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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

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Has anyone ever done a 'day' at a spa?I'm looking at some packages for DnA's Smokey Mountain getaway.I dont know what a typical day should look like, like should you do the massage, manicure, pedicure, body wraps, mud wraps, etc etc.I've never really done anything but a massage so meh no idear.Been looking at these two placeshttp://www.gatlinburgdayspa.com/and http://www.smokymountainsalonandspa.com/im...mssbrochure.pdf

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Holy shit it sucks to have to work after going on a Bunny-type wine bender.

Ok.. so I don't have all of the Army phone #'s programmd into my phone.. Can anyone tell me.. Who is Area code 307 who sent me a picture of a little girl?
Like a KID?
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Brett's cell is probably Wyoming, the Shavers are 571.
Really? Where do you think Brett is from then? :club: For future, when you type any area code into google, the first hit is: "Show map of area code XXX".
I don't think Brett sent me a picture of a little girl? Niece or something?
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I would hate going to the movies if it were cheap. It's not, so I REALLY hate it. I haven't been in years.
Same here. I only go if I REALLY want to see a movie right when it comes out.Last movie I can remember seeing in the theatres is Clerks 2. I think that was about a year and a half ago.
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Ok.. so I don't have all of the Army phone #'s programmd into my phone.. Can anyone tell me.. Who is Area code 571 who sent me a picture of a bottle of wine?Who is Area code 307 who sent me a picture of a little girl?
571 should be Raq or J.Only 307 I have is Brett.
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Wow, really?This is how it's gonna be today? I never dreamed there'd be more activity in here on Christmas Eve than on Boxing Day. WTF is Boxing Day anyway? No, Jeff, you do not need to go look it up and quote it for me as I am just giving you grief.Since nobody's here, I guess I'll tell stories and pretend you're here. Here goes:Friday was my work party. That went well. I got pretty tipsy and won a bottle of wine in the Dirty Santa gift exchange. Then Ozz and I went to Will and Theresa's to pick up the copy of RockBand Theresa had commandeered for my nephews. We got high with them and had an interesting conversation about the physical size of the universe and what that might mean about a physical God if he exists and our relationship to such a God. Then Ozz and I went to see Sweeney Todd. It's very very good but not necessarily for mass consumption. I enjoyed it quite a lot but most people probably wouldn't. It's a musical of course and a bit gory and just a bit odd as all Tim Burton films tend to be so I don't think you can necessarily recommend it to just everyone but I enjoyed it quite a lot. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter can both sing really well and I thought Stephen Sondheim's production translated well to the big screen.Saturday we got up and headed to Dallas for Ozz's family Christmas. His stepbrother, Gregg, rode with us and once again we got high and had some great conversation on the way. Once we got there, Ozz's other stepbrother - Gregg's real brother, Mark and his family were already there along with Ozz's Dad & stepmom and Ozz's mom and sister. We played Dirty Santa and dressed up Mark and Gregg as Christmas trees. The kids enjoyed that a lot. Ozz, Gregg, Susan (Ozz's sister) and I were well into a 12 pack by that point so we enjoyed it too. In the Dirty Santa I got a pretty silver and gold bangle watch from my mother in law and a DVD copy of 'Where the Buffalo Roam'. Mark and his family left shortly thereafter because it was snowing in OKC and they had to get back and were worried about the roads. Ozz's mom has some slot machines that she used to have in her bar in Susan's basement gameroom. Ozz, Gregg, Susan and I set to work on figuring out what was wrong with them because we were nearly through a 12 pack by now and were bored. We got 2 of the 4 up and running and decided to have a slot tournament. Susan and I were up first. 1000 credits and 20 minutes. If you bust, you're out. If not, at the end of 20 minutes, the one with the most credits wins and advances. It looked for a long time like Susan was going to win but in the last 5 minutes, I hit the jackpot for 2300 credits and beat her soundly. Then Ozz and Gregg played their session and they did all kinds of weird shit where they were slowrolling each other. They were really playing some kinds of strategy whereas Susan and I were just hitting the button. Ozz won so then it was Ozz vs. me and I beat him in uneventful fashion to win the $20 pool. Then we smoked some more in the basement bathroom and went upstairs to play dominoes with Ozz's parents. After the 'rents left, we smoked and drank and played dominoes until we all passed out. It was kind of like being 16 again. It was a lot of fun. Next morning we got up and Ozz and I and Gregg headed home but decided to stop at the casino in Thackerville. That's the one I meet Brad at when Brad's here. Ozz and Gregg played poker but I was so freakin' high I just stuck to the penny machines. I lost $60. Ozz lost $200. Gregg won $75.Monday we got up early to pick up some last minute things my mom needed for her party then headed over there at about 1. My contribution to my mom's parties every year is the ribs and the champagne. There were about 9 of us who would be drinking so I brought 10 bottles of champagne knowing that most of that would be drunk by my brother in law and me. I had to leave after a couple of hours to go pick up the ribs and I was almost back when my sister called my cell phone to find out where I was. Seems that my mom and brother in law were drunk off their asses and trying to drag the karaoke machine out on the driveway to sing to the neighbors. When I walked in the house, my mom was staggering down the hall and bouncing off the walls like a pinball. I said "Well, hello there drunk ass". She looked up and goes "OHHHHHHH my daughter! When did you get here?" Yeeeeeeeeep, Christina was right. Drunk off their asses. She managed to sober up a bit before Grandma got there. Tory (my brother in law) passed out on the couch for about 1/2 an hour. After we ate, everyone was doing better about holding their liquor and the party got going again. Santa (played by a friend of my brother) came and passed out the presents. We got the twins a ping pong table because they had so much fun playing ping pong with us when Ozz and I babysat them on the cruise. Dylan loved it. Daniel wasn't really interested but that's just how he is. He'll warm up to it. He did love his John Lennon jacket I got him though. He immediately tore the tags off it and put it on. It's a little too big for him and I told Christina she could take it back. She said no cause there's no way she'd be able to get it off of him. He really loved it. It was just a little military style jacket like we've all seen Lennon wearing in a hundred different pics but Daniel thought it was the coolest thing. I think he told me thank you for the jacket at least 7 times while Dylan did the same thing for the ping pong table. Santa made the big kids, Tory and Dakota, open their gift last. When they saw the RockBand box they freaked right out. Then their mom told them that was just the box I'd wrapped it in because I bought RB for me and Ozz earlier. Their faces fell like you just told both of them they were gonna spend the rest of their lives cleaning toilets for a living. Chris goes "Go ahead and open up your underwear and socks in front of everyone" referring to the RB box and handed Tory a knife. I was afraid he was going to stab her or me with it for a minute but when he got it open and realized she was lying, they were so excited again. Their mom made them pick up all the wrapping paper and move their gifts into neat piles in the corner before she'd let them hook it up. I don't think I've ever seen them move that fast. That game seriously is going to be the downfall of any attempts of mine to be sociable outside my house. I can totally see becoming a shut in with that game. They made me be the singer. Dakota played lead guitar, Tory on drums, and Ozz on bass. I have a new appreciation for drummers. That shit is harder than it looks. Tory and 'Kota both said over and over and over how much they appreciated it and how awesome Ozz and I were. Oh to back up for a minute - Tory's girlfriend came over for a while and when he introduced her to me he said "this is my cool aunt that I've told you about" in front of this other 2 aunts. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.Tuesday morning we went to my grandmother's. They let her out of the hospital on Saturday. She looked pretty good to me. She's got a pretty bad cut on her lower leg where she fell when she passed out but otherwise she seemed like she always seems. I got to see my step cousins from Venezuela while I was there and meet Miguel's new girlfriend from Brazil and her sister. On the way home, we got high again and decided to stop and play some penny slots since it was too early to really call it a weekend. Ozz was about even and I was down about 40 when he went to cash in the vouchers he had. I stuck my card in a machine just to kill that few minutes and it started singing. Then Ozz came over and stuck 20 in the one next to it and it started singing too. When we finally left, I was up $4 and he was up $230. Merry Christmas. Today I woke up with my allergies going haywire. My eyes are all crusty and I can't quit sneezing which makes absolutely no sense since it's currently snowing.Also, being the only one at work sucks.I think that's all I have to tell. I put the o/u at the number of you who actually read this at 4. I don't blame you. I wouldn't read it either. Except Tim. He HAS to read it.

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Wow, really?This is how it's gonna be today? I never dreamed there'd be more activity in here on Christmas Eve than on Boxing Day.
Calm down, whore. I just woke up. I actually had to work last night. :club: Get well soon, Blue.
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Long weekend recap (yes, it's going to be 99% boring)....Friday: Went to Cole's (local #1) to watch the Pens game. My buddy's wife made him head home early and I knew no one out, so I went to Settle (local #2) figuring I would know someone. Emily, the hot bi (or maybe just gay), bartender was working, Barb, cook older bartender, and Barb's boyfriend were all there, so I sat there from 11-3 with them. Emily's girlfriend came in at like 1:30 and they were making out after close while the 'tenders were cleaning up. So hot.Saturday: Stopped at my buddy's on my way to shop. 4 of us went to get Mexican and margaritas, which were huge. I sent a picture to some of you. For those I didn't, eat me. Finished my shopping, picked up SLF from the airport, stabbed, went out for my buddy's birfday. A couple of my buddies were playing pool with an older random guy, who was REAL good. This 21 year old douchebag kept losing to them. The DB kept saying to them (and me, even though I was just watching) that they were "hustlin'" him and we knew the older guy. And "I was in the military, I can see what's happening, I'm not dumb!" Finally, I flipped out on him and explained that you can't hustle people if no money is involved. It was quite the scene for a few minutes.Sunday: SLF and I went to her parent's for dinner. A few of her cousins and aunts/uncles are a little weird, so that was an adventure. After that we headed to my buddy's Christmas party at a VFW, then to a bar down that way to see some peeps.Monday: SLF and I went to my parent's for dinner. She made fish (I can't remember what find) wrapped in foil with veggies. A greek and a french. Daaaaaaaaaaamn good. With cheesecake for dessert. Then, we went to SLF's dad's bestfriend's house, that they go to every year.Tuesday: SLF and I went to her parent's house for them to open presents and had a few pancakes. Then, to my step-dad's parent's for brunch and open presents. Then, to my mom's house to open presents. Then, to my aunt's (across the street from my mom's) to eat and open presents and play Wii.Today: Woke up at 6am to be on site. It sucked and I hate it.

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Wow this sounds pretty dang relaxing:The 6 hour couples package $500 ($250 ea)Deluxe Couples Private SuiteSide by Side 1 Hour Swedish MassageFacialSpa PedicureManicure1 Hour Drawn Bath/ w/Spa accessServed cheese/chocolate fondue/wineSugar Body Scrub

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I think that's all I have to tell. I put the o/u at the number of you who actually read this at 4. I don't blame you. I wouldn't read it either. Except Tim. He HAS to read it.
I read it, I think in one post you doubled the content of every other post on FCP in the last two days.
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Has anyone ever done a 'day' at a spa?I'm looking at some packages for DnA's Smokey Mountain getaway.I dont know what a typical day should look like, like should you do the massage, manicure, pedicure, body wraps, mud wraps, etc etc.I've never really done anything but a massage so meh no idear.Been looking at these two placeshttp://www.gatlinburgdayspa.com/and http://www.smokymountainsalonandspa.com/im...mssbrochure.pdf
Depends on what she likes. If she's weird about being naked (sober) in front of people she doesn't know you should probably stay away from the wraps.
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I think that's all I have to tell. I put the o/u at the number of you who actually read this at 4. I don't blame you. I wouldn't read it either. Except Tim. He HAS to read it.
I read the whole thing. Since I work holidays, I have to live vicariously through other people's Christmas's. Sounds like a fun weekend Ren. You are def the cool aunt.I read Tim's too, because I caught the words hot bi-bartender in there.
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Wow this sounds pretty dang relaxing:The 6 hour couples package $500 ($250 ea)Deluxe Couples Private SuiteSide by Side 1 Hour Swedish MassageFacialSpa PedicureManicure1 Hour Drawn Bath/ w/Spa accessServed cheese/chocolate fondue/wineSugar Body Scrub
Will they wax the pornstache?
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Oh sure, nobody's here when I start writing the book and now you're all here. Sheesh.I forgot to tell you all the other gifts I got.I got a birthstone ring and some UGG boots from my parents.My siblings and I draw names and my sister got mine. She gave me a VS gift certificate and a picture frame with a poem about "my sister, my best friend" and a pic of us when we were kids. I cried.

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Same here. I only go if I REALLY want to see a movie right when it comes out.Last movie I can remember seeing in the theatres is Clerks 2. I think that was about a year and a half ago.
Now I'm trying to think of the last movie I saw in a theatre. I took my brother to see a Looney Tunes moves years ago...or Dumb and Dumberer was after that, I'm pretty sure. Wow...I think that was it.
new girlfriend from Brazil and her sister.
Ummm....were they hot?
Except Tim. He HAS to read it.
I sure did.
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Will they wax the pornstache?
That would probably cost too much.For some reason this entire idea reminds me of the scene in Dumb and Dumber when they are getting ready for the 'ball'
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You were right
Just because I gave you shit for not figuring out the area codes on your own doesn't mean you have to try and be mean to me. :club:
I read Tim's too, because I caught the words hot bi-bartender in there.
Esp when she wears the glasses.
Will they wax the pornstache?
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Those were excellent recaps of the holiday festivities. AlIn, pamper yourself with the full day spa treatment. You deserve it. fagI received a Sirius radio satellite receiver as a gift. I can't decide if I should go with the two year pre-paid subscription or the lifetime subscription.

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I received a Sirius radio satellite receiver as a gift. I can't decide if I should go with the two year pre-paid subscription or the lifetime subscription.
How much for each?
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I got..TOM TOM - GPSModells gift card for sneakersHair salon gift cardGuitar Hero 80's EncoreA little Panda Bear robotPajamasClinique Skin care systemNikki Sixx - Heroin Diaries book that I wanted very badly

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