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I Have A Stupid Question

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When am I no longer classified as a "poker forum newbie", what does it take for me to move up in the world.
The vets get together at the end of the month. We go over relevance, helpfulness, humor and spelling. You need an 80 to move up.
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The vets get together at the end of the month. We go over relevance, helpfulness, humor and spelling. You need an 80 to move up.
And you get bonus points if you put a hot, half-naked chick in your avatar.
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hey online players, if you move to Iran you can play all the online poker you want. It will be the same as home, sitting in front of your laptop in you tighty whiteys picking your nose, eating doritios all day. perfect
Don't post this.
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When am I no longer classified as a "poker forum newbie", what does it take for me to move up in the world.
There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people who ask the questions. Sorry to flame, but trying to get on the good side of all the vets out there!!
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When Ron Mexico responds to your post or acknowledge's your existence...You're pretty much still fucked, but if you talk real nice he might grease it up first.

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When Ron Mexico responds to your post or acknowledge's your existence...You're pretty much still fucked, but if you talk real nice he might grease it up first.
That's a fine day by any standard, greased or not.
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Hey, back off busters. This little girl asked a question, and in my book (Teabagging: An Account of My Childhood Friendship with Skippy From Family Ties) you should cooperate and be helpful when asked a question. This is, after all, a public forum for dispensing knowledge and building a common trust and majestic realization of truth, where even Chinese people's opinions almost matter. -Lonny Huff First of all, No. Butterknives

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