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How To Get Daniel Negreanu's Attention...

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I have no idea how to get his attention, but hopefully the title did the trick! :club: I remember back when I read the Super System, Doyle discussed the WPT being around 100 players (I'd give the exact number, but I'm not searching for the book). If the ingenious "pocket cam" was not invented, there would not be an enormous Hold 'em hype. When the WPT launched it, many pros' careers took off, just like Daniel explains. With that said, I have wondered MANY MANY times, what do you think about the pocket cams? I know that without them, you, along with many other pros, would not have the fame that you do today, and you show how grateful you are for it. But... Do you ever feel that it is hurtful to your game having many of your hands being displayed on national TV?

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I have no idea how to get his attention, but hopefully the title did the trick! :club: I remember back when I read the Super System, Doyle discussed the WPT being around 100 players (I'd give the exact number, but I'm not searching for the book). If the ingenious "pocket cam" was not invented, there would not be an enormous Hold 'em hype. When the WPT launched it, many pros' careers took off, just like Daniel explains. With that said, I have wondered MANY MANY times, what do you think about the pocket cams? I know that without them, you, along with many other pros, would not have the fame that you do today, and you show how grateful you are for it. But... Do you ever feel that it is hurtful to your game having many of your hands being displayed on national TV?
Yea, I wonder if he's made more money before or after pocket cams came into the equation??sw
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I believe he kind of answered this in a blog a while ago. I seem to remember him saying it hasn't really "hurt" his game, but makes him work that much harder to disguise it and chnaged gears often. Remember, while people get to see more of his hands on TV, he get's to see their's as well. Daniel is constantly viewing tape of poker broadcasts.

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Remember, they only show a very small % of the actual hands.
I do not think that it could really hurt a professionals game because they are able to constanty change gears and switch up their strategies while playing. I think that if someone thinks that they have a good read on Daniels game or another professionals gamet that they are going to realize that and switch up their game which might have a reverse effect on the information you have on them.
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I believe he kind of answered this in a blog a while ago. I seem to remember him saying it hasn't really "hurt" his game, but makes him work that much harder to disguise it and chnaged gears often. Remember, while people get to see more of his hands on TV, he get's to see their's as well. Daniel is constantly viewing tape of poker broadcasts.
I like the avatar.
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I do not think that it could really hurt a professionals game because they are able to constanty change gears and switch up their strategies while playing. I think that if someone thinks that they have a good read on Daniels game or another professionals gamet that they are going to realize that and switch up their game which might have a reverse effect on the information you have on them.
I agree, and have always thought that, but I was curious as to Daniel's perspective. LoL oh, and i'm still lost.... Pottery?
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