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softer than party? i didnt think it was possible

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so im cruising online and decide to check out this interpoker site, software seemed great, so i gave it a shot. I deposited 600 hoping to play some 10-20 and not really that much action at that level, they had a 20-40 game but it was in british pounds which is a little to rich for a 600 us deposit since i would have only gotten about $325 in chips for it. Anyways i sit at a 30-60 limit game and theres one guy with about 6000 infront of him and is raising and capping every flop, right to the river and then showing his hand which was quite often garbage, after about 2 or 3 hands i notice that preflop in the chatbox this guys is actually announcing his hole cards, lol, so i scroll up and see that he was honest the last two pots, so suffice it to say, he didnt do to well and was bust in about 2 hours after re-loading for another 3000, after he was done he was chatting still so i basically asked him what was wrong with him, feeling a little sorry for him ( thinking that maybe he was rich and a little retarded) and the guy tells me that he hit a slot progressive earlier in the night for 250,000 british pounds (about $460,000 us)and proceeds to put 440,000 in front of him at the poker table to prove iti guess i was just at the right table at the right time, though they say the whole site is full of fish, since they are connected with one of the worlds largest online casinos and sportbooks and alot of winners there try and take a stab at holdem,anyone else try this site, and if so was it just as easy as it looks??btw for ratings on sites and such check out www.pokerlistings.com

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I play on Interpoker and Poker Plex(which are just diff skins) every month for their monthly bonuses and usually do really well. The lower limits are a bit tight-passive at times and the software is slower than some others, but all in all not to bad.

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It seems to be another Cryptologic portal. I played mostly on Cryptologic, where the PLO8 and PLO games are sometimes extremely juicy(I've seen pre-flop pots of 400bb a few times). The games are indeed softer and looser than Party I believe. Players are recruited from British betting companies such as Betfair and William Hill, so there's a lot of naivety(and generally a gambling attitude) at the tablesWhen I first played limit HE there, there were regularly pots of 20 BB at £1/£2. That wave seems to have gone, but there are still good games there.

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Interpoker was the second site I tried (first was Pokerroom, which I have yet to win a hand on). I loved Interpoker for the winning I got ($100 deposit turned into a cashout of $315, mainly due to a 6th place finish in a $10 MTT). Graphics and other superficial stuff was average at best, but had very good success in tourneys. They are soon coming back up on my list of rotating poker sites.

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are you kidding? ive been messing around with the 1/2 games, and they're tighter than my... well, they're tight. most tables under 40% seeing the flop. VERY tight passive. everyone is bonus whoring. plus the software is absolutely brutal.

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are you kidding? ive been messing around with the 1/2 games, and they're tighter than my... well, they're tight. most tables under 40% seeing the flop. VERY tight passive. everyone is bonus whoring. plus the software is absolutely brutal.
$1/$2 is tight, and always was.£1/£2 was very loose at times. I don't play there at the moment because of Crypto's crashes(very bad at times), but that was the case i found. Try PLO8. The average pots at $0.50/$1 are usually $50-$100
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are you kidding? ive been messing around with the 1/2 games, and they're tighter than my... well, they're tight. most tables under 40% seeing the flop. VERY tight passive. everyone is bonus whoring. plus the software is absolutely brutal.
$1/$2 is tight, and always was.£1/£2 was very loose at times. I don't play there at the moment because of Crypto's crashes(very bad at times), but that was the case i found. Try PLO8. The average pots at $0.50/$1 are usually $50-$100
/shrug, im up a couple bucks and almost done my little bonus after one night of play, but i definitely will not play there for any reason other than bonuses. PLO and PLO8 are loose anywhere because no one knows how to play the games.
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ok, ok, I have to post on this subject. I am an affiliate for interpoker. Here it is www.mcpoker.usNow for the site itself, this subject seems to be right on targer. The graphics are doable, nothing outstanding. Of course, I played on UB.com and couldnt' stand all the different backgrounds and such. I chose the all black background to be quite honest. Anyway, the background is what it is. It's a table and some chairs. I don't quite get into all the other backgrounds at other sites anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. What does matter to me is game selection and the amount of skill the overall site has with its players.NONE. Well, ok, not none, but they aren't that good. Now I'm not a limit HE player, so I can't attest to that game at all. I've seen some of the pre flop percentages and it is around 30-50 on any given table. Now some people like a higher percentage, I'd rather have a low one and play my big hands and win. To each his own.I play NL HE on the site though and it's real real good. I'm a bonus whore of course, mainly. I play 2 tables at a time and clear the bonus in a few days each month. It's kind of like a $90 free roll. As long as I don't lose more than $90 a month getting my raked hands then I have lost nothing and only gained.I have played PLO (a game that I find fasciniating and am continuing to learn) and have lost my arse doing it. PLO is a very big European game and most of the players on the site are European. I played PLO/8 for the very first time yesterday just for under an hour and played real tight. Won one pot and cashed out $10 winner. I'm not expecting anyone to get onhere and tell me great job. I don't want anyone to come on here and belittle me for such a small win either. I"m just relaying you my experience on this site.I have NEVER experienced a crash or lost game. They customer service has always been 100% perfect. I call them on their 800 number to get my raked hand count so I know where I am on my requirements and they give it to me right then over the phone.So, ok, there it is. One more time, if you want to check it out, I ask that you go to www.mcpoker.us and sign up through there. It makes me a few dollars.If you have any more questions on interpoker, ask and I will answer. That's all. This isn't really spam. It's not annoying, just informative.

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i got a question or two: why is the software so much slower than every other major site? why can you not access the cashier while you are at a table? why is there no way to check your raked hand count online? why would you want to sit at a table full of tight players, instead of ones who will call you with inferior hands?

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as they say...a fool and his money are soon to part.
i think its 'a fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.'
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I don't find the software to be slower.I'm not sure why you can't get to the cashier while you are at a table. Not really a function that bothers me.THey are working on software upgrades so that you can see your raked hands on the site while you play. Of course, you can just make a simple phone call.Why would I want to sit down at a table full of tight players? Maybe it's my NL background and my style put together, but that is what I prefer. Of course, you are assuming that all tables are tight. They are not. Go see for yourself.

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I don't find the software to be slower.I'm not sure why you can't get to the cashier while you are at a table. Not really a function that bothers me.THey are working on software upgrades so that you can see your raked hands on the site while you play. Of course, you can just make a simple phone call.Why would I want to sit down at a table full of tight players? Maybe it's my NL background and my style put together, but that is what I prefer. Of course, you are assuming that all tables are tight. They are not. Go see for yourself.
i have seen for myself. The software runs way slower on my machine than any other software. I can run Party, Stars and Fulltilt at the same time with no problems but Interpoker lags without any other apps open, and kills the speed of anything else i have open. I will call them tonight though, to find out my raked hands. thanks for that information, i didnt think of that.
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I haven't had that problem with the slow speeds. Maybe try reloading the software backon the computer. Ask themwhen you call about the raked hands.When you call, they will tell you how many hands you have left to reach your bonus. If you have more than one bonus going, then theywill tell you for each bonus. Hope this helps.

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I haven't had that problem with the slow speeds. Maybe try reloading the software backon the computer. Ask themwhen you call about the raked hands.When you call, they will tell you how many hands you have left to reach your bonus. If you have more than one bonus going, then theywill tell you for each bonus. Hope this helps.
i called them. 206 hands to go. thanks for the tip.
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are you kidding? ive been messing around with the 1/2 games, and they're tighter than my... well, they're tight. most tables under 40% seeing the flop. VERY tight passive. everyone is bonus whoring. plus the software is absolutely brutal.
I'm with this... I was working the $90 bonus off and by the time I was able to cash out, I'd lost about $70 and only profited $20 from the bonus... I found it quite difficult.Certainly no where near as soft as Party.
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as they say...a fool and his money are soon to part.
i think its 'a fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.'
I don't know...I spent 5 years in college and there sure are a bunch of morons who have better paying jobs than me!Until I met POKER! YAAAAY!Finally my ability to do quick calculations in my head has paid off!Short of being a lab rat math nerd for a living, there aren't too many exciting opportunities out there for the math-minded to showcase their skills.
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