as bad.... but did you suffer as many bad beats as he did? I don't think so.. We've all had great hands cracked, but not a daily basis like COMA, I have emailed his story to all my poker buddies, I would seriously right a book if I were him..
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LOL... sure your aces getting cracked are just as bad.... but did you suffer as many bad beats as he did? I don't think so.. We've all had great hands cracked, but not a daily basis like COMA, I have emailed his story to all my poker buddies, I would seriously right a book if I were him..
I've lost about $3K in the last 2 months playing $1/2 live. I won around $8K in Nov/Dec travelling and playing $2/5 live, so don't anypanicbody. BUT, I summarize all the pots I've lost like this: 9 villains in a row hitting naked flush draws hitting on my sets, and straights (i'm not playing weak hands) ... all in, cards face up. KK under AA -- 7 out the last 14 times I've been dealt KK. The rest is a series of 2, 3, and 4 outers that would make you sick. My favorite recently: in MP with QQraise to $20. Called by SB. Flop: K, Q, 2 uncoordinated. I put in $60, get a call. Turn: 7 brick. I check, villain bets $100, I'm insta-all-in. He insta-calls, flips over KK22QI have QQQK7River: ......................... Koooo, nice catch.The real bite in the *** is that this hand takes place right after some idiot calls off um, ONLY AROUND 80% of his chips on a straight draw AT THE TURN and lays his gutter on me on the river. My "home casino" dealers just shake their heads. I truly think you don't need "good luck" to win at poker. But you certainly can't survive long on "bad luck."
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In case anyone cares...or TRULY feels bad for me after having read this thread, I thought I'd tell all of you that for the last 5 days I've been absolutely pillaging 1/2 NL on FTP for over 3k. I'm on fricken tear. All is right in the world and COMA is back in business.But wow... that was a run for the ages. I can't imagine what the odds of something like that happening are... I probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice tommorrow morning before work than to experience that again. (I hope)

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Just a lil addition to the bad beat thread... this was from a $5 mtt, itm, first is $1,300... i'm feeling a good streak if i win this hand....PokerStars Game #8529446601: Tournament #43326793, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (400/800) - 2007/02/19 - 23:37:46 (ET)Table '43326793 120' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: SJSHARKY (16409 in chips) Seat 2: lGotRivered (15810 in chips) Seat 3: WildBilly71 (10163 in chips) Seat 4: cjordy13 (21100 in chips) Seat 5: Mr. Callard (23213 in chips) is sitting outSeat 6: QueenCris (43250 in chips) Seat 7: Beaverstyle (10876 in chips) Seat 9: POOLGUY25 (12020 in chips) SJSHARKY: posts the ante 50lGotRivered: posts the ante 50WildBilly71: posts the ante 50cjordy13: posts the ante 50Mr. Callard: posts the ante 50QueenCris: posts the ante 50Beaverstyle: posts the ante 50POOLGUY25: posts the ante 50POOLGUY25: posts small blind 400SJSHARKY: posts big blind 800*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Beaverstyle [Kc As]lGotRivered said, "nh"lGotRivered: folds WildBilly71: folds cjordy13: raises 1600 to 2400Mr. Callard: folds QueenCris: calls 2400Beaverstyle: raises 8426 to 10826 and is all-inPOOLGUY25: folds SJSHARKY: folds cjordy13: folds QueenCris: calls 8426cjordy13 said, "whew"*** FLOP *** [Jh 7c Jc]cjordy13 said, "A Q"*** TURN *** [Jh 7c Jc] [5c]*** RIVER *** [Jh 7c Jc 5c] [2c]*** SHOW DOWN ***QueenCris: shows [Ac Ts] (a flush, Ace high)Beaverstyle: shows [Kc As] (a flush, King high)cjordy13 said, "ewwww"QueenCris collected 25652 from potkensmoe8 is connected *** SUMMARY ***I fcking hate poker.

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Just a lil addition to the bad beat thread... this was from a $5 mtt, itm, first is $1,300... i'm feeling a good streak if i win this hand....PokerStars Game #8529446601: Tournament #43326793, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (400/800) - 2007/02/19 - 23:37:46 (ET)Table '43326793 120' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: SJSHARKY (16409 in chips) Seat 2: lGotRivered (15810 in chips) Seat 3: WildBilly71 (10163 in chips) Seat 4: cjordy13 (21100 in chips) Seat 5: Mr. Callard (23213 in chips) is sitting outSeat 6: QueenCris (43250 in chips) Seat 7: Beaverstyle (10876 in chips) Seat 9: POOLGUY25 (12020 in chips) SJSHARKY: posts the ante 50lGotRivered: posts the ante 50WildBilly71: posts the ante 50cjordy13: posts the ante 50Mr. Callard: posts the ante 50QueenCris: posts the ante 50Beaverstyle: posts the ante 50POOLGUY25: posts the ante 50POOLGUY25: posts small blind 400SJSHARKY: posts big blind 800*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Beaverstyle [Kc As]lGotRivered said, "nh"lGotRivered: folds WildBilly71: folds cjordy13: raises 1600 to 2400Mr. Callard: folds QueenCris: calls 2400Beaverstyle: raises 8426 to 10826 and is all-inPOOLGUY25: folds SJSHARKY: folds cjordy13: folds QueenCris: calls 8426cjordy13 said, "whew"*** FLOP *** [Jh 7c Jc]cjordy13 said, "A Q"*** TURN *** [Jh 7c Jc] [5c]*** RIVER *** [Jh 7c Jc 5c] [2c]*** SHOW DOWN ***QueenCris: shows [Ac Ts] (a flush, Ace high)Beaverstyle: shows [Kc As] (a flush, King high)cjordy13 said, "ewwww"QueenCris collected 25652 from potkensmoe8 is connected *** SUMMARY ***I fcking hate poker.
you can use the new topic button too ya know
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you can use the new topic button too ya know
ugh... alright, i guess i'll make my own bad beat thread... beginning w/ the last one I posted here. I'm still pissed about that one.
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In case anyone cares...or TRULY feels bad for me after having read this thread, I thought I'd tell all of you that for the last 5 days I've been absolutely pillaging 1/2 NL on FTP for over 3k. I'm on fricken tear. All is right in the world and COMA is back in business.But wow... that was a run for the ages. I can't imagine what the odds of something like that happening are... I probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice tommorrow morning before work than to experience that again. (I hope)
I'm happy for you COMA... I showed all my friends this post and even had one of them shed a tear for you. Congrats on being back.. hope you won't have to experience a run like that anymore.
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  • 1 year later...
I'm happy for you COMA... I showed all my friends this post and even had one of them shed a tear for you. Congrats on being back.. hope you won't have to experience a run like that anymore.
Just bumping this,s o if anyone ever complains about a bad beat again, just look at this.
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at least I got away from this oneFull Tilt Poker Game #1766213145: Table Jett (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:56:25 ET - 2007/02/10Seat 1: Trans4m ($240.50)Seat 2: bobbysteels1 ($221.85)Seat 3: curupa ($227)Seat 4: OZbunky ($96.20)Seat 5: doublewinger ($161.05)Seat 6: CrackofmyACE ($198.10)Trans4m posts the small blind of $1bobbysteels1 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CrackofmyACE [As Ac]curupa calls $2OZbunky foldsdoublewinger calls $2CrackofmyACE raises to $11Trans4m foldsbobbysteels1 foldscurupa calls $9doublewinger calls $9*** FLOP *** [Qd Jd 2d]curupa checksdoublewinger checksCrackofmyACE bets $36curupa raises to $216, and is all indoublewinger calls $150.05, and is all inCrackofmyACE has 15 seconds left to actCrackofmyACE is sitting outCrackofmyACE has timed outCrackofmyACE foldscurupa shows [4h Qh]doublewinger shows [7d 9d]Uncalled bet of $65.95 returned to curupa*** TURN *** [Qd Jd 2d] [6h]*** RIVER *** [Qd Jd 2d 6h] [4c]curupa shows two pair, Queens and Foursdoublewinger shows a flush, Queen highdoublewinger wins the pot ($369.10) with a flush, Queen highCrackofmyACE has returned*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $372.10 | Rake $3Board: [Qd Jd 2d 6h 4c]Seat 1: Trans4m (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: bobbysteels1 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: curupa showed [4h Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and FoursSeat 4: OZbunky didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: doublewinger showed [7d 9d] and won ($369.10) with a flush, Queen highSeat 6: CrackofmyACE (button) folded on the Flopseriously.... how sick is this???? Aces are like 1 for 15 the last 2 weeks. No exaggeration.wtf....seriously
I know its a while back, but I just found it sick how AA was cracked by both Q4 and 79
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I'm happy for you COMA... I showed all my friends this post and even had one of them shed a tear for you. Congrats on being back.. hope you won't have to experience a run like that anymore.
Haha, you're such a fag.Oh.
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at least I got away from this oneFull Tilt Poker Game #1766213145: Table Jett (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:56:25 ET - 2007/02/10Seat 1: Trans4m ($240.50)Seat 2: bobbysteels1 ($221.85)Seat 3: curupa ($227)Seat 4: OZbunky ($96.20)Seat 5: doublewinger ($161.05)Seat 6: CrackofmyACE ($198.10)Trans4m posts the small blind of $1bobbysteels1 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to CrackofmyACE [As Ac]curupa calls $2OZbunky foldsdoublewinger calls $2CrackofmyACE raises to $11Trans4m foldsbobbysteels1 foldscurupa calls $9doublewinger calls $9*** FLOP *** [Qd Jd 2d]curupa checksdoublewinger checksCrackofmyACE bets $36curupa raises to $216, and is all indoublewinger calls $150.05, and is all inCrackofmyACE has 15 seconds left to actCrackofmyACE is sitting outCrackofmyACE has timed outCrackofmyACE foldscurupa shows [4h Qh]doublewinger shows [7d 9d]Uncalled bet of $65.95 returned to curupa*** TURN *** [Qd Jd 2d] [6h]*** RIVER *** [Qd Jd 2d 6h] [4c]curupa shows two pair, Queens and Foursdoublewinger shows a flush, Queen highdoublewinger wins the pot ($369.10) with a flush, Queen highCrackofmyACE has returned*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $372.10 | Rake $3Board: [Qd Jd 2d 6h 4c]Seat 1: Trans4m (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: bobbysteels1 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: curupa showed [4h Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and FoursSeat 4: OZbunky didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: doublewinger showed [7d 9d] and won ($369.10) with a flush, Queen highSeat 6: CrackofmyACE (button) folded on the Flopseriously.... how sick is this???? Aces are like 1 for 15 the last 2 weeks. No exaggeration.wtf....seriously
Lo, what is really sick is the Q 4 gets there and would have beat you also!! Sick man ...EDIT: Nvm, mentioned above.
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