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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Hmmm, never really thought about it. I really like Vegas.There are casinos in a lot of places though. What did you have in mind?
I heard Chicago is nice that time of year.
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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Was wondering about this. Haven't booked anything, but I'm pretty much a definite yes for Vegas.Who all else is going this year?I assume Renae, Ozzy, Kristen, and I think Dustin said he was in this year.I thought Yvonne was a no, and I think Josh and Sharon are doubtful.Scott? Norm? Goldie? Brad and D? Anyone else I'm forgetting?
Go ef yourself sir.
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Okay, so if you're in or you MIGHT be in say something. I'm technically in the might category right now.
Now you're a maybe?I'm gonna be stuck in Vegas by myself, aren't I?
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What are the odds you are actually coming?Okay Henry and Dustin, here is my question...Do we want to plan something in another place that's not Vegas? Just throwing it out there.
I miss Vegas, but I'm open to suggestions if it would increase participation.
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Not sure about Vegas this year....i've already put my vacation in for that time so i'm good to go on that part....but we really wanted to drive down to Miami and spend a few days doing nothing but drinking on the beach...so that's what we're torn between. We maybe open to other suggestions...california?

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Nik/Scott - didn't want to post on FB..My trip to Indy is definitely a go...I'm going to fly out May 15th during the afternoon and have to be at meetings on the 16th and 17th. I'll probably fly back home on the night of the 17th so i don't have to miss work on the 18th....i'll have to see what my options on flights are when i book my trip later this week..soooooooo.....that means i'll be available to hang out on either the 15th or 16th....let me know what date works better for you both. I have a friend I was stationed in Afghanistan with who lives there so I intend to hang out with her on the other night....I definitely can't get ridiculously hammered....this is actually a very important meeting and I'm representing my Command so yeah....no getting crazy....thinking dinner/drinks somewhere????

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All day. Happy 420 folks, having a nice evening now that I am home and partaking. Had a busy day today loading the truck for our convention in Buffalo next week. I neglected to get my enhanced licence so I can into Canada, I just can't get back.

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Nik/Scott - didn't want to post on FB..My trip to Indy is definitely a go...I'm going to fly out May 15th during the afternoon and have to be at meetings on the 16th and 17th. I'll probably fly back home on the night of the 17th so i don't have to miss work on the 18th....i'll have to see what my options on flights are when i book my trip later this week..soooooooo.....that means i'll be available to hang out on either the 15th or 16th....let me know what date works better for you both. I have a friend I was stationed in Afghanistan with who lives there so I intend to hang out with her on the other night....I definitely can't get ridiculously hammered....this is actually a very important meeting and I'm representing my Command so yeah....no getting crazy....thinking dinner/drinks somewhere????
I haven't looked ahead that far yet, but I will not miss you being here. Definitely dinner and drinks...and making out? That's not too crazy, right. :club:
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Good evening folks, caught up. To clarify, I am heading to Buffalo tomorrow morning for our convention which begins Wednesday with a Local President's Conference. You need a passport or an enhanced driver's licence to get back and forth to Canada and I have neither. I am driving a truck with the kits for the LPC from here to there and apparently it's going to snow 5 inches. Should be fun.

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