PAYforUSC 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 anyone ever see the documentary "Super Size Me"? I just watched it. This guy whos in relatively good physical shape eats nothing but McDonalds for 30 days.... the camera follows him around. Long story short it almost kills him. Definetly worth watching though... pretty good critique of society as a whole and the direction that we're heading with our poor eating habits. I hate fast food anyways.doesn't he gain like 40 pounds? Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Actually my favorite show has to be The Office.Love it as well, I live 5 min. north of Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted January 24, 2006 Author Share Posted January 24, 2006 Now the thread has begun. Link to post Share on other sites
Pupsta 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 the biggest problem with house is the predictabilityrare diseasework hard to diagnose rare diseasediscover it's a rarer disease, correct ithappily ever afterGood call. Don't forget that you have to almost kill the patient.yep...insert a few snide comments from a british guy passing off an american accent and you have a hit show on FOX.on that note, i enjoy the occasional ep of house. Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 There should be a King McWendy's...and they should serve A Whopper, with McDonalds fries and a wendy's milkshake does it sound? Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted January 24, 2006 Author Share Posted January 24, 2006 Gotta say the female Doctor on House (the young one) is uber-hot. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Alan Webb will end up winning an Olympic Gold Medal before Dathan Ritzenhein will. In fact, Ritz may never do so. Discuss.Is webb still at Michigan?I like your topic however it will be hard for any american to win the olympics in mid-distance to long distance races.Nice thread GoldenReminds me of the opener of Jim Breuers show on turned pro two years ago I think. Two or three even. Anyways...Webb winning a gold someday isn't as unrealistic as you may think...he is getting awfully good...and he is still pretty young. (23?? maybe 22)I remember watching webb run in high school, I believe it was the Pre Classic...anyway, i only follow every 4 years for obvious reasons. I hope your right, its been awhile for the US to win mid-long distance eventsI'm not saying it "will" happen, but I seriously do think he will be a good contender in '08, barring serious injury. He has posted some pretty quality times ranging from the 800 to 12K cross country....and he already has one olympic experience. I think he'll have a fair shot at medaling in '08. Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted January 24, 2006 Author Share Posted January 24, 2006 There should be a King McWendy's...and they should serve A Whopper, with McDonalds fries and a wendy's milkshake does it sound?You sir, are a genius. Link to post Share on other sites
rsmbox 1 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 There should be a King McWendy's...and they should serve A Whopper, with McDonalds fries and a wendy's milkshake does it sound? calor-ific Link to post Share on other sites
bigkg 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 As with this Super Size Me talk, that shit made me want McDonalds. Link to post Share on other sites
CrackofmyACE_FTP 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 I love the scenes when he goes to see his doctor and he's like WTF is the matter with you? Do you realize your liver is about to fail? Youre going to die soon if you keep this up. (Not in those words)Reminds me of a summer intership I had back in college. I was processing medical claims or some crap at an office in Boston. The office, for the most part, was full of overweight black women. Everyday I'd sit in the lunch room and eat whatever I brown bagged and read the paper, and these 2 HEEYUUUGE black ladies would come in and eat McD's... every. single. day. Now I'm a pretty respectful person when I'm sober, and by God I was at 1 pm on a Wednesday.. but one day I just lost it. As they were both devouring their double quarter pounders I had to say something. It was along the lines of "how can you seriously eat that everyday... dont you realize how bad that is for you?" Overweight Black Woman #1 - blank stare... disbelief at my commentOBW #2 - "Heh heh, why sugar?? Is the meat bad?" - I'm assuming she meant bad as in spoiled.I just shook my head and went back to reading my paper. It's amazing how ignorant people can be when it comes to basic nutrition. But then again who am I to call someone ignorant when I just embarrassed them in front of a lunch room full of people? Oh well, I'll see you in hell.Crack Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted January 24, 2006 Author Share Posted January 24, 2006 She called you sugar. Maybe you could have had a piece of that greasy, double quarter pounder ass. Link to post Share on other sites
CrackofmyACE_FTP 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 She called you sugar. Maybe you could have had a piece of that greasy, double quarter pounder ass.what else would I day dream about sitting in that hell hole? s/w Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle? Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted January 24, 2006 Author Share Posted January 24, 2006 I'm out for the night - thanks for making the thread a success guys. Link to post Share on other sites
CrackofmyACE_FTP 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?RUN RAKE RUNNNN!!! RUN RAKE RUNNN!!!!seriously Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?Running on a treadmill works pretty good I hear. Link to post Share on other sites
rsmbox 1 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?nowhere near an expert, but a while back i lost 22lbs in 3 months by just changing my diet and jumpin on the exercise bike for an hour a day...i was pretty athletic in HS myself, so when i stepped on a scale and tipped it at 200 (up 30lbs since college) i decided it was time to get off my lazy ass...the main thing is to stick with it Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?RUN RAKE RUNNNN!!! RUN RAKE RUNNN!!!!seriouslyI would love to run, however I ran to much as a kid and now I have condromalacia sp? in both knees so pounding the pavement doesn't work well for me, especially with the added wt. I saw a rowing machine there and that stupid elyptical sp? machine. My girl wants me to do piloties sp? with like I'll be the ony dude thats out...I guess I could google Link to post Share on other sites
CrackofmyACE_FTP 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?RUN RAKE RUNNNN!!! RUN RAKE RUNNN!!!!seriouslyI would love to run, however I ran to much as a kid and now I have condromalacia sp? in both knees so pounding the pavement doesn't work well for me, especially with the added wt. I saw a rowing machine there and that stupid elyptical sp? machine. My girl wants me to do piloties sp? with like I'll be the ony dude thats out...I guess I could google Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Help me!I used to be a good athelete, I ran cross country and track, and wrestled in high school. I was 5'10 132lbs. Then came college...drinking drinking and drinking. About 2 weeks ago i was at my girls house and stepped on her bathroom scale...I now weigh 187 lbs. I live by myself and don't like to cook so my diet is obviously 90% fast food. I decided enuf is enuf and I joined a gym Saturday. Now I haven't been active in like 5 yrs. so Im starting off doing the "stepper" for 30 min. and the bike for 30 min. I'm trying to eat better and cut out snacking on junk food.My question is this...are there any "fitness" people out there that can tell me what exercises out there will help me burn fat/calories quicker than the stairclimber and cycle?nowhere near an expert, but a while back i lost 22lbs in 3 months by just changing my diet and jumpin on the exercise bike for an hour a day...i was pretty athletic in HS myself, so when i stepped on a scale and tipped it at 200 (up 30lbs since college) i decided it was time to get off my lazy ass...the main thing is to stick with itWell I started sat. and went again today. I know its only 2 times but I feel good after I go. I'm also trying to cut down on soda, I'm a Mt. Dew freak. One problem is I'm a sales rep. for a pharmaceutical company and there is a lot of "dashboard" time(driving in the car), and I would down like 3 20oz. dews by 4 o'clock. I'm hoping that by working out I will have more energy and not feel like I need the morning, afternoon, late afternoon sugar rush... Link to post Share on other sites
NortonFan 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 I have never seen a full episode of any of the shows mentioned. I can't get into T.V shows that much except for the Sopranos. Link to post Share on other sites
TheRake_MD23 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 I have never seen a full episode of any of the shows mentioned. I can't get into T.V shows that much except for the Sopranos.When does the new season start?I thought Tony was done for the last episode...there were a lot of rumors he was done... Link to post Share on other sites
Phillip_339 0 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 Since we're talking about tv shows, here are mine...Loved 24, season 1&2, but then, it kinda dropped off in season 3, and i didn't get back into it for the rest of that season. We are yet to get season 4 over here....House: One of my favourite shows. Pupsta is right, it can be quite predicatable, but i don't care, i love it.Lost: This is probably one of the only shows i have watched religiously. I can't miss one episode, and i even went as far as downloading season , before it come out in Australia... I'm ye to watch the two most recent eps, but i'm right there with you guys.Desperate Housewives: I like this kind of humour, and after seeing previews, and adamently saying i wasn't going to watch the show, i now find myself tuning in each week for this.Survivor: This is entering its 12th season, and it's still going strong.This season with the 'exile island' twist looks very good.New shows i want to see, but are yet to premierePrison Break & Invasion.Am i wasting my time here with these shows, or are they worth it. Link to post Share on other sites
rsmbox 1 Posted January 24, 2006 Share Posted January 24, 2006 that was part of my diet change...totally gave up caffiene drinks (coffee, soda, tea, etc) haven't had any for about 3 years...i used to sell life insurance, and there was a lot of time spent on the road/in the car, so i know how much it sucks trying to eat right at gas stations...cut what you can where you can i guessanother thing i did was only weigh in once a week if not every other week, kept me focused on the long term and kept me from getting disheartened when i wouldn't shed an ounce after 3-4 days of workfunny, i'm in need of losing a few pounds again...maybe i should get off my lazy ass once again? Link to post Share on other sites
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