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what is a monkey in poker terms?

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Way to overbet the pot by $30 and put yourself in a situation where you're either winning not much with a big hand or you're losing everything' date=' since you're only gonna get called by a hand that beats you.[/quote']This is bull. Perhaps in like 200 NL or maybe even 100 NL this might be true. In 25 NL people are so retarded that they call here with any ace any twopair and perhaps middlepair but the key is to not check the flop. just bet out and they will think "he cant have a good hand since if he had he would have checked". Never ever check raise just freaking mega bet![/quoteI was hoping he would bet at least so I could get some action from him, I agree with you. But I thought it was a safe flop for me to check on, since I did have two pair.
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Yes, you will get callers for the all in on the turn occasionally. But not as often (or for as much, on average) as if you play the hand competently.See: betting the flop.
I said I could have bet the flop and if he did have a hand like he said he did two pair and he would have reraised me, putting me on a spot where he could have flopped a set.
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by all means pushing in that spot is a dumb play when playing against people who know how to play........ however when you are playing in low limits online, it is actually the correct move. i find that over-playing hands is the best way to make money at lower limits because many players will call with top pair or a draw. if you are certain that you have someone beat in a hand it is a very good move to come over the top and push all-in because they will often not even think twice and call. do not try this at your local card club/casino or in a tournament... this is strictly for online low-limit cash games.

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the only caller you will get is a hand that will beat you (usually although i have seen this pay off, but don't use it as a strat).if you bet after the flop (a standard sized 1/2 pot bet), it will allow you to further define your hand and it will show anyone who is paying attention (maybe nobody) that you will bet your big hands after they hit. this will allow you to make some steals with continuation bets after you don't hit the flop.you allowed a free card to come off (maybe not such a bad move as you had a monster) but then a scare card hit. another continuation bet (1/2 pot) is probably in order as it will further allow you to define your hand and give your opponent a chance to put further money into the pot. the fact that he had AK here is inconsequencial.if he goes over the top all-in then you have a tough choice to make but it is better than putting all your money in when you may have been dead (at least you have a choice).if you are the type that often overbets all-in with bluffs (maniac) then maybe the all-in turn bet will be perceived as a bluff, but i doubt that you are. if you are not a maniac, then this type of overbet is simply committing too many chips to the pot, when a much smaller bet will have the same result (although this particular hand may have played out differently,but you should not base your strategy on the minute chance of playing AK vs. AK).any holdings such as AQ AJ Ax, may have payed you off a bit more, even when you gave them reason not to call, but they feel as though they are priced in.

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You're concerned about being check/raised on the flop, despite the fact that a set is so incredibly unlikely (only 44 makes sense given preflop action, and there are only 2 combinations of AA and KK in the deck given that you hold one of each) ....... but then you push your whole stack in on the turn after a draw is completed, and he finally gives you a reason to believe that he has something.Gotcha.

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Do you play a lot of low nl on-line? This works in that situation.
A lot of things work at low NL online. But some things work better than others.When you flop top two pair on a safe board, it's pretty difficult to play unprofitably.
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You're concerned about being check/raised on the flop, despite the fact that a set is so incredibly unlikely (only 44 makes sense given preflop action, and there are only 2 combinations of AA and KK in the deck given that you hold one of each) ....... but then you push your whole stack in on the turn after a draw is completed, and he finally gives you a reason to believe that he has something.Gotcha.
I am talking about him having AQ, KJ, AJ or some type of flush draw now. That is why I put him in, so he would chase his draw.
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The term "monkey" in poker is someone who bets in the dark. They are considered to be playing "monkey poker". He obviously doesnt know poker terms.

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