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What Portion Of The People In Your Area Do You Know?

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I have a friend who's a social machine. Everywhere we go I see him stop and chat with some new person. I joked to another friend that he probably knows about 35% of the young people in Dublin. That got me thinking. (I'm 21 by the way).Dublin has a population of around 1 million people. I reckon 200,000 are "young people", i.e. from about 16 to 30. I've decided that the average young person in Dublin knows about 1 percent of the other young people. That's 2,000 people, which may seem high, but think of how many people you are on first name basis with. Who would you say hello to on the street? I spend all my time on the internet, so I'm on the low side. I'd say I know about 1,000 people. So half a percent. My friend the machine I'd estimate knows about 5,000. What portion do you know?

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I'll save itAround my area im always running into people i know. My (ex cheating ****ing whore) girlfriend always used to make jokes about how I knew everyone. Yeah im the man...im sweet

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heard something while back..like... in theory everyone is connected by two in-betweeners..You know XX knows YY knows The Other Personit likley assumes a certai number of people we each know and then assumes some over lap amoung our common aquaintences.obviously, this does not consider stuff, like..oh... the Pacific Ocean.

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heard something while back..like... in theory everyone is connected by two in-betweeners..You know XX knows YY knows The Other Personit likley assumes a certai number of people we each know and then assumes some over lap amoung our common aquaintences.obviously, this does not consider stuff, like..oh... the Pacific Ocean.
I thought it was 6 degrees of seperation.
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I'm pretty sure if you take the forum out of the equation.That you couldn't connect to me in 2 moves.
perhaps..but that eliminates a lot of people!think of all the people you and me have ever known...1000 ^ 3 = 1,000,000,000 I"ve known a lot more than 1000 people.not that I could recall many of them.Subtract for a lot of overlaps.Age also has a lot to do with it.It's a theory, not based on real social tendencies, I"m sure, the overlap is underetimated.i'll go away.
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I'm pretty sure if you take the forum out of the equation.That you couldn't connect to me in 2 moves.
Daniel Negreanu
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