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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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The Cops fucked him up something serious. Why would you ever fight a cop, even if you knew you could win? Just so dumb.
Story time....VERY long one. I'm gonna write it, cuz I'm bored. This post reminded me of it, because it involves fighting with cops.This story involves my ex-husband, Bob, whom I'll refer to by name, and about 8 other people (6 guys, 2 girls), whom I'll refer to by initial.Sooo, circa 1980-81.....I'm 18 yrs old. My boyfriend at the time, WM......lived in a house with 3 other guys, including Bob. I had my own place, but spend about 80% of my time at the guys house. One night, a Friday, we had some people over.....there was about 8 of us......and we were drinking a few beers, and watching a fight on TV (it was a Sugar Ray Lenard fight, this I remember). We had the TV volume on low, and had the stereo playing, but not loud. It wasn't a party, it was just people sitting around, casually drinking, watching the fights.Now......this is early 80's, back in the day, when it came to stereo equipment....bigger was better. One of the guys who lived there, DB.......had the prime stereo in the house......with the big ass 8ft by 4ft speakers, and a reel-to-reel. He had the latest, greatest amp, etc.....and when cranked up, this stereo was supersonic loud, basically shook the walls, etc. Now admittedly, there were plenty of times where there was wall shaking, and heavy partying going on. But this night was not one of them. Stereo was on......but on pretty low.So, the next door neighbour was a dude who supposedly was an ex-cop. He was a giant dick head, and of course, hated having these party ruffians living next door to him. Note.....this was a pretty nice house, in a nice neighbourhood.......in fact, I think the house was brand new. But with 4 guys living there, they could afford the rent. The landlord lived in another city, so I guess maybe didn't know he'd rented his house out to some partiers. Anyway, i guess Mr. Neighbour could hear the stereo a bit......it must have been very faint.......but he'd probably heard it very loud before, and bascially was just pissed off and sick of these guys living next door, so he called the cops, with a noise complaint. Now, before this happened I had gone to bed. I had 2 beers, and it was around midnight, and I was tired and the night was getting boring, so I had gone to bed. I fell asleep........I wasn't drunk........and so obviously if I could go to sleep without a problem, the house was not noisy.Suddenly, I wake up to the sound of banging, crashing, and glass shattering. I come out of the bedroom to see wtf is going on. I get to the kitchen and main entrance area.....and all I see is bodies flailing around......and some of those bodies are cops. Bob appears to be right in the middle of it. My bf, WM, sees me, stumbles over to me and shoves his wallet and his watch in my hands, and tells me to get back in the bedroom and stay there. He has black hair, and his hair is full of white dust and little chunks of drywall, and he's looking quite wild eyed. So holy shit, I go back, shut the door.......and then all I can hear is yelling and noise and commotion. Aaaaand then I can hear the sound of voices.....lots of them, and it's obvious it is cops, and it's obvious they are searching the house. Finally one of them opens the door where I am......it's a female cop. She looks at me, like I'm a piece of shit on her shoe.....and hollers out "there's some bitch in the bedroom back here". They tell me to come out and start asking questions. I'm standing there in a thin little nightgown, and there's about 10 cops in the house, going through all the rooms......tossing shit around. The kitchen looks like a war zone.....broken glass everywhere, and there's cereal and dry macaroni and all kinds of stuff strewn all over the floor. They're going through everything......like taking cereal boxes and dumping them on the floor........throwing stuff out of the drawers, etc. They first ask my name, and errrrr me trying to be a badass.......I tell them no. Well, that doesn't work so well. Cop tells me that all my friends have been taken to jail, and if I don't give my name, I'll be joining them. I'm obviously not too keen on going to jail, plus I know that my best chance of getting the rest of them out is me.....because my dad is a lawyer. So I tell them my name. Then they start asking me where the drugs are. Now I have no clue.......any one of the people there could have had drugs......there probably is some somewhere, but I don't know where, and I wouldn't have told them anyway. So I play dumb. Now, I'm going to digress for a minute, to explain what had all gone down - which I of course found out later.So I guess after neighbour called the cops.....they came to the door. My ex Bob answered the door. They didn't say anything about why there were there (ie noise complaint).......they just said, "get your boots on, you're coming with us". Bob asked why. They wouldn't tell him, just said let's go. He started to comply, and was putting on his boots.......when my bf, WM......apparently came up and starting questioning why they were taking him. In the course of this......he pointed his finger at one of the cops (there were 3). Well, the finger point started the whole thing. When he pointed his finger (and probably said something like "wtf is going on here")......the one cop (big dude, about 6' 4" and heavy set)......grabbed my bf by the hair (he is also 6' 4")......and smashed his head through the wall. There was a big head sized hole right through the drywall. Once that happened, the fight was on. Bob then jumped the big cop, punched him in the gut.....cop went down, other cops jumped in.......and it was all a big cluster fuck. Meanwhile one of the cops obviously called in for back up......and next thing, there was 2 police vans (paddy wagons) and numerous cars.......probably at least 12-15 cops. Aaaaand they hauled everyone to jail, except me, whom they didn't know about yet. Ok, so back to me and the cops. So eventually they leave......they haven't found anything, and I haven't done anything to arrest me for. I had asked one of the cops what was going to happen next, with my friends. The wheels are turning in my brain, and I know that I'm going to call my dad (who was a prosecuting attorney for the city at that time). They tell me that being this is a Friday, they will sit in jail over the weekend, and won't come before a judge until Monday. So, as soon as they leave......I call my dad....... at 2 in the morning. I tell him what has happened, and he says he'll check it out. Meanwhile, I'm alone in the house......it's 2:00 a.m. and the place is a disaster. I'm kinda still in shock, but get a broom, and attemtp to start sweeping up some of the mess. As I'm doing this, I hear the sound of a car motor starting out front. (btw, it was December, right after Xmas and the dead of winter). I look out, and see a car running, but it's frosty and hazy out, and I can't really see who it is. Turns out, it is was of the friends....BC.....this was a guy that I casually knew, but not really a good friend. He sees me at the window, and comes in. First thing he says is "did they find it?". LOL. He goes to one of the couches, reaches under, and low and behold pulls out a bag with vials of hash oil. They didn't find it....doh! So he then proceeds to tell me that when they were taking everyone away......he ran. LOL. Apparently they chased/searched for him for a while, with dogs......but he eluded capture! Soooo.....as he's standing here telling me this, suddenly the front door opens, and there's a couple of cops standing there! They don't say much of anything......just come and grab BC and take him. Mr. Neighbour had seen BC come out of his car and into the house. Soooo, after running away, being chased by dogs, and getting away, he gets in his car, is going to leave, but sees me in the window and now knows someone is there.....comes in to get his drugs.....aaaaand gets busted anyway. Meanwhile, my dad goes down to the jail (in the middle of the night). He got in to see my bf, WM, and heard his story. Dad told me later, that he knew WM was telling the truth, because of all the drywall in his hair. lol. Anyway, the cop that was at the centre of all this.....the one who put WM's head through the wall, and the one who Bob punched and was fighting with........was known to my dad.......and was known on the force as an idiot with a reputation for lying and bullying. We'll call him Constable H. Also, he'd apparently been involved before with missing evidence (ie. drugs).......everyone thought he'd taken it but there was no proof. Sooo, my dad, bless his heart.......gets my friends out of jail. Basically I think he talked to the judge, and vouched for them, that they would show up for court on Monday. So, about 7 a.m. the kiddies all come home.....except for one! My good friend DS (who is still a good friend today).......was not let out of jail, because he had an out of province drivers licence. I call my poor dad back, after he probabaly just got back to bed, and tell him. Back to the jail he goes, and gets DS sprung. Needless to say, the friends pretty much thinks dad rocks at this point. So, they then appear in court on the Monday.......and are charged with a variety of complaints. The main ones were.......EVERYONE got charged with "obstruction of justice", and Bob and WM also got charged with "assaulting a police officer".....pretty serious stuff. They get a lawyer, time goes by, and finally the trial comes. I have to testify......bascially my testimony was supporting the fact that the stereo was not loud and that the noise complaint was bogus to begin with (ie. I was sleeping through all this "noise"). Things weren't looking too good......it came down to Bob and WM's word, against the cops........but amazingly, the trial judge was fair and dismissed the charges (my dad had told me that this judge had a reputation of being extremely fair, but also extremely harsh......so he'd give you a fair day in court, but if he found you guilty, then god help you). He said, right out in open court........."I've heard the story of Mr. Granger and Mr. M.....and I've heard the story from the police officers. Quite frankly, I'm inclined to believe Mr. Granger and Mr. M........charges dimissed". Side notes to this story:- the story got written up in the newspaper. The way it was written, to someone who didn't know......it sounded like a huge party with 200 kids rioting against the police. The headline said something like "Rebelous youths attack police at party". It gave me my first taste of the spin that the media can put on things, and how misleading it can be. - Bob and WM lodged a complaint against Constable H for excessive force - we all had to go in, including me.........had to sit alone in a little room with an Internal Affairs detective, with a microphone and tell the story. The boys lost.......and Constable H was not disciplined.- when the cops were searching the house, and giving me the third degree......they came across the rental lease. They called the landlord, while I was standing there.......and told him that he should reevaluate renting his house to these guys........they were evicted the following week. - several years later.....Constable H made the news again, and was kicked off the police force. He had stopped a chick for DUI.....he told her that if she would give him a blow job, he would drop the charge. She complied and gave him his BJ. He wrote VOID across her copy of the summons. However, he (mistakenly?) still submitted his copy of the charge. When she didn't show up for court (because she thought the charge was dropped).......a warrent was issued for her. Once the cops caught up with her, she told her story......the cops didn't believe her initially, but she still had her copy of the summmons with VOID written across it. Yet another internal affairs investigation was done, and in the end, she was proven right, and Constable H was dismissed from the force. This was in the newspapers. And that is the end of my extremely long story.
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Story time....VERY long one. I'm gonna write it, cuz I'm bored. This post reminded me of it, because it involves fighting with cops.
Your dad is a champ. Those guys were totally hosed without his help.
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We got some SNOW last night. View out the back door.PICT0002.jpg
Looks like a god damn snow ghost is haunting you. Congrats, Zona. No matter who wins the AFC Championship, I'm a Cardinals fan for the next two weeks.
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