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down to 44 on ps 180 person sng

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I am down to 45 at the PS 180 person sng. First time I've played in a bigger tourney, usually just play single tables. Short on chips though, have less than 1/2 the average. If you are bored, stop over and say hello. "nhlfan" is my name.

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how is a 180 person SnG different from a regular MTT that would have 180 people? That said, 44 left out of 180 is a little early to be posting about it, but congrats anyway. good luck.

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ok, i hate to break it to you all, but getting down to 44 is NOT reason to make a post. dont even post when u get down to 18. FINAL TABLES are post-worthy. and not really in SNGs, regardless of size.
This is a sng worth posting if you make the final table. Always good to turn $20 into $1000
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haha, my post count would be at 10k if i made threads everytime i was in the last 1/4 of the field
Yeah we get it ... you have alot of posts ..... blah blah blah :wink:
hey, dont be jealous. :club: u missed a good time in Toronto, i thought u said u were gonna show up? and stay at my place, and maybe have a little session on the couch while watching dirty dancing 1 & 2 and then some brunch the next day.huh? what happend to that plan?
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haha, my post count would be at 10k if i made threads everytime i was in the last 1/4 of the field
Yeah we get it ... you have alot of posts ..... blah blah blah :wink:
hey, dont be jealous. :club: u missed a good time in Toronto, i thought u said u were gonna show up? and stay at my place, and maybe have a little session on the couch while watching dirty dancing 1 & 2 and then some brunch the next day.huh? what happend to that plan?
I really was going to try to make it but at the last minute DNA called so I went to Nashville instead. We went to dinner and had ribs, dancing at a country western bar and then back to his place where we .......... yadda yadda yadda ......... he got a cramp in his skinny little legs ...... yadda yadda .......... then we made waffles for breakfast. Probably not as much fun as the FCP party, but I now get a 10% discount on toner cartridges for life. You should send him a pm, he'll get you a discount too.
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haha, my post count would be at 10k if i made threads everytime i was in the last 1/4 of the field
I wish i could even play, but i'm under age and i make poopie in my pants
Unnecessary blow Royal, we all know I'm a better tourney player than you anyway.
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haha, my post count would be at 10k if i made threads everytime i was in the last 1/4 of the field
I wish i could even play, but i'm under age and i make poopie in my pants
Unnecessary blow Royal, we all know I'm a better tourney player than you anyway.
Ohh shit son,, that sounds rather tempting. lets do it!, forget the FCPFC, u pick some up coming MTT's and well dance the night away
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Probably none this weekend, but you name the tourneys next week Royal.
alright, the race is on! (seinfeld voice)you heard it here first folks, Zimmer and Myself doing battle in a few randomly selected MTT'show bout sunday afternoon?if not, i'd suggest like tuesday. but i'm sorta tight these next weeks too.
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Probably none this weekend, but you name the tourneys next week Royal.
alright, the race is on! (seinfeld voice)you heard it here first folks, Zimmer and Myself doing battle in a few randomly selected MTT'show bout sunday afternoon?if not, i'd suggest like tuesday. but i'm sorta tight these next weeks too.
you will get pwned
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