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google your poker name?

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I did a search for mbreon to find out that someone with the same userID is doing a lot of posting in Pokemon forums, which I never knew even existed.

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I did not come up with anything Poker related. I did come up with a bunch of Cruise Message Board items. My wife and I took a cruise in May 2003. :roll:

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I got a link to an fcp thread and my myspace page.I was hoping for something more exciting or funny to tell you guys about, but i got nothin..I'm sure if i put a space between 'card' and 'warfare' I would have gotten like 92634856134956 hits

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Apparently Vanilla Icely is the name of a boat which came 4th in the J-24 class (whatever that means) race at Davis Island Yacht Club - "the sailingest (I kid you not) club in the south" ANd I appear to be in some way involved with some Goth-y poetry club.Needless to say, Im a little disappointed...

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My friends name is fisrt-hit ( he misspelled first when he was making his name... LOL) and he had me google his name, whilst he was playing in the starts 50 nl tourney ( which he got fifth in). The first thing on goodle was this link.. http://www.pokerhand.org/newhand.php?hand=105057warning, Krablar content.. hahahah pinch pinch.

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guy posted a hand hx busting me out of the tourney - I held KK and raised from MP, he called from the small blind with J,7 offsuit and flopped two jacks, after which he busted me out of the tourney and was mocked by the rest of the table (he posted the chat as well). claimed he 'hit the wrong button, didn't realize it was a raised pot from the small blind."sad thing is, this kind of crap's happened to me so many times I don't even remember the hand :roll:

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Aside from FCP stuff, one website had the results of one of my final table finishes -- $232 for fifth place.I'm guessing it was a Pokerstars tourney from Dec., but it gave me a chance to show the guys at work that all of my poker stories aren't a bunch of crap and that i win some money sometimes.

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