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I thank God everyday that he allowed me to witness the greatness of Jordan & Tiger. My father watched Mantle/Mays & Palmer/Nicklaus in their prime and says Tiger & Jordan are the 2 greatest at their respective sport he ever saw.

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I thank God everyday that he allowed me to witness the greatness of Jordan & Tiger. My father watched Mantle/Mays & Palmer/Nicklaus in their prime and says Tiger & Jordan are the 2 greatest at their respective sport he ever saw.
its all the result of the steroids :club:
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I thank God everyday that he allowed me to witness the greatness of Jordan & Tiger. My father watched Mantle/Mays & Palmer/Nicklaus in their prime and says Tiger & Jordan are the 2 greatest at their respective sport he ever saw.
Amen brutha! :club:
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I always get annoyed at the coments that suggest that Tiger doesn't have "great rivals". He does have amazing competition out there, but he just is that much better. Every time his competition gets better he hits another gear. 63 on a sunday set up? enough said... :club:

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tiger is amazing, i think the goverment created him...or something to that affect.on a side note, not tryin to thread jack here, but has anyone had to withness charles barkleys swing??? watched it on youtube the other day...its kinda scary.

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I thank God everyday that he allowed me to witness the greatness of Jordan & Tiger. My father watched Mantle/Mays & Palmer/Nicklaus in their prime and says Tiger & Jordan are the 2 greatest at their respective sport he ever saw.
god also forced you to watch palmeiro mcgwire sosa and bonds instead of mantle/mays
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