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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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Good morning folks, caught up. Decent night at the poker last night, $75 buy in, cashed for $350. Now, it's a nice relaxing day, waiting for it to warm up a bit and melt some of this snow around here before heading out for errands.

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Good morning folks, caught up. Decent night at the poker last night, $75 buy in, cashed for $350. Now, it's a nice relaxing day, waiting for it to warm up a bit and melt some of this snow around here before heading out for errands.
Nice! Does that mean you can buy the extra-special ganj this week?
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I've been informed we are heading to Dinosaur BBQ for lunch and then up to the newly renamed Saratoga Casino and Raceway for some video roulette. Everyone enjoy your Saturday and I will see you later.

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Good morning folks, caught up. Decent night at the poker last night, $75 buy in, cashed for $350. Now, it's a nice relaxing day, waiting for it to warm up a bit and melt some of this snow around here before heading out for errands.
Not bad at all.
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Good evening folks, caught up.Sometimes plans change. The nose piece on my glasses broke, so I went and got that repaired. The Dinosaur was packed and we were closer to Bennington than Saratoga so we went for a ride to Vermont. Ate at the Blue Benn Diner. 3 out of 5 stars. Made it home in time for 5:30 PSO, got my A's cracked by Q's when he went runner runner for the flush. Now it's feed the animals time and some tele.

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Good evening folks, caught up.Sometimes plans change. The nose piece on my glasses broke, so I went and got that repaired. The Dinosaur was packed and we were closer to Bennington than Saratoga so we went for a ride to Vermont. Ate at the Blue Benn Diner. 3 out of 5 stars. Made it home in time for 5:30 PSO, got my A's cracked by Q's when he went runner runner for the flush. Now it's feed the animals time and some tele.
Do they give you brontosaurus ribs at the Dinosaur, like Fred Flintstone gets? That would explain why it was busy. I would totally order those so I could make my car fall over from the heavy window tray.
well..they cancelled my trip yesterday...so boooo :club:
Suxors!Kelly and I watched a bunch of Six Feet Under today. It's her favorite show and I'd never seen it so we started off with the first disc and a bottle of wine and a lovely lunch. Good times.
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Do they give you brontosaurus ribs at the Dinosaur, like Fred Flintstone gets? That would explain why it was busy. I would totally order those so I could make my car fall over from the heavy window tray.Suxors!Kelly and I watched a bunch of Six Feet Under today. It's her favorite show and I'd never seen it so we started off with the first disc and a bottle of wine and a lovely lunch. Good times.
YabadabadoMichael C. Hall is awesome in that show and I would do serious nasty things to Lauren Ambrose. The ending of the final episode is amazing (bring lots of tissue.)
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YabadabadoMichael C. Hall is awesome in that show and I would do serious nasty things to Lauren Ambrose. The final episode is one of the best final episodes in TV history.
I need to get back to watching this. I stalled in the middle of the 2nd season.
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