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*free* n c a a tournament bracket set up in yahoo

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I think the comittee got the one seeds right (probably). Be advised that the selection committee puts little or no stock in the RPI. If they did, wouldn't Kansas (the team with the #1 RPI) have a #1 seed? The fact that Kansas is the #1 team in the RPI shows how flawed it is. Funny how the conference tournaments mattered so much this year (duke elevated to a #1, Kentucky losing a #1 seed) when last year the comittee didnt even wait for the Big Ten championship to finish before they screwed wisconsin with a 6 seed, even though they had just thrashed illinois.

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I'm Meg Ryan Loves Fried Chicken.And I will destroy all of you.**I have no idea what I'm doing.
I couldn't stop laughing for at least five minutes after I saw your team name :D:):):)
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We should really do this for a lil money... like 2 bucks a peice on Pokerstars or something.... As smash suggested, maybe JW can hold onto it. Anyone?Bueller?I need a coalition of the willing mofo's.

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Full?? That sucks. I have NO IDEA if you can make it bigger. Why don't you all just make your own brackets, score them, and we KNOW you'll be honest and tell us the scores.... :roll: :D

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I checked my super duper top secret Commissioner's Tools, and it didn't have any league settings to make the thing bigger. Snooze ya lose, I guess. Since it's just for fun, if you like, you can email me your picks (before thursday) and I'll score them with the rest of the group and post it. Email your picks to justanormalguy_16@yahoo.com.

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Where you're standing at the end of day 1 isn't NEARLY as important as how your final 4 teams are looking in play. There's no point to worrying who's ahead right now. The best juncture to look at that is at the end of the second round. Once the Sweet 16 is set, the tournament will finally get some definition. The first two rounds are crazy every year.So for now... all we can do is root on our teams... and make fun of the guy that had Bama in the National Championship game.

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Well, I went 14-2, so of the scored brackets, I'm tied for first. Gotta be pleased with that. I believe one of the unscored brackets went 15-1, but it's still too early to know anything... except the guy with Bama and Pitt in the Final Four isn't winning, lol.I was rooting FDU on big time against Illinois. I'd say about 80% of our group has the Illini in at least the Final Four. I was banking on that and took Zona instead. Y'all are about to fear the name Salim Stoudamire (:

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