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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Read them a few Army bios.......
"...and Norm was like, 'I can't believe how many people are killing Raquel in these things' and we were all like, 'No shit, what's that about..' and...oh...haha..and you guys are gonna love this part...then I make fun of the Colts and say how they're total shit compared to the Dolphins. Oh man, that never gets old. Good stuff. Anyway, if anyone has any questions I'd be glad to answer them at this time."
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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:heart:I'm coloring my hair for all of you who are following the exciting adventures that are my life.We'll be going to Jeff & Heather's in a couple of hours.I spent nearly $200 on clothes last night. (DO NOT go shopping on Darvocet. You'll spend too much money.)I'll be wearing some of my new clothes with a new hair color to go drink tequila with J&H.This concludes our "you must be really bored to read this" segment of the show.
Good times.I'm meeting a crew of friends at the bar tonight so we can watch the Cubs game and Bears game simultaneously.And drink beer.
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Good times.I'm meeting a crew of friends at the bar tonight so we can watch the Cubs game and Bears game simultaneously.And drink beer.
I'm not even going to talk shit anymore. Hopefully the Bears kick as much ass as the Cubs likely will.
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I guarantee that there are two large groups following players on the course, one following Tiger and one following John. ****ing CBS, you wouldn't even know John was playing today.
Yea, JD really brings in the ratings!
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Alright, what do we think? It's a little redder than I imagined but I don't think I hate it.IMG_1118.jpg
perhaps it is because I haven't seen you in a while but it looks like you cut your hair or something as well. But to answer your question. The hair color looks good
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perhaps it is because I haven't seen you in a while but it looks like you cut your hair or something as well. But to answer your question. The hair color looks good
I haven't cut it in a long time. I'm gonna have to go get some layers put in in pretty soon because it's getting too long to hold a curl. But nope, haven't cut it. Gonna let it grow about 6 more inches, I think.
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Not enough cleavage.I like the hair color though.
Hahahaha, thanks. Ozz agrees with you on the cleavage. I orginally had just the black shirt on with no tank top under it. He preferred that look. I bet you would to. :club:
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Alright, what do we think? It's a little redder than I imagined but I don't think I hate it.IMG_1118.jpg
who's the skinney chick in the picture?
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This is going to be a middle of the nite rambling semi-coherent post. Have any of you ever experienced......I don't even know what to call them......half-awake-dream-hallucinations?It's a state somewhere between being awake and asleep......where you are neither. I've had them a handful of times in my life.....like maybe 8 or 10. It's very hard to explain....if you've had it, you'll know what I mean. If you haven't, it will just sound crazy. It's coming out of a sleep, or sometimes falling asleep......where I experience a "hallucination", only it's much more than a hallucination, because it's not visual at all. It's auditory and ummmmm tactile I guess. I am awake enough to know I'm in my own surroundings, my own bed, my own room......but I hear and feel very VERY REAL things, that aren't really happening. I hear someone walk in the room, move around, feel the bed move. It just happened to me now. I felt someone get into my bed, and not exactly snuggle, but move in behind me. I felt the bed shifting, the weight of a person.....heard the sheets rustling....heard breathing. I had been dreaming, oddly enough, about my ex husband. In the dream we were still together, and he was away....out of town or something and I was waiting for him to come home. I don't remember much more of the dream......but I came out of the dream, and then experienced one of these hallucination things. My dream brain was telling me that it was him in the bed.......but my rational mind was telling me that of course it wasn't. I was also going through a mental check list.....both girls are not home, so I know it's not either of them. The thing that is really terrifying about them is........you are parazlyed......can't move at all. Can't open your eyes, can't move to feel if someone is really there. In this particular case, because I've had this before.......I KNEW I was having a hallucination thingy, and was trying so hard to force myself to wake up. Kept telling myself, you're awake and this really isnt happening - I was logical in my thinking, and yet I could still feel someone behind me in the bed! It's really quite terrifying. Much worse than a nightmare. Trying to open your eyes to "snap" out of it......is like being underwater and fighting to get to the surface. When I've had them in the past, most of the time I don't know I'm "having one" at the time......so it's really freaky because you can hear someone/something moving around, feel stuff.....sometimes they are long and complicated and SO REAL. It's fucking spooky. So.....does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about? LOL! Or do I just sound crazy?I'm a little creeped out being alone in the house, but sitting here at the computer writing this, has helped bring me back to reality a little. Goddammit......I'm taking a sleeping pill and knocking myself the fock out!
This happens to me all the time actually.. I also for some reason always dream that spiders are hanging over my head and I wake up and start swinging at them.. I hit Chris one time lol
So uh.. do you guys believe in angels?
I believe in ghosts, spirits, angels and the devil
had to take D's car to the brake shop this morning, ugh @ getting up early on a saturday
Stp messing up that womans car!!
Nancy's first flight. She's on ASQ 841! :Dflightsmall.jpg
AWESOME!! I REALLY liked her Norm :D
What the hell do you mean we shouldn't? I live like that and it isn't changing any time soon, I'd bet.Dear Bunny (since I'm liking this Bunny does Dear Abby vibe in here last night):FWP keeps IMing me. I keep not responding. I have never once responded to a single one of his IMs except the 3rd one to ask who it was. So I've said 3 words to him via IM (ie, who is this). Last night he IMd me a copy of a PM that Bob (FCPInfo) sent him about his actions on the forum.What the motherfuck? Why the hell is he sending that to me? Why does he keep IMing me when I don't respond and how can I get him to stop without having to actually talk to him? Blocking him is something I'm considering but I'm weird and I'd kind of like to keep track of the odd things he says and how long he'll keep it up with absolutely no response whatsover so I don't really want to do that if I don't have to.Anxiously awaiting your sage advice,RenOh, and I :club: you.
He :D you.. stick his ass on ignore
I need to get laid every night. I think this would cure my sleep issues.
Fuckin A! I finally got some last night after my BC patch falling off in Nashville!
All the pics are great, Scott. Looks like you guys had a great time. I love this one though. Nik and Jersey look very pretty and John looks pretty uncomfortable.
Thanks :D I look horrible but it was sweet of you to say :) I REALLY need my plastic surgery in that pic
Alright, what do we think? It's a little redder than I imagined but I don't think I hate it.IMG_1118.jpg
I like it.. I also like it longer :)
Not enough cleavage.I like the hair color though.
QFT!! hehe :)
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Thanks :club: I look horrible but it was sweet of you to say :D I REALLY need my plastic surgery in that pic
You are your own worst critic. We all are. I didn't notice anything at all. You're sensitive to it so you notice it all the time, I bet. I'm the same way so I understand but you really do look good in that pic.
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No I don't see angels and dead people. Since y'all think I'm nuts now......I did a little research. I was sure this had to be some sort of sleep phenonena. A little bit of googling, and presto.......self-diagnosis.It's called Sleep Paralysis.What is sleep paralysis?Sleep paralysis consists of a period of inability to perform voluntary movements either at sleep onset (called hypnogogic or predormital form) or upon awakening (called hypnopompic or postdormtal form).Sleep paralysis may also be referred to as isolated sleep paralysis, familial sleep paralysis, hynogogic or hypnopompic paralysis, predormital or postdormital paralysisWhat are the symptoms? * A complaint of inability to move the trunk or limbs at sleep onset or upon awakening * Presence of brief episodes of partial or complete skeletal muscle paralysis * Episodes can be associated with hypnagogic hallucinations or dream-like mentation (act or use of the brain) Polysomnography (a sleep recording) shows at least one of the following: * suppression of skeletal muscle tone * a sleep onset REM period * dissociated REM sleep Is it harmful?Sleep paralysis is most often associated with narcolepsy, a neurological condition in which the person has uncontrollable naps. However, there are many people who experience sleep paralysis without having signs of narcolepsy. Sometimes it runs in families. There is no known explanation why some people experience this paralysis. It is not harmful, although most people report feeling very afraid because they do not know what is happening, and within minutes they gradually or abruptly are able to move again; the episode is often terminated by a sound or a touch on the body.In some cases, when hypnogogic hallucinations are present, people feel that someone is in the room with them, some experience the feeling that someone or something is sitting on their chest and they feel impending death and suffocation. That has been called the “Hag Phenomena” and has been happening to people over the centuries. These things cause people much anxiety and terror, but there is no physical harm. Sleep paralysis is normalParalysis while asleep is the normal condition. The body secretes hormones which relax certain muscles and prevent you from acting out your dreams. If it didn’t you would be in quite some danger every time you went to sleep.The process of waking up might seem quite simple to you. But it’s actually a complex process involving many physiological changes. One of these is the reversal of the paralysis. People experience sleep paralysis when the hormone doesn’t wear off fast enough as they wake up. They remain paralysed though conscious. Because they have little sensation from their body, if they are lying on their backs, it can feel like someone is sitting on their chest. Eventually the paralysis departs and normal functions can be resumeInteresting. Now I know what it is. Like I said, it's only happened a handful of times. Might not happen again for years. But it's pretty weird when it does.
hasn't happened to me in a long time, but i have a very distinct memory of it when i was about 10. Laying in bed, being conscious but not able to move. trying to yell for my parents but not being able to.
I guarantee that there are two large groups following players on the course, one following Tiger and one following John. ****ing CBS, you wouldn't even know John was playing today.
I saw him take three or four shot. But ya, i can understand why CBS would want to focus on a guy barely in the top 10. The Canadian is in second.
:heart:I'm coloring my hair for all of you who are following the exciting adventures that are my life.We'll be going to Jeff & Heather's in a couple of hours.I spent nearly $200 on clothes last night. (DO NOT go shopping on Darvocet. You'll spend too much money.)I'll be wearing some of my new clothes with a new hair color to go drink tequila with J&H.This concludes our "you must be really bored to read this" segment of the show.
Noted.how YOU doin?
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jdawg is a lucksack....first he gets shaver....and now he wins a horse tourney....when will IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ever be so lucky??????maybe next week shaver? :club:
maybe i can borrow 5 bucks
The thing that is really terrifying about them is........you are parazlyed......can't move at all. Can't open your eyes, can't move to feel if someone is really there. In this particular case, because I've had this before.......I KNEW I was having a hallucination thingy, and was trying so hard to force myself to wake up. Kept telling myself, you're awake and this really isnt happening - I was logical in my thinking, and yet I could still feel someone behind me in the bed! It's really quite terrifying. Much worse than a nightmare. Trying to open your eyes to "snap" out of it......is like being underwater and fighting to get to the surface.
I've had them before and i know exactly what u are talking about...and yes they are very very freaky....for me especially because i stop exhaling...i know that i'm not really awake but it just feels like someone has their hand on my mouth...other times it's felt like someone was ontop of me holding me down...i try to yell and tell myself to wake up but i can't....
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hasn't happened to me in a long time, but i have a very distinct memory of it when i was about 10. Laying in bed, being conscious but not able to move. trying to yell for my parents but not being able to.
Gambler's rules say I can tee this up anywhere on the course.
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nuh uh...we're not playing winter rules. Play it where it lies.
Winter rules mean the opposite weedhopper.
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Winter rules mean the opposite weedhopper.
winter rules means you can improve your lie, take it out of a divot, for example...I'm telling him we're not playing winter rules, that he has to hit his second shot from where he drove it.
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i'm a bad man....the wife is watching The Notebook while i'm playing poker.I'm at the part where the two main characters finally get it on and the guy's semi g/f comes over.Am I the only thinking 'threesome'?

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