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So this is a topic i've researched a bit and am just wondering what you guys think are some awesome poker movies?I know i have my picks but i'll let you guys know later.
Back to the Futue 3... when they are in the wild west, and the poker game gets interupted by "Mad-Dawg"
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Maverick when he says "Ah, all I got is two pair. Aces, and Aces."Bout the only thing that movie is good for is that line.
It was 8's and 8's! Not aces.
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If by the Stu Ungar movie you mean "High Roller" , thats not a poker movie at all, Its about a guy with a drug and gambling addiction. Its about the same percentage of poker that Back to the Future 3 is.Sorry if I've dissapointed anyone who was pumped up for it, but its not very good.

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I have the Stu Ungar movie in my Netflix queue which will be sent out as soon as it hits DVD on the 15th. Anyone seen it yet?
i saw it, wasnt very impressed with it...had a b-movie look to it...only good thing was pat morita was in it...i kept waiting for him to ask micheal imperioli to wax on wax off...it was kinda ok...
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Maverick when he says "Ah, all I got is two pair. Aces, and Aces."Bout the only thing that movie is good for is that line.
It was 8's and 8's! Not aces.
Oh, then that quote sucks then!J/K. My bad.
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Maverick when he says "Ah, all I got is two pair. Aces, and Aces."Bout the only thing that movie is good for is that line.
It was 8's and 8's! Not aces.
Oh, then that quote sucks then!J/K. My bad.
Actually, it's: "I've got 2 small pairs. 9's and 9's."But you were closee :wink:
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High Roller was a good movie imo.. I think it covered his life well .. also seemed to add in real life things he did that showed ya how amazing he really was. Like when he called out the cards in his opponents (Pat Morita) in Gin Rummy. Or when he pulled out the Roll of money saying how many 16 year olds walk around with this many pitcures of themselves? Those things really happened in his real life, of corse mostly at different times in his life then portrayed in the movie. I still love the part when the guy had 27o and bluffed the guy outta KK with a flop of 732 turn was 3 .. Showed him the 2 which he alloud the guy to pick the card knowing the guy would think he had a boat if he saw eaither card.From what I've read on the web tho his family didn't like this movie cause they weren't alloud to be involved in the production. Again tho there I'm not sure how much I worrie about it since they weren't involved and didn't see the movie so how do they really know how accurate it ended up?As for the Commnets about it being a B movie look.. Well it was an independant movie so it had that kinda look. The big studios I doubt were into making a Poker movie at the time but I wouldn't be shocked if a few more of them start poping up now with the popularty of poker now. Hey Daniel how's about sellin your life story to Paramount for like 10 mill. Who cares if they do a good job or not =) 10 mill more to play with =)

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Actually, it's: "I've got 2 small pairs. 9's and 9's." But you were closee I'm pretty sure its eights...yeah its eightsbecause its when theres 3 left and he has 4 eights, next guy has a straight flush and Maverick pulls out his royal.

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Cincinatti Kid is way out in front of every poker movie I have seen. In fact it is the only poker movie that I can say was any good. Other great gambling related movies are "Hustler" and "The Sting". These movies were made around thirty years ago and are still the best gambling movies in existance. Definately the Commador with four eights. "I have two small pair, eights and eights."

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it was the commodor who had the eights. then the other guy gets upset at maverick for not looking at his last card. he says, "arnt u gonna look at ur card? look at ur card, boy. ur not gonna look at ur card? well how are ya gonna know if u can beat my straight flush." then maverick pulls the ace of spades for the royal. it was the best part of the movie.

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I hate to break it to all the Maverick Fans .. Family Matters the TV series; Steve Urkel Plays poker and loses, he then plays the same guys agian at the end and Urkel says "all i have is 2 pair".. then when the guy goes to scoop the pot.. urkel says "ah ah, 2 pairs of queens"Just thought i'd let u know this was 1991, Maverick came out in 199459. A Pair of Ladiesgs: Keone Young (Yamano) Daniel Faraldo (Ramon) Bob Delegall (Randolph) Malaika (Lisa) Thom Curley (Coach)Rachel reluctantly hires a loudmouthed, pushy Harriette to help at the restaurant; and Urkel bets the ranch on Carl's cutthroat poker game at home with the guys.b: 06-Dec-1991 pc: 446913 w: Fred Fox, Jr. d: John Tracy

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Best poker movie in my opinion is "Rounders". It shows the side of poker that most professionals have seen but not us amatures. That movie rocks.

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Rounders is an awesome movie because it shows both sides of the game when things go good and when things go bad and even if they go good that it can still be bad.

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another good movie is shade. their are alot of big name actors in it. gabriel byrne, stuart townsend, jamie foxx, sly stallone. i really liked it, but not many people have seen it.

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